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AMR also believes that the west pilots case is ripe!

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I'll widen the peer group to include all major airline pilots-
To willingly hold on to that BK contract is terribly dumb, and hurtful to ALL of us.
No worries bud. In three years, we (the new AA) will be up to industry standard. I would be more concerned about the future of SW when the big three flex their muscle..I sure hope that you are never placed in a position to LOWER the bar..
Your naievete as to the disdain to which you and your cabal are held by your peers is both quaint and pitiful.
My "peers" have never given a second thought at my careers well being or otherwise. Like hungry vultures, they have circled above the weak, fragile state of my airline, in the hopes of advancing their careers at the detriment of my own...Do I care about their pity or thoughts??..A resounding NO!!
The MOU is not a j cba - I know every West pilot thinks we now have a contract. If we do, then why are we not operating on it after the por? Because we need a j cba that will have a new SLI.


The MOU is indeed active as of the POR. Can't imagine why you think otherwise. Hint: the MOU payrates become effective at POR and we get the retro pay.

On May 14th...

THE COURT:.... the first thing is that I have a problem with your
saying the MOU is, in fact, a Collective Bargaining Agreement.
That's not what the Ninth Circuit said.
MR. HARPER: The MOU, if you listen to us, if you
look at Airways and if you listen to American, the MOU is the
new Collective Bargaining Agreement. Substantially all of the
terms --
THE COURT: But the MOU says you negotiate. It
doesn't say this is the agreement. That's what the Ninth
Circuit said. The Ninth Circuit said whatever you end up with
is what is the final agreement and perhaps at that point there
may well be a cause of action. I don't know primarily what the
Ninth Circuit said except they are always right.
So I disagree with you on that point. Let's go on."
Doesn't USAPA's bylaws state ONLY DOH? Just like the Westies only want the NIC. and how can the Westies negotiate when USAPA is their only bargaining agent? This judge doesn't seem to understand.... But, it's better for the Westie than what is currently going on, and still disappointing for the third listers regardless.

Bye Bye---General Lee
Doesn't USAPA's bylaws state ONLY DOH? Just like the Westies only want the NIC. and how can the Westies negotiate when USAPA is their only bargaining agent? This judge doesn't seem to understand.... But, it's better for the Westie than what is currently going on, and still disappointing for the third listers regardless.

Bye Bye---General Lee

I really fail to see how any of this is disappointing for "third listers". As a third lister, I and everyone else on this list knew from the day we were hired that an East/West seniority integration (NIC list or other) at some point would occur and we, as third listers would be on the bottom of whatever is decided. In fact, the opposite of disappointment is true for me at least. As a first year guy, I wasn't eligible to even vote on the MOU nor is it worth it to even think about the overall SLI with AA or the integration of East/West. We are on the bottom regardless and just along for the ride. The only SLI issue we would have to worry about is if AA would propose a list that would put those that have yet to be hired, but who will be new hires during the SLI above guys like me which wouldn't hold water anyway. That and being furloughed of course
I really fail to see how any of this is disappointing for "third listers". As a third lister, I and everyone else on this list knew from the day we were hired that an East/West seniority integration (NIC list or other) at some point would occur and we, as third listers would be on the bottom of whatever is decided. In fact, the opposite of disappointment is true for me at least. As a first year guy, I wasn't eligible to even vote on the MOU nor is it worth it to even think about the overall SLI with AA or the integration of East/West. We are on the bottom regardless and just along for the ride. The only SLI issue we would have to worry about is if AA would propose a list that would put those that have yet to be hired, but who will be new hires during the SLI above guys like me which wouldn't hold water anyway. That and being furloughed of course


Regardless of how you personally feel, you and the other third listers have enjoyed seniority on the East side not "available" to more senior Westies. Thanks to their "union" that was born from disagreeing to a binding award, the Easties and third listers have had opportunities, like the 2012 hire awarded E190 Capt, not offered to more senior Westies. That isn't fair, nor is it right. Some of the third lister progression will stop when senior Westies are allowed to bid on what they absolutely deserve.

Bye Bye---General Lee

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