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Comair exit poll

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post number 127

A Clarification to post #127 on this thread.

I (jarhead) am not a Comair pilot and never have been. I did not post that particular item. I have a son who is beginning his ninth year as a Comair Capt. He did not post it either. My son has my permission to log on under my handle, which he does from time to time to lurk and read the various posts here. I could count on one hand the number of times he has posted under my logon, and he has my permission to do that also.

I know the Comair pilot (the 16 year Comair Capt.) who put up post #127, and I know him personally. He also has no “membership” on flightinfo, and I do not object to him voicing his view here. The 16 year captain is over at the house of my son, the 9 year captain, helping him with a remodeling project of his basement today.

I surmise that while taking a coffee break, the two of them went into my son’s office and read here. That is when #127 was put up here. Many readers here know that I have never been a commercial pilot, and that even if I were, I’m 64 years old and would have been done with it anyway by now.

No harm, no foul. I just did not to not leave an impression that I make it up as to who I am as I go along.
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Ok ~~~

Given the choices, what would you have us do?

1. Vote this thing down and have the airplanes go to CHQ or Skywest? I for one have no doubt the aircraft will not come here if this is voted down. Why? That would show a weakness on the DAL side which I believe would be totally unacceptable to them.

2. Vote it in and grow to maintain the highest pay matrix (and QOL) that would be enhanced in the future.

Besides, can't this be to your advantage? If this agreement is acceptable to Delta, why can't you demand it?

It's still the highest paying matrix, it has rigs (granted beneficial to only some), 100% deadhead pay (I don't know if you guys have that or not), retirement, I believe the highest per diem at $1.75, and block or actual flight time without a pilot-pushing incentive (from the CHQ contract).

Another thing to think about (not that it would change much), it isn't our contract you should be improving upon. It should have one of MANY since our ratification.

I'm certainly not doing the "happy dance" over this, but it may be neccessary to keep the hardest fighting group around for the next battle.

jetflyer said:
But helping you WILL HURT us. I wish you could understand that and respect our decision. We're scared of what will happen with a "NO". Put yourself in our shoes.

Once again we're sorry it hurts you, but shouldn't we look out for our pilot group before yours? Please try to understand and let's try to stop the bickering.


HOLY CRAP.. I think Comair Management kidnapped jetflyer, strapped him to a chair and INJECTED the KoolAid straight into his viens...

HEY JET... I have a question for you.. Were you Scared of what would happen in 2001 when you voted to strike?
Ward: Correct - I would have voted this down. When the RFP airplanes came around we quashed it then and would do the same today.

You guys forget that you are owned by Delta. You are a Delta asset. Delta has the incentive to keep their asset running with up to date equipment. I imagine that Delta could care less about keeping Skywest and Chautauqua in new jets.

Our seven year old contract has 100% deadhead pay, 6% 401K match, and higher of block, or flight time. So we are behind you by $0.25 on per diem and we don't have a look back duty rig. We did pretty good last time we were given "the bar" and I expect we will repeat our performance given our importance to Delta's primary hub.

Hopefully we will not get our own version of Freddie Smooth Talk to scare the bejeesus out of junior pilots while enticing senior guys with shiny E170's.

Maybe it is because you embarrassed your buddy "Fred" during the strike that he shut you out of the RFP airplanes. But more than likely Delta was simply re-aligning operations knowing that Comair would be doing ACA flying and ASA and CHQ would be needed to backfill. But, Comair pilots & management are not making sense.

If your contract is so good and still #1 ( Still the highest cost ) then how is it enough to justify giving you additional airplanes?

I just think you guys have had to go two years without growth ( gasp ) and the lack of 26 year old 1,500 hour Captains has some thinking the world is coming to an end. If you want something to really worry about, take a look at Delta's balance sheet and tell me how they are going to buy anything after this fall. Perhaps they are just getting you fat for the IPO / Relisting.

In either case your vote will not effect the results. Even if the net result is 20 million that is still peanuts in an 1.2 to 1.4 Bn operation. The price of fuel effects results much more. All your vote did is break up the unity between the ASA and Comair pilots.

After we all calm down and a couple of Comair pilots get screamed at in ATL I am sure that the ASA & Comair MEC's will make up. We need unity, so badly that we have to forgive your cheatin ways. The RJDC effort is probably going to die - at least at ASA - because there is no point in a Holy War when you are aligned with infidels.

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av8tor4239 said:
HOLY CRAP.. I think Comair Management kidnapped jetflyer, strapped him to a chair and INJECTED the KoolAid straight into his viens...

HEY JET... I have a question for you.. Were you Scared of what would happen in 2001 when you voted to strike?

Anyone who was not "Scared" when casting a vote to strike would be a fool or a liar. It does take courage to put your livelyhood on the line. That said, I recall a greater than 98% vote to strike was cast, with fear and all.
I wasn't scared.

I came to Comair RIGHT after the strike. What the pilot's did before me was courageous and VERY admirable. I thank them every day. They are the best people to work with at any airline.

jetflyer said:
If Comair says "NO" you guys at ASA, CHQ, and SKW WILL RECEIVE THESE AIRPLANES LIKE LAST TIME, and your future hard fought;) "COMAIR-1% contracts" will be worth more.


jetflyer said:
Yes, we at Comair are thinking of ourselves too, because a "NO" vote is scary for Comair's future. Very scary and could be very devastating.

I think this one is Orange KOOL AID

jetflyer said:
The fact YOU are not supporting us, SAYS A LOT. It says YOU are selfish.
Sorry, we don't want to KILL our airline. Our concerns are for our companies well being and for our futures at Comair.

Here is some grape KOOL AID

jetflyer said:
Which ever way this vote goes, we at Comair are going to do what we think is best for us, not you. SORRY.

No one is asking you do anything for anyone else but yourselves... DO YOU REALIZE you are taking concessions for somthing you as a pilot Have no control over.. COMAIR PILOTS CAN NOT CONTROL GROWTH.. NO PILOT GROUP CAN CONTROL GROWTH.

Here it is one more time for you JET... PILOTS can not control growth... YOur management will tell you you can, but they are LYING TO YOU.. you can not control growth.. you can not control growth

jetflyer said:
Sorry that you don't understand our situation,

I understand your situation... you were lied to by your management on the road shows and in emails etc. and now you have taken everything that the comair pilot group has worked so hard for and voted it out the window.. at the same time making it almost impossible for other pilot groups (ASA and Pinnicle right now.. and more to come in the future) to gain a contract that will keep us from becoming MARTA drivers, Amtrack Drivers, or Greyhound Drivers. I think Everyone understands your situation...
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jetflyer said:
I came to Comair RIGHT after the strike. What the pilot's did before me was courageous and VERY admirable. I thank them every day. They are the best people to work with at any airline.

jetflyer said:

It's a good flavor that promises prosperity and job security:) and no I wasn't scared.


p.s. your kool-aid joke had me rolling:)
Were they doing interviews at "the Academy?" Sounds a lot like someone who applied during the strike.

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