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Comair exit poll

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FarginDooshbahg said:
My point exactly. I guess reading comprehension was never your strong suit.:rolleyes:

How's Junior? Can HE speak for himself, or are you still doing it for him?

He speaks quite well for himself....thank you. Just not on these boards, but over on the CMR ALPA boards. No, I don't speak for him, but I may tend to echo some of his sentiment over here.

My reading comprehension is just fine. Thanks for asking.

Thus endeth my side of the pi$$ing contest.

Over and out, doosh
I am not trying to add fuel to this fire. You guys will do what you feel is best for you. My point is, if you feel concessions for growth is best for you, you are no different than CHQ, MESA, IMHO.

When you go into the sim. for your checkride, would you agree that your Non Flying Pilot either makes you or breaks you? Well the analogy applies to what we are being faced with now in this "freeze for growth" plan. Our N.F.P. has crapped out (i.e. most of the other "regionals"), we have been "holding the line" single pilot way too long, and can no longer afford to do it. We can't be expected to try and save this industry by ourselves. We are 1 fish in a big pond, and it appeared as though we were going to swim alone. As the saying goes, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em." Sorry my friend, I can certainly see your side of the coin, but it doesn't look the same over here. Self preservation, it's as simple as that.

And for those who think we will get the airplanes regardless, no way. Fred can't come in here, ask for concessions for growth, be told to pack sand, and then reward us. Not gonna' happen. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Someone join me for a beer, I hate drinking alone...
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jarhead said:
No one has been as strong as the Comair pilot group.

Well said, given the past tense.

Justify it all you want. A yes vote drops you in the same bucket as the rest, with a little higher rate of pay.

You sound like an escort calling a street walker a ho.
MetroSheriff said:
Well said, given the past tense.

Justify it all you want. A yes vote drops you in the same bucket as the rest, with a little higher rate of pay.

You sound like an escort calling a street walker a ho.
Comair pilots have been Superman for far too long, especially when some of the other groups walk around with Kryptonite in their pockets. They're human too, and eventually, ya do need to take care of your own needs, and drop the martyr thing for the rest of the sector.
jarhead said:
.... human too, and eventually, ya do need to take care of your own needs, and drop the martyr thing for the rest of the sector.

SO you would advocate ASA using our current negotiations to secure rates of pay and benefits that would ensure we get additional aircraft before Comair?

You know...to take care of our own needs.
jarhead said:
Comair pilots have been Superman for far too long, especially when some of the other groups walk around with Kryptonite in their pockets. They're human too, and eventually, ya do need to take care of your own needs, and drop the martyr thing for the rest of the sector.

Wow. Thanks for the pre-school analogy.
Wow. Thanks for the pre-school analogy.

You're welcome. One needs to know the audience one is speaking to. Hope it wasn't too complex for you. If it was, I'd have to resort to the actual comic books, but the moderators don't allow for pictures to be posted here.
The Comair MEC had to TA this contract amendment or risk being booted in the next elections. Remember, ASA received the additional growth recently (even though our MEC stood strong).

Anyone who thinks that Fred Buttrell is going to make you the next Jet Blue or Southwest- GET REAL. This is the same hoser who was pulling the strings before. He wants a CEO job at Delta and this is his way of showing the world he can take anything from labor he wants. Comair pilots are weak for even considering this, and frankly so is the MEC.

So what will the big EMB-170 pay? Probably just the fargin same as the CRJ's you have now. You will sell yourselves and ASA pilots out for NOTHING!

Those who vote 'yes', are one of two things:

1. Kiddie Kaptains with big dreams of flying a "real" airliner.

2. Middle-age men with no degree and dreams of flying a "real" airliner.
Oakum_Boy said:
Those who vote 'yes', are one of two things:

1. Kiddie Kaptains with big dreams of flying a "real" airliner.

2. Middle-age men with no degree and dreams of flying a "real" airliner.

That's a very broad brush you paint with there sir, and you are incorrect in that assesment. The vast majority of pilots at Comair have four year degrees, and an awful lot of them intend to make a career at Comair. Not all, to be sure, but a great many of them. I know them. 10, 15, and close to 20 year captains on the Comair seniority list.

By the way, this is not speculation on my part. I know a great number of Comair pilots pesonally, and your invention in the above little post is false.

Don't invent this stuff. It only tends to make you look foolish, and when you look foolish, none of your other ideas are taken seriously.
You guys act like anything CMR does will have some kind of effect on you.. Have you been able to get CMR wages during your years of negotiations? Have you been able to come close? I didn't think so.

So.. What we (CMR) do doesn't seem to have any effect, good or bad, on what happens with you or your contract. At least logic and current events would assume that.

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