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Comair exit poll

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Jetflyer.. if all you have to respond to what i have written is a spelling critique, you have proven your self a joke..

And from your post you have supported the yes vote:

from jetflyer:


BECAUSE OF THIS LOA, YOU and every other REGIONAL AIRLINE PILOT GROUP are not negotiating in the future for CHQ+1%!!!!

You're still NEGOTIATING FOR COMAIR + 1%!!

If that's not good enough for ya, then NEGOTIATE FOR COMAIR + 5%!!

Your support of DCI's plan to make your entire pilot group pay for the airplanes you will fly in the future baffles me.... Think of the big picture and those that will come after you are flying west...

av8tor4239 said:
You walked the the line PRE 9/11, totaly different market.. united pilots were making 400,000 dollars a year...NOW we are holding on for dear life

And I can "garintee you" that United pilots were not making $400,000 a year. Where do you dream this stuff up?
I guess I just don't feel like arguing anymore.

ESPECIALLY with uneducated people who blame their bad lives ON OTHERS.


I just don't think COMAIR PILOTS belong on that list. They've done their share to help this industry. In 4 years, HOW MUCH has the industry improved above what Comair pilots made of it?? NONE!

Should Comair pilots suffer because others were afraid to GRAB THE TORCH AND RUN WITH IT??

MAYBE ASA pilots are not AFRAID to grab the torch and run, but you have your "GARUNTEED"<--(I like that word now) growth for the future.

I wish ASA pilots, and even you, the best in your negotiations. I apologize if your Comair+1% isn't going to be what it once was. There's nothing saying you can't get Comair+5%!!!

Good luck to you guys,

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Caveman said:
If you work for Mesa, CHQ, XJET, AWAC, SkyWest or anybody else that's signed or ammended a contract in the last four years you have no right to tell CMR pilots what they ought to do.


Last 4 years or not, nobody (for any airline) has a right to tell any other airline's pilots what they ought to do. Each airline has a different situation and bargaining position.

Caveman said:
Did any of you put it all on the line and try and get CMR plus 1%. Nobody walked. Nobody 'raised the bar'. Nobody got close. CHQ and XJET improved but they still didn't get it done. Now y'all are gonna sit there and scream at me and tell me that I have to uphold the profession. Unreal........

From this post, clearly you are not aware of how the bargaining environment has changed since CMR negotiated its contract prior to 9/11. The NMB's structure and political views as well as mandate for its operations changed significantly (and not in favor of organized labor). You were afforded an opportunity to exercise the ultimate piece of leverage. We at XJT were not able to utilize that leverage (and were not going to be able to for the foreseeable future).

Aside from hard pay rates and per diem, our new contract (as well as parts of our old one) is significantly better than your current agreement in several major areas such as sick leave accrual, retirement match, reserve rules, scope/job security language, trip trading, more days off, profit sharing, and especially our vacation system. We also received full retroactivity for 25 months worth of earnings at Comair pay rates, which equated to lump sum retro checks ranging from $13,000 to $25,000 for most of our pilots (not including the 401k match that the company made on those retro checks).

With that said, it isn't a competition and you won't hear anything from me or our MEC about "upholding the profession" or anything of the sort. You guys do what is best for your pilot group. The majority will speak on that issue. Time will tell as to its outcome. Good luck over there.

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P38JLightning said:
But I think we can all agree that if the freeze passes and then down the road ASA signs a Comair minus (including the value of the freeze) contract and then says "yeah but had you not agreed to the freeze we would have topped not only your frozen contract, but the original one too!" will be pure BS.

So which is it?

DUH, You guys forget that your contract was negotiated pre 9/11. If you take these pay freezes you will be passed by ExpressJet in several categories. They did their contract in two years post 9/11 and didn't lose approximately $5.00 per hour over the life of contract due to lost income from an 89 day strike. This does not include the 7% profit sharing they have been receiving which puts them even further ahead of Comair. I wonder how many "Fred Votes" will come from Comair pilots who were not even at Comair for the strike. Greed is a very corrupting weakness especially when it is your fellow "striking pilots" money you are pilfering.

