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Comair exit poll

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ACE said:
LMAO....You were offered our contract?...LMAO. Somehow I doubt it. We do work for the same overall management right? If you have proof of that one, please do show us.

Laugh till you puke if it makes you feel better. ASA WAS offered CMR's contract, as written, when we started negotiations. We were aspiring to better what you had when we went into negotiations, so we turned down the offer. Who knows what we can get now that our brothers have accepted concessions for growth.
jetflyer said:

I stand corrected, you don't care about your fellow reserve CAs and FOs or the bottom of your seniority list, so YOU DO NOT CARE ABOUT NEW PLANES.

Sorry jetflyer, but that's just life. Growth has to stop at some point. No company can continue to grow perpetually. Whether it is tomorrow or next year or 5 years from now, at some point the management at the mainline carriers will realize that there are too many RJs crowding up the skies and then the regional growth will stop. Yes, there will be pilots stuck on reserve for a very long time. Yes, upgrades will take many years. Again, that's just the way business works. You can't keep undercutting forever to try to continue the growth. We are employees, not a charitable organization. We aren't here to buy management new airplanes.

I hope we can mend these fences and regain our full support for each other one day.

Don't count on it. If you take these concessions then you are far worse than Mesa as far as I am concerned. At least Mesa had an alter-ego non-union airline stealing their flying to justify their accepting of such a crappy contract in order to stop Freedom. The Comair pilots have no such thing. You are just willing to whore yourself out for new airplanes with shiny new paint on them. If there was even the slightest possibility that you would lose your current airplanes then I might be able to sympathize, but I just can't accept concessions for GROWTH.

Also, I guarantee, YOU MAY NOT, but if the rest of your pilot group were offered a deal like the one offered to Comair pilots, THEY WOULD TAKE IT IN A HEART BEAT.

I garinteeee:)


I certainly can't speak for the entire pilot group, but it would certainly be a NO vote from me. I also doubt that the DTW pilot group would vote yes on such a deal. As for the pilots in the other bases, I just don't know. It's possible, but I would denounce my own pilot group just as loudly if they accepted the deal you are supporting.
~~~^~~~ said:
Jet which is it? You want full support, or you want us undercutting each other for airplanes?

You need those fences - to keep a bunch of angry ASA pilots from kicking your little self serving, I'm all for me, butt.

I believe YOU should support us for our decision here. You need to see that we have been cornered.

They've got us where they want us.
They've got us scared.
They have us wondering what will happen if there is a "NO" vote and believing the worst.
They win this time. We are guaranteed to not go below 199 aircraft even if some of the airplanes are retired for age. We have been given a good deal.

I think we're gonna take it.
I think you need to come to an understanding over that.
I think you need to support us even if we're making a wrong decision.
I think you need to support us for the better of our unity.

We are sorry and that is all we can say,

JI Gone OH said:
Hey look, I'm not sure what the answer is for you guys down in ATL. What I do know is that I have been at COMAIR for over 3 years, and y'all have been negociating for just about the entire time I have been here. I appreciate and believe that you were planning on raising the bar, but the question is when? We can't afford to sit around and wait for you, and in the meantime watch these airplanes continue be allocated to other "portfolio" carriers, esp. the non-WO's like CHQ. It's time for us to either ride the pine or get in the game. I prefer the latter....

Just how long do you think that CMR was in negotiations before they were released to strike? Maybe you should ask around. If you think that the ASA pilots have something to do with the length of our negotiations you are sadly mistaken.
PCL_128 said:
Don't count on it. If you take these concessions then you are far worse than Mesa as far as I am concerned. At least Mesa had an alter-ego non-union airline stealing their flying to justify their accepting of such a crappy contract in order to stop Freedom. The Comair pilots have no such thing. You are just willing to whore yourself out for new airplanes with shiny new paint on them.

We have CHQ, SKW, ASA, and even MESA along with all the other regionals willing to undercut COMAIR to worry about.


p.s. gotta go eat dinner with my wife, have fun chatting:)

And who did we have helping us during negotiations????? Not one airline. We did it on our own much like you at ASA should do if you want to be successful. If you think that CMR is going to give you the ability to gain a positive working agreement then you are mistaken. Quit riding my back, your weighing me down! Now go find your own ball to play with. You negotiate your contract and I will negotiate mine.ASA needs to step up and prove that you have the Ba!!s to fight for a good contract. The top is a lonely place. With that said, I voted no.

jetflyer said:
We have CHQ, SKW, ASA, and even MESA along with all the other regionals willing to undercut COMAIR to worry about.

Yep - well you have shown us the way. In negotiations the smarter person will try to not give the other party emotional reasons to take unreasonable positions. Your MEC failed to take care not to severely pi$$ off the ASA pilots. We might just come after you for spite. What if we all use your logic in deciding how to vote? But, we do agree about one thing - my hot girlfriend is home from work and the weather is a lot better in Atlanta than CVG. Thinking it is time to pull the top off the zoom zoom machine that sits on the battery charger until days like this.
Wacopilot said:

And who did we have helping us during negotiations????? Not one airline. We did it on our own much like you at ASA should do if you want to be successful.

With that said, I voted no.

Waco, I sent money from my business to cater lunch (BBQ as I recall) for your guys in MCO, sent money for pilot assistance and sent much more money to the RJDC. You sound ungrateful.

But you voted no - and I am grateful for that.
Wacopilot said:

And who did we have helping us during negotiations????? Not one airline. We did it on our own much like you at ASA should do if you want to be successful.


Well, you sure as he!! didn't have ASA signing an agreement to freeze our pay for some new airplanes when you were in negotiations. As I remember we set the bar, then you topped it. So we DID hold up the bar for a while, and the CMR pilots can get off their high horses about having the best contract in the regional industry. We had it, you topped it, and we intended to top yours. I hope that we still can after this. And thank you for voting no.
Now that I know Jetflyer wasn't there for the strike it all makes sense. It sure is easy to justify giving away what you were not involved with earning in the first place.

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