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ASA MEC re-elects same officers

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Rez, either you weren't hear or you don't remember, when the RJDC got started the MEC supported the RJDC under the table. When the LEC meetings were adjourned the RJDC meeting would start. As time went on I'm sure the MEC was told by Herndon, you better denouce the RJDC.

Joe, aren't we still waiting for the Bilateral Scope Impact Committee from the 2000 BOD to make a ruling on all of the RJ's?

As far as running I think I'll watch from the skybox for a while.

Rez, either you weren't hear or you don't remember, when the RJDC got started the MEC supported the RJDC under the table. When the LEC meetings were adjourned the RJDC meeting would start. As time went on I'm sure the MEC was told by Herndon, you better denouce the RJDC.

Joe, aren't we still waiting for the Bilateral Scope Impact Committee from the 2000 BOD to make a ruling on all of the RJ's?

As far as running I think I'll watch from the skybox for a while.


You would make a good MEC Chair.....think about it....

As far as the BSIC.....I had a conversation with Tom Wychor in 2002. He was the Chairman of the BSIC....I asked him if he had read the 1995 Scope Committee report.....He answered "NO".....Dont ya think the Chairman of the BSIC would at least familiarize himself with the previous ALPA scope committee reports?

Rez probably wasn't even flying when some of us started this battle.....
John who?

I could have counted to 10 and waited for the predictable response from 'ol attack dog Speedtape. The MEC's number one hit man against anyone who speaks the truth. His weapon... public embarrassment, personal attacks, and attempts to out people. He proved my above point very well, don't you think? They punish dissent.

Speedtape, why are they so afraid of dissenters? And if this is a democracy, why do you try to shame those who dissent into silence? Finally, if I have no credibility, why go to such great lengths to discredit me?

No one is afraid of dissenters, and you did not invent the movement. If you think your ranting has merit, then why do you hide behind your multiple personality screen names? Why not participate in the forum where it might matter? No one said you had no credibility. No one has to go to any lengths to discredit you; you do a pretty good job of doing that yourself. Maybe, that is the way it has always been. Why are you so angry, bitter, vial, and contrary?
No one is afraid of dissenters, and you did not invent the movement. If you think your ranting has merit, then why do you hide behind your multiple personality screen names? Why not participate in the forum where it might matter? No one said you had no credibility. No one has to go to any lengths to discredit you; you do a pretty good job of doing that yourself. Maybe, that is the way it has always been. Why are you so angry, bitter, vial, and contrary?

....sorry but I have to comment on this BS.........ALPA very much is afraid of dissenters....In fact they teach you during leadership training to NEVER dissent in public.....

Why are you such an ALPA cheerleader? Are you aware that DU has said that the RJDC lawsuit helped us here at ASA.....Why are we having to rely on lawsuits to protect our interests?

Why do you hide behind your screen name? I don't hide.....tell us who you are....your not scared are you?
....sorry but I have to comment on this BS.........ALPA very much is afraid of dissenters....In fact they teach you during leadership training to NEVER dissent in public.....

Why are you such an ALPA cheerleader? Are you aware that DU has said that the RJDC lawsuit helped us here at ASA.....Why are we having to rely on lawsuits to protect our interests?

Why do you hide behind your screen name? I don't hide.....tell us who you are....your not scared are you?

I am not an ALPA cheerleader! Like any other institution governed by man, ALPA has it's flaws. But, it's the only show in town, and irregardless of your lawsuit or it's merits, ALPA has done alot more good for our profession than bad. I know you have read the history. Can you agree with any part of that statement?

Disputes and unresolved disputes are a way of life, and so are lawsuits. Lawsuits are a last resort due to expense and time. RJDC did not file the first lawsuit against ALPA, and your suit probably want be the last one filed. Did it help the ASA pilots? How?

As far as who is who behind the screen names, does that really matter? What matters is the substance of the post!
....sorry but I have to comment on this BS.........ALPA very much is afraid of dissenters....In fact they teach you during leadership training to NEVER dissent in public.....
Not true, Joe. They simply teach that you should make very clear when dissenting that it is your own personal opinion, and not the official opinion of the MEC. Reps are free to speak their minds, but they also have to take the official opinion of the MEC to the membership.
....sorry but I have to comment on this BS.........ALPA very much is afraid of dissenters....In fact they teach you during leadership training to NEVER dissent in public.....

Wrong! More perception problems from Johnny...
Here's the problem with that....

DU, one of the current MEC members, will tell you "off the record" that ALPA is flawed regarding scope and whipsaw....However "on the record" he tows the "party line".....

Just as he sat in the crew lounge and said he was against the TA and would vote against it. But the MEC voted for it.
DU, one of the current MEC members, will tell you "off the record" that ALPA is flawed regarding scope and whipsaw....However "on the record" he tows the "party line".....?

Yeah, and then he changes the agreement to suit his needs because he has "kids in college"! Watch out. he's on the PBS "study" committee now. Think he and PD will accept a version that suits them, and not the majority of the pilot group? I do.


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