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Comair exit poll

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In my best Sam Waterston voice from Law & Order.... JetFlyer is in the witness box looking like a Cat that just ate a Canary in his blue interview suit....

And after the strike didn't they promise that the airline would double in size? And now aren't you just at the upgrade to Captain, but for a few lines of being able to hold a schedule? Isn't this all about you, your upgrade, your wanting to get those couple of airplanes that put you where you want to be - to he!! with the profession and to he!! with unity?

Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, I submit to you that the Defendant, Mr. JetFlyer's "yes" vote was not about "job security for all of Comair's employees," as he has written. Further JetFlyer has no respect for the pilots of Comair that have fought to make his profession into a life worth living. He is not worried about the age of Comair's fleet. He just wants a short upgrade, a fast track, a way ahead of others and is trying to fool all of us into believing this was necessary for the employees of Comair. Perjury on the FlightInfo board is not to be taken lightly!

Next we call Surplus to the stand.
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No, I will not upgrade from this. I am smack in the middle of the F.O. list.

Nice reference to law and order, though.

Trust me I'm not being self-serving, that will get me nowhere.

I'm thinking about our group, and it's ok for you to question my intentions. But you are wrong for saying I'm only saying what I'm saying FOR MYSELF.

Dang you're wrong a lot,


Gotta hand it to you, you get some style points and humor points on that Law & Order post.

This BB could use more of both. :)
Plus Surplus1 is being the farthest I've EVER seen him from being SELF-SERVING by supporting this LOA.

How could a senior pilot like Surplus be only thinking of himself on this LOA?

It's impossible. He cares about the group and the COMPANY, God Forbid, and we all admire him.

I think it's wonderful that middle of the pack F.O.s and 16 year captains are coming together on this LOA. I think the unity is needed.

Once again, dang you're wrong a lot,
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I guarantee you as well, that if I were a 25 year 70 seat Captain, I'd vote YES on this.

I swear to God, and I don't do that often, my intentions are noble.

Don't ever question me again,

jetflyer said:
I'm thinking about our group, and it's ok for you to question my intentions. But you are wrong for saying I'm only saying what I'm saying FOR MYSELF.

How 'bout we all start thinking about what is best for the entire profession? You talk about how you think this will help the Comair pilot group (it won't, but you aren't smart enough to figure that out), but how about what this will do to the entire regional industry? Two very large regionals (ASA, PCL) are currently in negotiations hoping to raise the bar for the entire profession. Meanwhile, jetflyer is worried about getting new airplanes even if it means the rest of the industry must suffer.

As for your "aging fleet" comment, that is just ridiculous. 14 year old RJs are not "aging." Those planes have many years left in them and they aren't going anywhere for quite some time. The CMR fleet will not shrink no matter how you vote on these concessions. You're just stretching to find any excuse you can to justify taking it up the a$$ to get more and bigger airplanes. The rest of us aint buying it, so give it up.

When it comes right down to it, this is concessions for growth. You can try to sugarcoat it, but that's all it is. If you vote no on these concessions, the worst case scenario is stagnation at CMR. Is that really so bad? Growth will stop eventually anyway. You can't keep growing forever. At some point the airline will reach maturity and stop taking on new aircraft. What will you do then? Accept Mesa-5% to steal their flying? Where does it all stop? I'm beginning to think that it will never stop. At this rate we will all be making Greyhound driver wages to fly 777s. Someone has to stop this nonsense. I was hoping the CMR pilots had enough common sense and loyalty to their fellow pilots, but I guess I was wrong.
PCL_128 said:
How 'bout we all start thinking about what is best for the entire profession?QUOTE]

Comair did that nearly 4 years ago with the strike, and no one followed. They (not I) did their part. We (now I) are done doing what's best for "the industry" and are going into self preservation mode. Sorry if you don't see it our way, but the rest of the "regionals" gave us no choice.
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It is what is best for OUR pilot group and company. If you would get your head out of your a$$ and look at it from our viewpoint, YOU would see that.

Once again, you want us to VOTE "NO" SO:
1) You can get these GROWTH airplanes.
2) You can get a BETTER "COMAIR -1%" Contract.

We know what your intentions are for attacking Comair pilots. They are totally self serving.

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