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ASA VP FLT OPs tries to scare the pilots

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So is Skywest going to fly those 900's out of Atlanta to all of those places down south of Flordia now.
recent changes in Delta's Network plans, these are the key words in the news release IMHO. Our 70's are to expensive and our IP's do make a ton. Give us something to vote on and we will see where we stand as a group.
goahead said:
recent changes in Delta's Network plans, these are the key words in the news release IMHO. Our 70's are to expensive and our IP's do make a ton. Give us something to vote on and we will see where we stand as a group.

Exactly put it up to a vote. What is the MEC afraid of? They are like Mafia crime bosses.
Boy this superkooter is Colgan material if I ever saw it! He believes what ever mgmt. says and he wants a pay cut and no union. If it makes you feel better you can just give me 10% of your pay. Secondly, can Skywest even fly a 900 with United's scope clause? Aren't they locked out at 70 seats? Sure they may be seventy seaters now, but they are going to be 76 seaters. This is all smoke and mirrors and I am not buying it. Better to be fourloghed with my head held high and the ability to look myself in the mirror, than pissed off at myself for the next eight years and feel like a lowly Mesa pilot. This is my job and I am here to make money, nothing else matters!!!!!!
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SuperKooter said:
lets hurry up an strike so we can destroy this company so I can go look for a job without a selfish pilotgroup.

Just go now. I'm sure not many captains will miss flying with you.
You know its funny how Charlie Tutt comes with his scare tactic on the pilots and so far there has been no paycuts anywhere at ASA. All employess except for union members are eligible for this so called profit sharing. If ASA is really not competitive, why hasnt ASA manangement taken any paycuts? Why did ASA came up with the crappy awards program? So far there has been no improvments in ATL and I do not see any improvement in the future. Enough with the phone polls and bring on the strike vote. It does not mean we will go on strike for thos idiots who like to jump in to conclusions but it will send a strong message to management that we are serious about this negotiations and we want a fair contract NOW!!!!
Ok CT; by sticking to our guns, standing up for what we believe is right, taking the responsibility of this operation off the shoulders of the contract groups, and at least getting a partial improvement in QOL (as good as paycheck to paycheck is) by losing the 90's, does that get me out my misbid and diff. class and back to the 50 and my 17 days off?? Sounds like a plan....

The only good thing about 90-seaters coming to SKYW right now (should that happen) is the volume of Diet Coke they have on board--I can nearly get my 1.2 per cent differential in that along, alas, that doesn't help pay bills. That aside, I think management still has an integrity gap when not fulfilling their implied promises from the "agreement" three years ago. Woe be the sky is falling in all communique' but we know better--these 90s plus a like number of 70s. I have voted against the original agreement, and against the 1.2 percent, for at least that is the best we can do in our position to signal our lack of managment good faith. Surely they must know to continue to depress real wages in the long term is not going to be good for the company, at least as viewed by the growing--and increasingly frustrated--pilot group.

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