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ASA Negotiations Suspended Indefinitely

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ALPA isn't nearly as strong as it thinks it is.

ALPA is only as strong as its members....so what does that say about you?
DoinTime said:
ALPA is only as strong as its members....so what does that say about you?

Well since most of the membership don't know who their reps are and what the difference is between LEC and MEC, I would say that it isn't very strong. Are you saying ALPA is strong right now? You are the one who is defending ALPA, so by all means, show me how it is strong.
Sinca3 said:

2.....We are SUSPENDED maybe just maybe b/c the 2 sides...BOTH sides are too far apart. Negotiations are a game where the 2 sides meet in an agreeable middle. I haven't seen anywhere that the company has tried to meet anywhere in the middle.

Sinca3, can you honestly say that ALPA's 70 seat rate and Instructor sections positions are "middle of the road". If so please show me where those two postions are "middle of the road".
welcome back

sinca, driver, fly food , others, dog,
just because you girls like to slap each other in the rear at the lil meetings...

Words from B-O-B
"dont listen to the DOOMESDAYERS they would have you believe blah, blah", (regarding Mr. Merchant ) at that meeting

he was offering facts where you fools were just saying and have been saying for ever same crap, NOTHING!!! and that was from apr05 meeting...

sign, grow, move on .
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JoeMerchant said:
Well since most of the membership don't know who their reps are and what the difference is between LEC and MEC, I would say that it isn't very strong. Are you saying ALPA is strong right now? You are the one who is defending ALPA, so by all means, show me how it is strong.

I know who my reps are. I know who you are. For the life of me, I can understand why we don't recall your ass, you non-job-doing waste of space.

What a cockhead.
FmrFreightDog said:
I know who my reps are. I know who you are. For the life of me, I can understand why we don't recall your ass, you non-job-doing waste of space.

What a cockhead.

Another pearl of wisdom from the ALPA cheerleader section. Feel free to start the recall.... you do know how to do it don't you? The ASA MEC doesn't want any RJDC supporters associated with it, therefor I am granting them their wish. When will you admit that ALPA has failed?
Question for you ASA guys. How in the hell, with a union, have you guys gone this long without getting a deal or striking? Any chance of dropping ALPA and creating your own union? I mean, what the hell is the point of a union if you can go 8 years without a new contract?
JoeMerchant said:
Sinca3, I have dealt personally with the NMB, have you? Recessed, suspended, and "parked" are all the same. We were "recessed", "suspended", and "parked" in 1998. I was there! We put an ALPA spin on it just as I suspect you will, but in the end we are still "parked". When are some of you going to start admitting that ALPA has FAILED. Put down the Herndon KoolAid.


Why don't you explain how little negotiating experience you really have? Your time on the "98" negotiating team was much less than any CNC member currently serving. You portray yourself as having spent a lot of time negotiating in front of the NMB. Actually ALPA and the Company were parked for a couple of months while you fiddled. The resolve of the ASA pilot group determined how long we were parked. The company asked to come back to the table because the operation was melting down. You were nothing more than a glorified order taker for the contract we work under today. You are the most disingenuous spin doctor I have ever witnessed. You write your own history and most of it is concocted. Your total experience was a few short months so stop doctoring your resume!

Boy toy, why don't you tell all your pro management bed wetter’s that you are terrified of a job action to get a descent contract? You and your girlfriend would both be out of work in the event of a Strike or A LOCK OUT! Aren’t you two overleveraged with your real estate holdings? Don’t you stand to lose your financial shirts so you have a decision to make! Scab or do everything in your power to convince those that have the balls to deliver a descent contract that they can't win! You fool none of us that know you. Your hatred for ALPA is legendary. You are an embarrassment to every pilot that carried your frightened weak a$$ in ‘98’ and now you and your Mommy have to make a tough decision. Scab or financial ruin! Well, John Boy, I guess we will not have to wait too long to find out how tough you really are? Don't worry too much because Mommy can go back over to management and keep you in beer money.

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ArtVandalay said:
Question for you ASA guys. How in the hell, with a union, have you guys gone this long without getting a deal or striking? Any chance of dropping ALPA and creating your own union? I mean, what the hell is the point of a union if you can go 8 years without a new contract?

I'm not an ASA guy but I was a Negotiating Committee Chairman in a former life. The reasons for ASA's lack of a legal job action have nothing to do with ALPA and everything to do with the current NMB situation. And management is in no rush to get a deal because they know they don't have to be in a rush since the credible threat of a strike is not there (again, due to the NMB situation).

JoeMerchant said:
Well since most of the membership don't know who their reps are and what the difference is between LEC and MEC, I would say that it isn't very strong. Are you saying ALPA is strong right now? You are the one who is defending ALPA, so by all means, show me how it is strong.

Hey John B:
Why don't you go and throw one of your rjdc temper tantrums! Take any notes lately and not bring them back? You are worse than a school kid!
ALPA can only be as strong as its members, and with you on the MEC, there is NO WAY ASA will ever get a decent contract!
Now go and spank hiney's with your rjdc circle jerk of cadres and tell everyone how you are here to save the planet!

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