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This from the pilot who stated he would cross a picket line of pilots from his own company and scab. Does he really care about other pilot's problems? Maybe not.

I would cross because I care about my job and the jobs of my fellow pilots, and would fear a (hypothetical) strike would put our company out of business or severely downsize it, hurting me and my colleagues. Rendering us unemployed. So yes I care, just as you care. We just disagree about how to address the problem of labor/management relations, that's all. I have never been in management, but I have flown for a lot of companies that went out of business because they were not profitable. The only thing worse than a furlough is having your employer go belly up.
All you union haters have no idea. This company has not made $$$$$ since day one. Of course you are going to go out of business, when you have such smart people running things up there at 5 american lane. The union was voted in to try and help those pathetic managers up there to try and help.

Not wanting to sound flippant, but how did that work for you, voting in a union?
Not wanting to sound flippant, but how did that work for you, voting in a union?
You did not ask the rest of the question, " The union was voted in to try and help those pathetic managers up there to try and help". How were they planning on doing this? Increased productivity has never been a rallying point on any union issue I have ever death with. The one I always heard was more pay, more days off, and increased cockpit manning.
I would cross because I care about my job and the jobs of my fellow pilots, and would fear a (hypothetical) strike would put our company out of business or severely downsize it, hurting me and my colleagues. Rendering us unemployed. So yes I care, just as you care. We just disagree about how to address the problem of labor/management relations, that's all. I have never been in management, but I have flown for a lot of companies that went out of business because they were not profitable. The only thing worse than a furlough is having your employer go belly up.

There you have it folks. This individual shall henceforth be known as, "G4 SCAB".
And why would the company sign a binding agreement now.....no incentive to do this. Especially knowing the union will be loosing any teeth it once had anyway due to the impending 180 furloughs.....course that will put the union with about 150-180 pilots total.....

Why would pilots, who are facing the possible furlough of an indeterminate number of their pilot group continue to give their all, out on the line, for a management team unwilling to protect them with a signed furlough agreement?

Now who would you be screwing if you were in the bottom 50-75 by not paying your dues the next6 months your buddies who will get any shorted funds from the IBT that made hundreds of millions last year....or your family that faces you not bringing in a paycheck......that 600-1000 dollars could be paying your mortgage instead of hoffas rolls Royce and the IBT private jet!

Your projecting you personal values onto the union. You think because you are all about yourself so is the unions leadership. The fact is the leadership has an obligation to protect the entire group, not just individuals. The pilot group, which is the union, will minimize the overall damage to itself by standing together shoulder to shoulder through this crisis. Calls for dues boycotts only divide the union and weaken its bargaining position with management. The unions leaders know this.

Btw, nice try with the straw man attack. The Teamsters do not own a private jet. And since Rolls is a foreign make I know Hoffa would not be caught dead in one (Cadillac maybe). But if private jet ownership is an indication of nefarious intent, well...

As I said earlier if the IBT cared about us the way they say...they should just step up ( like they are trying to force the company to do) and just put the guys in question dues on hold.......This is up to the IBT they have the power to help the brothers and sisters themselves.....instead you get a letter that says PAY US YOUR DUES!!!!! That my friend is PATHETIC......

Which pilots are "in question", I wasn't aware CA had so-far announced a furlough? Perhaps, in your zeal to slander the union, you are getting ahead of yourself?
You did not ask the rest of the question, " The union was voted in to try and help those pathetic managers up there to try and help". How were they planning on doing this? Increased productivity has never been a rallying point on any union issue I have ever death with. The one I always heard was more pay, more days off, and increased cockpit manning.

Absolutely!!!!!!! Cessna knew this, too!
There you have it folks. This individual shall henceforth be known as, "G4 SCAB".

And proudly so, Praetorian. I think you union goons are morons. Infantile and borderline sociopathic, with little ability or desire to actually think for yourself. Hopefully, a strike will never happen at NJA, so this is all academic.
Now G4 SCAB claims to know what Cessna "knew". :nuts:

The timing is certainly suggestive. The abrupt reversal right after the union vote. Unless you feel Cessna was happy the pilots had just unionized. Companies make decisions based on their profit projections. Unions decrease those projections. Seems rational to me.
And proudly so, Praetorian. I think you union goons are morons. Infantile and borderline sociopathic, with little ability or desire to actually think for yourself. Hopefully, a strike will never happen at NJA, so this is all academic.

Dear G4 SCAB,

Its not "academic" at all. Because when you find out a man would not have your back in a fight and would further go over and enthusiastically help your attacker, you can't respect, trust, or suffer his company.

I hope we find out who you are in the mean time, so we can expose you to your fellow pilots for what you are.

"After God had finished the rattlesnake, the toad, and the vampire, he had some awful substance left with which he made a scab. A scab is a two-legged animal with a corkscrew soul, a water brain, a combination backbone of jelly and glue. Where others have hearts, he carries a tumor of rotten principles. When a scab comes down the street, men turn their backs and Angels weep in Heaven, and the Devil shuts the gates of hell to keep him out...." Jack London
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