You probably flew at Great Lakes for a whole year and then walked onto an airbus!!!! Boy, you really paid your dues??? Do a little research before you run your mouth, geek! Your'e giving the Good people at F9 a bad name!uke:
Not sure what Mojito's background is, but in terms of paying dues to fly the Airbus at Frontier, it doesn't matter where you came from. What DOES matter is that every F9 pilot that flies an Airbus has been vetted by, in most cases, a very thurough and tough selection process. From 9/11 until summer of '08 Frontier was one of the destination airlines to work for. Thousands of applications were parsed through to find the right stuff, and once hired it was one of the best jobs in all of aviation on most levels.
The frustration you see now is, by the stroke of a pen, thousands of regional pilots bypassed this sacred "right of passage" on the seniority list. And in the worst case scenerio (from an F9 perspective) these regional pilots who were given this seniority windfall will reap the benefit at the expense of the Frontier pilots whom worked so hard to get here. That is the frustration you see, not personal disgust for any individual pilot, although some of the young novice pilots at RAH are testing that theory.