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Comair exit poll

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The low pressure over CVG must be caused due to the Comair pilots massive ingestion of cool aid. In one week I saw Comair pilots go from "we are the most profitable regional airline" to "OH MY GOD IF WEE DON'T CUT OUR PAY WE WILL GO CHAPTER 7, WE WILL LOSE OUR JOBS, OUR MOTHERS WILL NOT LOVE US, WAAAAAAHHHHH, RUN"

Freddie Smooth Talk can do that in a week?

This is Delta Connection fighting over the scraps of the Delta MEC's left over barganing. Your "yes" vote endorses ALPA's scope strategy. Your "yes" vote legitimizes the alpa apartied system. Your "yes" vote tells management that concessions for growth is the strategy for the future. Maybe what this business needs are more military pilots and less Embry Riddle and Delta Concession Academy Grads fighting over who gets to fly the Seminole with the Garmin radios.

No - we don't respect you - we recognize you for what you are. We recognize whipsaw and know that management will be back to ask you for more after they finish with us. We know that airplane purchasing decisions are not made over $5.00 in hourly crew costs.

He11, it costs more to staff the redundant management teams and pay for unecessary hotel rooms, crew costs and scheduling inefficiencies to operate overlapping alter ego air carriers than your measly pay cut gives Delta back. This is a moral victory for management and a morale loss for ALPA members who stood beside you to improve this profession.

Hey - you take care of #1. Who needs unity, right?

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You guys don't see that we are faced with an aging fleet. This LOA protects US from going below 199 planes.

It says that when the AGING AIRCRAFT LEAVE, they have to replace them to keep the number at 199! This is very valuable to our pilot group and airline.

We would all be able to keep our jobs, as the fleet was replaced because of this provision.

35 planes, heck this LOA means 4 X that number more, when you count the replacement aircraft too. This would keep US ALL EMPLOYED.

I think you guys would rather us say "NO" and be out on the streets furloughed than us doing what is right for us. AMAZING and very selfish of you.

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surplus1 said:
Thank you for the good wishes. A word of caution -- if everytime you come into the room you smell sh!t, the first place you need to look is your own shoes, not Comair's shoes.

The funny thing is, I walk around all day and dont smell a thing. Then I see "surplus1" and guess what? It starts smelling again. I didn't say Comair smells, just your "COMAIR PILOTS ARE ON A HIGHER PEDASTAL" attitude.
patriotflier said:
One more thing jet! Have you ever held a real world job out side of flying or did you go through one of those programs that daddy paid for?

Your ignorance is amazing!!!!!

I thought I'd let this go but I can't. I come from a poor household. I owe much debt from college and my flight training. I graduated SUMMA cum laude from that university.

I flew 135 freight for close to two years in large twin engine aircraft. I paid my dues and was thanking God every day when Comair hired me when I had close to 3000 hours. I thought I was going to be flying cruddy 135 for the rest of my life.

To answer your question, daddy didn't pay for squat, and I am not ignorant.

Sorry for this post, I just get sick of the personal attacks that occur on here, when you stand up for what you believe in.

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jetflyer said:
I think you guys would rather us say "NO" and be out on the streets furloughed than us doing what is right for us. AMAZING and very selfish of you.



Here is a time line for you, you putz:

Three weeks ago - :) UNITY :), Comair pilots are confident their Company is doing well.

Two weeks ago - Freddy Smooth Talk comes in tells you the sky is falling and waives a pitcture of an E170 under your nose.

Currently - You can't vote quick enough to try to "get me, mine"

March Second - The ASA pilots loathe and hate you, the race to the bottom has a competitor that makes Dale Earnheart look like the Pope.

The ASA pilots have not changed, the ASA pilots did not break the unity, ASA pilots ( like me ) have done nothing but send your pilots and your causes personal checks to financially support our mutually beneficial quest and now, ASA pilots like me see you as self serving scum. The ASA pilots saw you as brothers, supported one list when you were not growing and you were senior to us - not any more. Your vote makes you a threat to destroy with our harmful votes. Lack of unity is pleasant 'eh?

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Oakum_Boy said:
Thank you Comair for the mortal precedent. Dangle a shiny new jet in front of pilots = automatic givebacks. I suppose we ASA folks have nothing to aspire to, since you gave it all away. All that hold the line b.s. for nothing. This industry sucks.

I agree completely. We have seen our true enemy, and it is ourselves!
scopeCMRandASA said:
Has there ever been ANYONE on here backpedaling as fast as Surplus1 the past few days?

--a formerly concerned regional pilot

I'm slow so forgive me. What do you think I'm backpedaling about? I really don't have a clue so tell me.
Last time I checked, we're Comair pilots, NOT ASA PILOTS.

I'm glad I'm doing what is right for ALL of OUR EMPLOYEES, even the janitors. I'm glad they and the pilots will be able to keep our jobs from this and have JOB SECURITY FOR THE FUTURE.

We are not selling you out, and sorry you see it that way.

The PROVISION keeping the fleet from shrinking below 199 is too great, and will keep our company from shrinking as aircraft are replaced.

Sorry guys. You need to try to understand and PLEASE respect this as OUR DECISION not yours,

surplus1 said:
I'm slow so forgive me. What do you think I'm backpedaling about? I really don't have a clue so tell me.
Your are not slow - we know that :) You are in what Dr. Laura would call, "an ethical dilemma" and we are astounded to see the Emperor in a thong and shower shoes.

Perhaps he means your complete reversal on :
  1. concessionary bargaining
  2. predatory bargaining
  3. endorsement of ALPA's apartied scope policy
  4. buying Buttrell's economic allegation when both ALPA and the Company say that there was no economic analysis of this ever performed
  5. crashing the unity between the ASA and Comair pilot groups
I'm thinking this is the beginning of the end for the RJDC. At least a third of the support base is not feeling the same old warm and fuzzy for the integrity of Comair pilots.

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