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AMR also believes that the west pilots case is ripe!

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The snap shot will be when the merger was announced. Delta hired a few hundred pilots after the merger was announced, and all of them were stapled to the bottom by the arbitrators. (NWA wasn't hiring at the time)

Bye Bye---General Lee
So where does an American or Us Air pilot on furlough who bypassed go on the SLI? How can an active pilot be junior to a furloughed pilot. This will be an interesting one.
So where does an American or Us Air pilot on furlough who bypassed go on the SLI? How can an active pilot be junior to a furloughed pilot. This will be an interesting one.

They will still retain seniority to people below them who did return from furlough. I don't think you can jump up seniority within your own list. Ummm no.

Bye Bye---General Lee
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The snapshot will be the POR date not the announcement date.

The East /West seniority issue willl be solved before then by the court.

As far as the US Air/ American seniority that will start after the JCBA is complete. I hear they are almost done with that. It requires no pilot voting.

My prediction is the East will be dissapointed by Judge Silver (but they knew it was coming someday, delay has been their tactic).

Both East and West will be dissapointed in the next SLI. When USAPA goes in screaming DOH they will be laughed out of the room. Thank god the west's merger attorneys get to present at the M/B arbitraion as well. The USAPA idiots can't do anything. What a waste of 2.45% of my income.

I agree - it is a waste of 2.45 (soon to be 1%). The SLI will not be according to DOH.
So where does an American or Us Air pilot on furlough who bypassed go on the SLI? How can an active pilot be junior to a furloughed pilot. This will be an interesting one.

If a pilot chooses to bypass, they will go below active pilots.
If a pilot chooses to bypass, they will go below active pilots.

Is that true? What happens when they decide to cancel their defer status and return, do they return to where their seniority holds.

That is the way it is currently, how could they go below active pilot's.

Just curious as to how that works
Nobody knows how it will work. To my knowledge this particular situation is unprecedented. And I will be affected.
If a pilot chooses to bypass, they will go below active pilots.

I don't think that is correct. What if you are out on medical or military leave?

Bye Bye---General Lee
Gen: the Mil guys are accepting recall and going into immediate leave.

The med guys can't accept recall without a valid medical.
That's fine, but the NIC award would be grandfathered in for sure. It's tough to avoid a binding award, and the Easties will figure that out soon. After that is cleared up, then the snap shot will be looked at by the next panel of arbitrators.

Bye Bye---General Lee

I will try and make this simple - have you ever signed a contract that had an addendum ? You have to sign the contract AND the addendum for the contract to be legally binding. If you don't sign the addendum, then you can't enforce the contract. IE - if there is no joint cba - then everything else is void. No TA NO NIC

With the MOU - there is an new agreement that will lead to a new SLI with a new contract. The MOU is not a j cba - I know every West pilot thinks we now have a contract. If we do, then why are we not operating on it after the por? Because we need a j cba that will have a new SLI.

The MOU is not a j cba - I know every West pilot thinks we now have a contract. If we do, then why are we not operating on it after the por?
The MOU is indeed active as of the POR. Can't imagine why you think otherwise. Hint: the MOU payrates become effective at POR and we get the retro pay.

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