The ASA pilots have a right to be angry. Comair got weak and broke from the coalition that had been formed between the two airlines MEC's for many years. Comair's actions seem suspect to more than just ASA pilots. It appears that your desire for growth is more important than the bonds of "brotherhood". However, you can only lose your integrity one time. I am sure you can explain it away with the trite statement that "Comair pilots are tired of carrying all the load because no one else is raising the bar like the Comair Pilots did"! For those who just want movement at all cost and that attitude carries the vote--you will find very few who will admit voting for the concessions when that 4.5% raise is gone. And as time goes on and you realize that it will be more missed raises, soon no one will remember that "YES" vote. By the time you are trying to get this lost money back during your next negotiations your claim to be the industry leader will be long forgotten. Management will know that they can have their way with your group by just throwing a little money at you. Management will only laugh behind your backs when you engage in saber rattling.

Comair's actions would be less onerous if you just admitted that you are now bed mates with Freddy Buttrell. You must know that he will be demanding more freebies from the give back boys of Comair. Maybe you can get autographed pictures of Fred and place them on the yoke covers on both sides of the cockpit. And you thought it was lonely at the top.
If nothing else, this TA is certainly teaching Comair pilots how many "friends" we have.

If the TA passes perhaps Duane Woerth will refuse to sign it because it is "harmful to the profession". Would that please you?

Those of you that are telling us how evil we are, when we have yet to decide, what would you recommend? Should we adopt the slogan "full pay to the last day?" Or would you prefer "Not one nickel, not one job?"

How many of you are prepared to fall on your swords to give our junior pilots preferential hiring at your airline if they should be furloughed in the future? Can we depend on you to protect them or should we do it ourselves?

If our parent company decides not to buy Comair any airplanes and offers them to you, will you turn them down in protest to help us "preserve the profession" or will you accept them and tell us you're sorry, you just couldn't do anything about it?

What exactly will you do for us if we hold the bar for you?

Inquiring minds would like to know.

I will be watching closely! I know you will surpass our contract by leaps and bounds! If you don't, I will rag you to death!!!:D
wahoo250 said:
Quick question though...is there anything written in the contract on a salary freeze for management as well?


Yes Management MUST stay frozen for as long as the Comair pilots' pay is frozen.

Management has extended the olive branch at Comair. It's a NEW management. It's almost like Comair has a management team now like Southwest or Jetblue, or we hope.

It's a less combative and more cooperative management that cares about it's employees and wants what's best for them and the FUTURE of the company.

Our MEC is impressed with the new management and thinks they are different and very impressive now. Our MEC thinks the LOA is in the Comair pilots best interest. There are a lot of provisions that PROTECT the Comair pilots in the LOA. The MEC endorses the LOA because it is best for the interests OF THE COMAIR PILOTS as a WHOLE.

I frankly was shocked they endorsed it. I thought they would only support the viewpoint of the most senior Comair pilot. They considered ALL OF THE COMAIR PILOTS with this LOA. They did a great job.

Before anyone criticizes me, read our LOA first. Sift through it and see that it's well written and in our best interests.

ASA has their GUARANTEED GROWTH, just like Comair had in their last negotiations in 2001.

You guys aren't looking at the possibility of BEING SHRUNK and HAVING YOUR ASSETS SOLD OFF, to continue the WHIPSAW GAME, that Delta loves to play. That is the fear and the possibility that Comair pilots and the Comair MEC had to graple with on this LOA.

A LOT of Comair pilots GAVE UP their PAY 4 YEARS ago for 89 DAYS for the good of the industry.

Should our JUNIOR PILOTS give up their PAY by BEING FURLOUGHED FOR 4 YEARS+ because Comair gets shrunk from a "NO VOTE" TO HELP THE INDUSTRY???

Many of you will come back and say tirelessly, "THOSE PLANES ARE COMING TO YOU EVEN IF YOU SAY NO". MANY will also say foolishly, "PILOTS DON'T BUY AIRPLANES, THEY FLY THEM." And I say, "You DO NOT KNOW for sure we will get those airplanes" and "DUH".

Are you guys that say that WILLING to pay the salaries of the possible Comair furloughs that occur from the possible transfer of planes caused by a NO VOTE?? I DON'T THINK SO.

A NO VOTE may help ASA and all of the other airlines in this profession, but it could put MANY COMAIR PILOTS ON THE STREET. WOULD THAT MAKE YOU GUYS HAPPY?

Would Comair voting NO on this LOA and then having their planes transfered to ASA and CHQ make you guys HAPPY?


Consider that,

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No criticism here if it passes. At least the wages had give (gave) you a helluva bargaining chip to use for growth. That's more than the rest of us can say. I just hope we won't be in the same boat in a couple of years since we have considerably less to bargain with......

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