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Comair exit poll

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Let me say this slowly so you can understand it. You seem to not understand the game that Delta plays.

It's called the "whipsawing of union groups against each other"

I can pull you aside and explain it to you one on one if you want me to.

Do you think Delta gives a flying hoot about CASM, and yes I know what it is thank you:). I think they've proven they want control of LABOR. You seem to not understand. Sorry.

Before you come back with the same tired argument over and over, answer this question before you bore me:

If Comair would have taken the paycuts the first time, would they have received some of the 50 seaters??



You are completely wrong that ASA WAS SUPPOSED TO RECEIVE THOSE PLANES.

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Well, lets see. ASA told management no when asked for a contract extension, just as CMR said no to concessions. ASA had a higher CASM, so while DAL would have made more money by placing them at CMR, they still placed them at ASA. So yes, I think that they knew that ASA was going to get them before the RFP was issued. Moronic, maybe, but you didn't get them with an already lower CASM, I don't think that lowering it another cent or so would have mattered.

OK, you proved it you ARE a MORON.

I’m tired, you’re boring me, and I need to go to bed. We’ll continue this discussion at another time.

Goodnight friend:),

jetflyer said:

OK, you proved it you ARE a MORON.


Kind of the pot calling the kettle black, huh?
JI Selfish said:
You ought to make a bag sticker out of that. It sums up who you are and what you bring to the fight.

I'd have more respect for you if you just voted yes and closed your pie hole.

DrunkIrishman said:
What happened to the purpose of this thread?

I still have confidence in the CMR folks to vote no. I am willing to give them that respect since I feel they've earned it. It truly amazes me how easily airline management "teams" can divide and conquer.

I too, still hold out hope that the no votes will toss this POS back in Fred's lap. Unfortunately I have given into the temptation to comment on some of the Comair pilots, but only because they have come on here trying to justify their lack of fortitude.

I have a hard time with someone who gets on and publicly states that he took "Low Road" and then wants to spend the next week telling you why it was such a good idea.
To borrow a quote from another Comair Pilot:
“My arms are getting pretty tired of holding up the Bar so everyone else can walk under it.”

How long must we hold up this Bar? How many times can we afford to watch growth aircraft sent to non-ALPA, or non-Union carriers? If anything, I’m a Unionist interested in protecting Union jobs. And General, before you take a shot at me, Comair is not doing any flying that you didn’t vote to send our way.

I was a hard core NO vote for a long time, however there's a time to vote no and a time to mend fenses and work with management. A risk? yes. Allows "Face Saving"? Maybe. When I was able to eliminate emotion from the equation, I could more clearly see the path before me. Ask a United or a US Air Pilot Whats the maximum he would vote to give back and save his job.

Whether you agree or not, I believe this LOA protects Union jobs on our current senority list for at least 5 years if aircraft are deliverd as promised. 5 years is a long time in this industry.

I'm a 16 year Capt in the CRJ. My quality of life is as good as it will ever get. 10 more 50 seat and 25 70 seat aircraft will not improve it. So you can see my motivation is not for self interest.

I see as two choices with different Odds. One choice is a 50/50 you loose. the other is at least a 80/20 you win.

I think I'll take the 80/20 choice.

p.s. A furloughed Delta pilot was just hired. I understand he kept his Delta number. Another Union Job protected.
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Surplus 1 is Judas, not John the Baptist


Interesting that you now support left over barganing and turn to religious metaphors when objective demonstrable facts that support your position are lacking. I even thought your metaphor was lousy. A better comparison is Judas, who sold out the cause for silver.

Turning Judas on your ASA friends ( who did say NO ) will cost you their unity. Turning Judas on the ASA pilots means that we no longer have the support to jack our end of the house.

We can whip saw management, or management can whip saw us. We now know who was whipped.

This is predatory bargaining - engaged in by Comair's MEC and being supported by Comair's pilots. You are no better than the Roman Guard, the Delta MEC, or ALPA National because you now endorse their policies.

ASA does not currently have someone to step up to the plate in the way that Dan Ford has, and watching you turn colors leaves my faith in the idea that ALPA can be fixed badly shaken.

While there is no link between this action by the Comair pilots and the RJDC, the fact that the Comair pilots have engaged in this act undermines the moral legitimacy of the effort begun by the Comair pilots. Those of us who have stood beside ( and financially supported ) Comair pilots in their fight for equal and fair representation within ALPA are sickened.

If John the Baptist had stopped to buy a new Chariot with Jesus Robes - it would have given Christianity a lousy reputation.


Comair - Your Delta Concession Connection
jarhead said:
To borrow a quote from another Comair Pilot:
“My arms are getting pretty tired of holding up the Bar so everyone else can walk under it.”

Oh please. Save me the peity-infused rhetoric. If Comair pilots have tired arms, it is from patting themselves on the back.

jarhead said:
If anything, I’m a Unionist interested in protecting Union jobs. And General, before you take a shot at me, Comair is not doing any flying that you didn’t vote to send our way.

No, you are not a unionist, you are Comair pilot looking out for yourself. That's fine, but don't try to cloak it with the banner of union brotherhood and trade unionism.

It's embarrassing.
Well said Fins.

I couldn't even touch the J the B metaphor. It was almost laughable.

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