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Words from the CEO's mouth. This was in the making for sometime. Union had nothing to do with it. They are working with the union now to come up with a package for the furlough guys. 30 planes gone by years end. At least 100 furloughed and who know how many down grades. I thought this was a CA thread and not a NJ bitch thread.

Sorry about the news.. Sucks big time.....

What are they planning on doing with the 30 a/c? I thought I read somewhere that Cessna wouldn't want to saturate the market with used planes at the moment (maybe aviation weekly or some similar website?).

Assuming you'll have 50+/- a/c... What do you all staff at?

Does it sound like that is all you'll lose or is the plan to keep shrinking beyond the end of the year? Some survey I read said you all had 50 a/c worth of fractional owners?

Wish there was some silver lining. Job market continues to be very tough with few acceptable options for many. Hopefully the airlines will atleast ramp up hiring next year or so.

Finally, if they had been planning it for awhile now, why recall the entirelist of furloughees? I really hope nobody left a decent job to come back... That is just a ********************ty thing for management to do. I may have had to go postal on someone.
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Words from the CEO's mouth. This was in the making for sometime. Union had nothing to do with it. They are working with the union now to come up with a package for the furlough guys. 30 planes gone by years end. At least 100 furloughed and who know how many down grades. I thought this was a CA thread and not a NJ bitch thread.
Hope the unemployment time is short lived guys! I wish we were in a position to pick you guys up.
Right as usual. Bill, the CEO, made it very clear that the goings on were business related and have nothing whatever to do with the union. Happy, or do you still think it's because of the union!? What do you think his response will be, Bentover?

He'll still find a way to blame it on the Union drive or the CBA... Not even realizing there is no CBA yet....People like him are impossible to rationalize with.
I am telling the union fans that there is a significant number who don't support them and their attitude. Reality is sometimes unpleasant I guess. I know only 4 or 5 pilots in the G4 and G5 fleets who support the union, although I am sure there are quite a few more, since the gold tie guys and gals have crossed over. Speaking of dividing, have you seen what CE750 and Imacdog have posted about me? I think I have kept a civil tone. Black and white? I have said the union at NJA is better than I have seen elsewhere so far, and am hoping Luthi departs the leadership position soon, for the sake of all of us.

Waaaaaa! With your posts about scabbing, and not bidding airplanes because you couldnt stand to fly with NJA pilots. You make me sick. You are less than a man, and now you are crying like a school girl because you have made enemies. Bite me.

You reap what you sow.
I bet someone outside the states picks these aircraft up. CJ3s have held a high resale value over the past few years and are built like toyotas compared to other 500 series. Cessna will make a helluva deal to send them to Asia or South America to make a presence if they get the chance.
Waaaaaa! With your posts about scabbing, and not bidding airplanes because you couldnt stand to fly with NJA pilots. You make me sick. You are less than a man, and now you are crying like a school girl because you have made enemies. Bite me.

You reap what you sow.

Thanks. You verify everything I say every time you post.
He'll still find a way to blame it on the Union drive or the CBA... Not even realizing there is no CBA yet....People like him are impossible to rationalize with.

It might not be the union, actually. I just thought it was quite coincidental, but I am not informed of the inner workings of CA.
Waaaaaa! With your posts about scabbing, and not bidding airplanes because you couldnt stand to fly with NJA pilots. You make me sick. You are less than a man, and now you are crying like a school girl because you have made enemies. Bite me.

You reap what you sow.

I haven't made enemies, except on this site. The enemies I have here make me proud to have them as "enemies." They are irrational, emotional, and venal. They assume because I disagree with them about how to go about employee relations, that means I don't care about pilots. I just love good conversation and trying to figure stuff out, that's all. By the way, the folks I fly with at NJA are great. My main joy at NJA is the people I get to work with and travel with and have dinner with and converse with. We talk about movies and current events and food and the union lunatics and the imminent collapse of the Euro and books and music and Luthi's latest antics and our investments and all sorts of good stuff. And sometimes college basketball.

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