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ASA Negotiations Suspended Indefinitely

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Well screw it! Strike now and take the whole boat down. Sorry about the SKYWEST guys and girls but they have should stood behind the ASA employees and if not shut them down too. I am tired of these c@!ksucking Skywest pilots period.

Another pearl of wisdom from the chest-thumping bleacher section. What exactly would you have SKYW pilots do? The Skywest pilots, the Mesa pilots, the CHQ pilots are not to blame. They show up and do their job just like you and me. Maybe you should direct some of that anger at your half a million dollar a year ALPA president. The fact that you and others want to blame our fellow pilots for this problem will only help management drive the wedge further.
crjskipper said:
and will for the next 8 years.

Not with the companies current proposal you won't.
atr - you are dead wrong. Even the company 2% followed by 2% cut will give me raises (albeit small) for the next 8 years. I wont top out at 102, but at 90ish, but guess what, thats more than I would on the 200, and more than i make now. SO ITS STILL AN INCREASE AND NOT DISPLACEMENT!!!

Unless I am topped out at 18yrs, or between 15-18 years it wont be a cut.
I know there is some ASA management who read this board. What I am asking is: Why do you guys beat down the employees so bad? I have been here for about five years. In that time I haven't felt that management is working for my best interest, nor the best interest of the company. They seem to be looking out for themselves. Do you know you have no air carts that work? Do you know you have to check to make sure that rampers are not steeling your luggage off the airplane? Have you seen little old ladies sit in the rain in a wheel chair, waiting on a lift? Do you know that flights sit on the ramp for up to thirty minuets waiting on rampers to come out of the break room to park us? Do you know that the pilots and flight attendants are the ones who make this company work as good as it does. I do all I can for the Paxs, but I will not help you get your bonus until you show us some faith. I will vote to strike, and I will watch as you and I loose our jobs. This can be avoided. Do what your mom told you, "Treat others as you would like to be treated","Lead by example". It is up to you.
crjskipper said:
atr - you are dead wrong. Even the company 2% followed by 2% cut will give me raises (albeit small) for the next 8 years. I wont top out at 102, but at 90ish, but guess what, thats more than I would on the 200, and more than i make now. SO ITS STILL AN INCREASE AND NOT DISPLACEMENT!!!

Unless I am topped out at 18yrs, or between 15-18 years it wont be a cut.

My understanding is that you would take a 2% cut from what you make right now, and then another 2% cut at DOS+1. That is off what you make now, not off the current pay schedule in the contract. The longevety scale would be gone. I may be incorrect about this, but that is how I understood the companies proposal. Thus, no increases at all for the term of the contract.
JoeMerchant said:
The industry standard is the gauge that is used. Not COLA, not what is fair, and not some arbitrary "middle". If it were that simple, we could ask for $1000 per hour on the 70 while management asks for 0. The middle would be $500 per hour. Obviously that wouldn't work.

But industry syandard isn't being applied by the company. They are using "standard" from the lowest three. That is just as wrong as DW taking his salary from the average of the top 3. You have a problem with one, but not the other. Why is that?
not an expert but i was told it was 2 (actually closer to 3) off the existing rates (as in payscale) now then 2 later. But I also was told it was not linear - that the cut was not as severe as that the lower you went down the scale. i have never liked how the 700 scale was 'scaled' to the last few years anyway.

and no, i have had many rough days at asa, but most of my days are pretty good. for the last half year i cannot remember waiting more than 10 minutes to park, and that was 15 minutes early. i dont feel beat on. i remember people on this site complaining that go pilots never flew enough, then last week i hear guys giving a management pilot crap for flying. face it - we all bitch, thats why we take the time to post here, but i have been here 10 years and dont think the grass is always greener. face it - we fly out of the worlds busiest airport, no matter how much money we make and how much management spends the operation will always be one of the most complicated on the planet.

Bizjet - I'm with you on the substance of your position - I see no hurry to fold - but the personal attacks were way over the line. We are debating the contract, who cares about the personal details of someone's life? If he was sleeping with someone in the Maxim top 10, then I'd care.[/quote]

Joe Merchant post as facts what he spins for his own agenda. He will be challenged when he misrepresents the truth. He is codependent on his older girlfriend of 10 years and she continues to feed his inflated ego. Maybe he will go on Dr. Phil and seek help in breaking the shackles of dependency. The two of them were nothing more than order takers during '98'. The pilots resolve provided what we enjoy today not anything the two of them did. They spent most of their time telling each other how great they are. Their biggest claim to fame is they continued to have ALPA pay for two hotel sleeping rooms during the '98' out of town negotiations when only one was used. If you think all his statements are true you are being conned! If you don't like the truth block my post!

Thanks. I hope that there is one critical difference between our current situation and the past that you have overlooked. The Delta pilots don't have a dog in this fight. ALPA has refused to process our grievances (or represent us in any way) if the action could be liberally interpreted to run counter to the Delta pilots wishes.

You have to admit that on a local level, ALPA works well for our pilots. Even on a national level, ALPA has provided support, at least up to the level where their strict allegience to the Delta pilots takes command.

You are correct that we are in a lousy negotiating position. We are in that position because we have not bound the company to using our pilots instead of replacements. I think the NMB would be sympathetic to our section 1 demands. After all employees working for their employer makes rational sense.
bizjet - i hoped you getted banned for life for being a jackass - try to have a civilized discussion or stay away and stop trolling with no argument but to throw mudd

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