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Chemtrails: holiday update

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Re: USC Pilot response

Denver130 said:

So when I was walking off my jet in Michigan to visit my folks and the pilot tells me that the bottom of the clouds is at 2,000ft and I step out of the airport and see all these massive white trails in X patterns underneath the clouds what am I suppose to think?

Well, the wife and kids are off to the mall and I'm slightly bored. Why else would I be here?

Anyway, Denver. If the trails you see are below two thousand feet AGL, I will suggest that you buy yourself a quality camera and take a picture of the airplane dispensing those trails. Two thousand feet is way close. Close enough to capture specific details; so you should be able to detail just which aircraft are spreading the chemgoo and how they do it.

Hm, while we're on the subject, I have one question for you guys that know all your stuff: Shouldn't contrails be able to form at any altitude, even near the ground, if the relative humidity is just a tiny bit short of 100%, and the moisture from the exhaust puts it over the threshold?

I turn on the spray nozzles as soon as I have power. I've gotten ridden of 73 ramp rats this year alone. Next, I turn them on when I waiting the active so the aircraft behind me ingest the goo. Last week, I did a low pass over Harlem from LGA 04 spraying goo all over the place. I surprised anyone is still left alive in Riker's Island. This month the Government gave us some new stuff. They didn't say what it was, but they all had chem masks on. Now the Flu breaks out all over. I say it's a open and shut case of Big Brother infecting millions. Meanwhile hundreds of thousands think they're getting a flu shot and instead are getting a transreceiver that's capable of uplinking personal movements within the continental US.

Remember it's all a conspiracy and they really are out to get you.

In the words of Arthur Dent's nemesis, "Be afraid, be very afraid."
Uh..... what?

I think you have me mistaken for either a chemmie, or someone who didn't read the last 100 sarcastic "spraypilot posts" on the forum.
Vnugget, what are are saying should be possible (forming contrails at low alt.). However it will be dang cold outside and my union butt would call in sick that day along with everyone else.

So yes, it should be possible. And no you probably won't see it because most of us are smart enough to stay indoors if it got that cold! :D


PS Denver do NOT use my post as proof that your so called "low altitude trails" are really chemtrails because all your pictures are of HIGH altitude contrails. Please get that through your thick skull.
VNugget said:
Hm, while we're on the subject, I have one question for you guys that know all your stuff: Shouldn't contrails be able to form at any altitude, even near the ground, if the relative humidity is just a tiny bit short of 100%, and the moisture from the exhaust puts it over the threshold?
Look at this...

Given the right temperature, pressure, and humidity, you can have contrails at any altitude.
This thread is like an '84 Renault Fuego with a thrown rod.

Just walk away from it and forget about it completely, and you'll be none the worse for it.
the pilots response

The fact is simple.

The Pilot said the bottom of the cloud level was 2,000ft that day.
He ought to know....he flew into it....he has gauges.... I don't see why your upset about his answer.

What it gives me is a brief standard in that time frame and I used that just like any other average, normal person.

If the clouds were 2,000ft high and I immediately see jet contrails below the clouds what is my conclusion?

1. Are they normal jet contrails according to jet contrail physics? NO Why? the altitude is too low.
2. Where the trails massive looking? YES
3. Where they in patterns in question? YES

What could it be? It could be chemtrails (Even though your afraid to admit it.)

Instead of questioning the pilots answer, you should take it to heart, make more observations and give a more scientific response.

By the way, you forgot that the trails I saw are on the web site too. I got photos of them. Photos don't lie. I bring my camera equipment everywhere I go which is more....much more than the average person does.

So I did see those trails. And that pilot told the truth. The evidence is overwhelming.

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