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ASA VP FLT OPs tries to scare the pilots

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This happened when the during negotiations in the early 90s (somewhere around that time) pertaining to the ATRs. The MEC Chair at that time told me that the Sr VP Ops told him if we didn't accept what the company was offering, we wouldn't get the ATRs. That MEC Chair bought it, we got the ATRs, and a lousy contract that the line pilot, at the time, could not vote on. It was decided by the frightened MEC at the time instead.

Now, ALL pilots will vote on whatever, and if ever, contract that is presented to us by the MEC for ratification. Ratification came about as a direct result of line pilots being PO'd at being unable to vote on a lousy and substandard contract back then.

900s to SKYW? A bluff or not? It has been used many times in the past to frighten pilots, and will be in the future as well. Is it this time? Maybe, maybe not. I suggest that you, as an ASA Pilot, voice how you feel about this to your LEC reps in ATL and SLC.

Open debate is a good thing....but instead of making predictions on this forum, why don't you email your ALPA reps and give them your opinion. have you tried that? give your MEC reps your opinions and tell them to provide you the information that you're looking for. that's part of what you're paying for.

Way to go you ASA MEC clowns you just cost people their jobs. I hope you are happy. I wish there was a way that some of us pilots with brains could negotiate our own contract and be put on another list were those who actually wanted growth and some chance leaving this dump with pic could do that. If we strike I WILL KEEP FLYING and I don't give 2 craps about you losers and you precious Alpa MEC. I hate them and their Criminal leaders.
BTW you think skywest would let us ASA pilot jump ship to them? I would love to just leave this hole asa and go to an airline with a future.
Pay cuts for growth

HoserASA said:
This happened when the during negotiations in the early 90s (somewhere around that time) pertaining to the ATRs. The MEC Chair at that time told me that the Sr VP Ops told him if we didn't accept what the company was offering, we wouldn't get the ATRs. That MEC Chair bought it, we got the ATRs, and a lousy contract that the line pilot, at the time, could not vote on. It was decided by the frightened MEC at the time instead.

Now, ALL pilots will vote on whatever, and if ever, contract that is presented to us by the MEC for ratification. Ratification came about as a direct result of line pilots being PO'd at being unable to vote on a lousy and substandard contract back then.

900s to SKYW? A bluff or not? It has been used many times in the past to frighten pilots, and will be in the future as well. Is it this time? Maybe, maybe not. I suggest that you, as an ASA Pilot, voice how you feel about this to your LEC reps in ATL and SLC.


Great post Hoser, I was going to ask about that old contract, but I'm glad you addressed it ( I wasn't here at the time). Another thing that keeps nagging me is this.....ASA is currently the most profitable airline in the United States as I understand it, correct? You continue to grow Skywest, therebye raising the costs of ASA, and slowly turn your cash cow into a pig/liability. Doesn't make good business sense to me. Everyone keeps saying that Mr. Atkin is a business guy, well, taking a cash cow and turning into a pig is not good business sense. I don't know, I'm not in management, I'm just a lowly line pilot.

This was expected people!!! They have always known where new a/c were going to go. Can it change? Maybe, I would say it can if and when mgmnt gets off their high horse.
ASA negotiators are asking for MORE than they think they will get, whether b/c they know what we are worth or they are good negotiators. In either case I feel they have a huge uphill battle under worse conditions ever experienced before (including contract'98 Joe). There IS a middle ground somewhere and managment isn't in a hurry to find it. Make it your jobs to give them a reason to find that middle.
Captains!!!!! Please Please grow a set and start doing it by the book. If it's broke fix it. STOP STOP STOP using your cell phones!! Taxi speed is written as a fast walk! You see where I'm going call it what you may.....I'm calling for a natural slow down.
ALPA isn't endorsing this, I am, as you and every other pilot at ASA should be doing. The longer we as pilots sit around and wait on the negotiators to do this alone the longer it will take.
Talk about fuming...........I'm mad as hell and ready to fight!!!
gator_hater said:
I'm with you on this one. Every other airline is facing pay cuts and ALPA is asking for a 17% raise over the next three years for the entire pilot group. PLus other $$. Lets be conservative and say that the average pilot here makes 60K. A 17% increase across the board is about $19m. That comes out of the whopping $41m profit. Regardless of what our DCA says, that is not good business. We run on small profit margins and cutting those in half is pretty stupid. Time for ALPA to get their collective head out of their A$$ and be REASONABLE. Pay cuts are not reasonable either but they are a hell of a lot closer that ALPA.
How short term is the memory of those of you who side with our BS management team?

Here are the facts.

Our management has been screwing with us for nearly 5 years in contract negotiations.

We have lost NOTHING because of our wanting to raise the bar, not lower the bar. Show me ONE airplane or upgrade that has been missed because of our requests.. Management has fabricated numerous PERFECT lies to bluff the pilot group.


Go walk into LeBreque's open door and tell that Jackass that even though our company is at 13.1 percent rate of return we want him to take a paycut to just below what the other regional CEO's make..

He would laugh in your face. I'm willing to bet my raise that he threw himself a party when we found out our profitability.



Quit folding under the pressure of managements BS bluffs.


Quit catering to management's interests!

APU's are meant to be used for pax comfort. Start them at 10,000 ft

Quit making your F.O. go a million miles an hour during the taxi just because you wanted to leave the gate single engine. Unless the taxi fuel says 400 pounds, start both engines.

Fly by the book. Unless it's your freedom leg, fly the entire day on speed. If your first flight was delayed, the rest of your day should be delayed.

Quit calling in atlanta. The book says we don't need to call, so don't.

Tell your F.O.'s to do thorough preflights. Knowing that the plane has a writeup due, and delaying it until the end of the day because you want to operate on-time is how people get killed. Fix problems when you find them.

None of this is job action stuff. This is being a good employee stuff. The fact that the most profitable regional airline is asking us to take pay cuts only makes this more enjoyable.
Uncertain times

SuperKooter said:
lets hurry up an strike so we can destroy this company so I can go look for a job without a selfish pilotgroup.


I know now there's a lot of uncertainty, but I hope you would expect that. Right now nothing has changed. Management has put out a lot of statements and plans, of which none have materialized. So far Mgmt. says SLC is closing. Well, I believe it will, but not by Sept. How are they going to train all those pilots to fill the 90/70's they are receiving by then? I don't think it is unreasonable, that if a company asks for a paycut, to simply show you why they need it. I keep hearing it, "we're not cost competitive." No different than getting a bill. You receive them, are you to blindly pay that bill? You need to see how they get to that figure they are billing you for. This is no different. I don't mind taking a paycut. Show me why I need to and I'll gladly help out. I do not believe our MEC is being unreasonable. I can't say that exact statement about management.


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