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ASA Negotiations Suspended Indefinitely

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Well screw it! Strike now and take the whole boat down. Sorry about the SKYWEST guys and girls but they have should stood behind the ASA employees and if not shut them down too. I am tired of these c@!ksucking Skywest pilots period.

I know you're mad, you have every right to be. Especially if you're SLC based and maybe even were in DAL before. But please tell me exactly what we should have done to have "stood behind" you and other ASA employees. I for one will not fly any struck work or routes. I will be sick that day. Know that I and the majority of the other SkyWest pilots support you guys.

Even when you're pissed off and venting.

Good Luck.

Joe Merchant:

I am not opposed to considering a market based approach to my decision whether or not to vote to approve the contract, as long as we are above the market average (as we should with the operational challenges we face and overcome as ASA IP's,CA, & FO's).

However, I'd like you to discuss the question, "Why shouldn't we shut this place down?"

You know my feelings on scope. Twice now in my short career I have been a pilot at an acquired airline that wasn't merged. In both cases we are a subsidiary of a holding company with no goal of attaining our own growth, or operational success. We are simply a lift provider, an alter ego lift provider at that. The Company does not want to elevate our position and unfortunately the issue is not on our union's agenda either.

With Section 1 as it is in our negotiations, why should we let up? If Management is in the game just to get what they can get from our alter ego paper creation of an airline, why shouldn't we be in that same game?

If we were on the team with our parent company, I might agree with you. But Delta, now Skywest, has made it clear that we are not on the team.

Don't take this the wrong way - I am curious your thoughts on the matter.


Bizjet - I'm with you on the substance of your position - I see no hurry to fold - but the personal attacks were way over the line. We are debating the contract, who cares about the personal details of someone's life? If he was sleeping with someone in the Maxim top 10, then I'd care.
Well screw it! Strike now and take the whole boat down. Sorry about the SKYWEST guys and girls but they have should stood behind the ASA employees and if not shut them down too. I am tired of these c@!ksucking Skywest pilots period.

How should Skywest pilots stand behind you ASA guys. . . What can they do? Vote in ALPA? Sure, they've done alot for you, why shouldn't they vote them in?

And as far as those c@!ksucking Skywest pilots, you're right. . . They're nothing but trouble. If only Mesa would have bought you, or even better yet, if Delta would have sold you guys out for parts things would be better!

Look, I've never had any problems with any ASA guys - but I've heard that there are guys like you out there. . .
If it was only a matter of not growing - i would consider holding tight. But its not about growth - NOTHING keeps skywest INC (not the pilots) from shrinking us. I KNOW it could be scare tactics. But I also know that a company with depreciating assets (read airplanes) and increasing costs (pilot salaries) needs to grow to generate more revenue. And despite the bathroom wall talk of no raises in three years I have gotten a raise (longevity - that counts) for the last 10 years and will for the next 8 years. Having the best rate in the industry only allows you to beat your chest - for exactly as long as it takes for assets (once again read airplanes) to get moved. Why - because they can.
joe_pilot said:
I know you're mad, you have every right to be. Especially if you're SLC based and maybe even were in DAL before. But please tell me exactly what we should have done to have "stood behind" you and other ASA employees. I for one will not fly any struck work or routes. I will be sick that day. Know that I and the majority of the other SkyWest pilots support you guys.

Even when you're pissed off and venting.

Good Luck.


You sound like a stand up guy. I am venting because pilots in general have no balls anymore. ALPA truely has no balls. We as pilot need to set a standard and stick to it industry wide. I am tired of these piece of s@it pilots-read low timers willing to fly for nothing. I recently sat in resturant/bar where a flight instructor for a local college in his "FLIGHT UNIFORM" reading his JEPPS for his Delta interview -drinking his cheap beer and smoking cigs, as he told me and half the bar. So I played dumb for about 45 min asking all kinds of questions, then I showed him my union card and ATP -asked him if he wanted to step outside and finish the conversation needless to say he was a ************************* and all mouth. So I made a phone call to the dean of the college and let them know who is representing them. And the sad part is I hope the little flaming piece of crap is stuck flying nothing forever. These are the types of people in this profession I am tired of. They are everywhere and I would like the oppurtunity to kick the ******************** out of them all. No I am not pissed. It is time to even the playing field and that also goes for management. I do condone violence every chance I get and love it.
Crash Pad said:
Here is my only question. SKYW pilots make more than us. So why not just go for the SKYW contract?

Makes sense to me. I know a 6.5 yr SKYW captain who grossed $117K last year. Isn't that more than the avg. 20 yr 700 Capatain here at ASA? Granted this guy picks up open time to the tune of getting 100 hrs. of credit per month, and works his tail off - but look at his motivation! Apparently the profit sharing works for him.

If we secured a contract like SKYW's , the biggest slap to our faces would be accepting a single pay rate for the CRJ's and 70's - but look at the potential for returns. Now, allowing mgmt. to pay 70 drivers less than 50 drivers, and also paying all of us less than standard is unacceptable. SKYW has to at least offer us the same as their own. Anyone feel like a beaten, red-headed step-child?
then I showed him my union card and ATP -asked him if he wanted to step outside and finish the conversation needless to say he was a ************************* and all mouth. So I made a phone call to the dean of the college and let them know who is representing them. And the sad part is I hope the little flaming piece of crap is stuck flying nothing forever. These are the types of people in this profession I am tired of.

No, sounds like you're a stand up guy! All tough and stuff.

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