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Comair exit poll

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surplus1 said:
So, spare us the hypocrisy and let us decide for ourselves what we want to do for ourselves, instead of railing us about what you think we should do for YOU.

Your expressed concern for our welfare is disingenuous and transparent. This one is OUR call, whichever way it goes. It's not easy and we'll be stuggling with each other for a long time no matter what we ultimately decide. We'll solve that internal problem just as we have before; we'll overcome it and emerge together. When we have, the rest of you will still be looking in our direction and arguing about whether to us or love us, just as you are today. Nothing new about that.

There is truth here and there is hypocorocy...

The truth is that you will have to live with your decision.. They hypocrocy is that you preach how you are holyer than thou for "raising the bar", yet you still vote yes to concessions. This just proves the point that when you signed your contract, things were going fairly well in the aviation industry... Now that things are crappy, you take concessions.. How can you say to companies that have negotiated contracts post 9/11 should or even could reach the contract you negotiated PRE 9/11.
I can tell you right now that if this thing passes our expectations at ASA for an industry leading contract are out the window...

How can you say that an industry leading contract is a burdon?
Remember we (ASA) are still operating on a contract that was signed in 1998.... So this burdon you say that you have carried for so long with no help is now going to the toilet, and you are going to ensure that no other company can even try to promote thier Pay or QOL.
Inquiring minds want to know.

Some quick questions:

-Did management ever say this was a take it or leave it offer? Would a rejection send them screaming from the bargaining table never to return because that is what people seem to believe if we reject this piece of, er, bovine excrement.

-Why couldn't our MEC simply tell management, "we'll be happy to consider a pay freeze AFTER you settle your contract with ASA?" I mean, what right do we have whack our brothers aspirations -- as soon as the ink dries on their contract, we would be all ears.
What happened to the purpose of this thread?

I still have confidence in the CMR folks to vote no. I am willing to give them that respect since I feel they've earned it. It truly amazes me how easily airline management "teams" can divide and conquer.
The "facts" of this situation are not in dispute here but everyone seems to weigh them differently. Therefore, the consequences of one's vote are relevent here.
Most of you Comair guys have a G*D complex. You think your contract is the best of the best and geeze you fly a jet....WHOOPIE!

A little lesson to all those who care to learn! The last I checked the company nor the pilots dictate the need for additional aircraft. In fact the passenegers and thier purchasing habits dictate where and when an aircraft is needed and Delta Marketing makes the decision where and how to meet the demand. Hmmm sounds like what has happened to Walmart vs. Kmart....The consumer through good marketing has caused Walmart to grow explosively and Kmart to shrink....I betcha anything none of the Walmart employees took pay concessions to build new stores! Without the passengers no matter how good your contract is, there will be no growth, job security or future. Hmmm, see so matter what the union tells you about the gaurantee of job security, growth ect...they too are lying because if the company does'nt sell seats and/or continue to grow, then I don't give a dam what your contract says, YOU HAVE NO JOB!

The management is running all the way to the bank with all the money your going to give back. What other industry/job/career have you ever heard of being asked for pay freezes from thier employee(s) to purchase new/more equipment so they can make more money? Hmmmm !~ None I can think of. I would better understand if you Comair guys were voting on a pay freeze because your rates are not competitive, but that is not the case is it! No, it is because you fools have been lied to and now your drinking the kool aid. The growth will happen because it needs to and will happen with out a concessionary vote from Comair pilots.

Something no one has even metioned. When do we HAVE to RETIRE? 60!!
So that limits how much we can earn over a career and ever year we get closer is one less year we have to earn enough to survive on past 60! So take your pay freeze so you can SCREW yourselves and the ASA pilots who needed you in thier corner instead of F^(king us over!

As for who will hire your furloughed pilots? Well if you were not so stuck on yourselves then maybe you would have a chance other places. Other companies have bent over backwards trying to accomodate furloughed pilots. WHAT DID COMAIR DO? Told the Delta pilots to go Scr#w. So you have succeeded in becoming the most disliked pilot group in the industry and that has NOTHING to do with your dam contract!
BLA BLA BLA, You'll get the PLANES ANYWAYS.......

Comair pilots told management last time when we were approached for concessions to "POUND SAND".

Did Comair get any new PLANES??

I don't think so.



You guys owe Comair for the planes you received.

The true reason you want Comair to vote "NO" IS:
You want Comair's pay AND Comair's potential growth.
You are only thinking of yourselves.

If Comair says "NO" you guys at ASA, CHQ, and SKW WILL RECEIVE THESE AIRPLANES LIKE LAST TIME, and your future hard fought;) "COMAIR-1% contracts" will be worth more.
You guys have a TON to gain from our "NO" vote.

We didn't get the PLANES last time we said "NO". YOU got them because we said "NO".

You guys want us to fail. You want us to say "NO" and perish, as long as we perish with our CURRENT PAY RATES UNFROZEN. You are only thinking of yourselves.

Yes, we at Comair are thinking of ourselves too, because a "NO" vote is scary for Comair's future. Very scary and could be very devastating.

The fact YOU are not supporting us, SAYS A LOT. It says YOU are selfish.
Sorry, we don't want to KILL our airline. Our concerns are for our companies well being and for our futures at Comair.
Sorry, but you NEED to respect that, and please try to understand.

We do not deserve to be hated because we don't want to kill our airline.

What's ironic is that if anybody should be supporting us, it should be the ASA pilots. Instead, you are only looking out for yourselves and attacking us at Comair. That is very disappointing.

Which ever way this vote goes, we at Comair are going to do what we think is best for us, not you. SORRY.

Please respect that decision, and let us move on together.

Sorry that you don't understand our situation,
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jetflyer said:


You guys owe Comair for the planes you received.

Your payrates had nothing to do with the RFP airplanes. Your CASM is still lower than ASA's, even with your payrates. We told them to pound sand too, and we still got the airplanes. I don't owe you anything, you don't owe me anything. But your voting yes has hurt ASA's chances of being able to continue to raise the bar that you WERE (past tense) holding.

But helping you WILL HURT us. I wish you could understand that and respect our decision. We're scared of what will happen with a "NO". Put yourself in our shoes.

Once again we're sorry it hurts you, but shouldn't we look out for our pilot group before yours? Please try to understand and let's try to stop the bickering.

Oh and you do owe us for the planes you received:)

Delta wanted to give some of the planes to one of the WOs.

When ASA and COMAIR BOTH said "NO" they gave them to the CHEAPER ONE.

Which one was cheaper??

Oh yea, that was you.

But we're not resentful of you,

jetflyer said:
Oh and you do owe us for the planes you received:)

Delta wanted to give some of the planes to one of the WOs.

When ASA and COMAIR BOTH said "NO" they gave them to the CHEAPER ONE.

Which one was cheaper??

Oh yea, that was you.

But we're not resentful of you,


Let me say this again, slow so you can understand it. YOU HAVE A LOWER CASM THAN ASA DOES. If you still don't konw what that means, it means that CMR IS CHEAPER THAN ASA, even with your higher payrates. If DAL wanted to give those RFP airplanes to the cheaper WO operator, YOU WOULD HAVE GOTTEN THEM. No, I don't owe you for those airplanes, nor does any other ASA pilot. We got them because DAL wanted them to go to us. You will get these because DAL wants them to go to you. These airplanes may allow you to hire more pilots, and they may allow a little faster upgrades, but look back in this thread for how much they will end up costing your pilots in real $$. You voted yes so Fred can get a bigger bonus, not so you could get some pretty new planes.

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