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airTran Training

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xrayo: It's alright dude. This too shall pass. But don't take that from me. I don't have a choice in what I think.

Col. Automaton
again, like i said, your the only one complaining and your the only one who doesnt like it here, and I have flown with a lot of crews. I know that Uppercrust doesnt work here. So what happened? You seem to focus a lot on the 717 training side of Airtran. Have a little trouble in recurrent?

As far as people leaving, I have only moved up 3 numbers on the seniority list in 3 months. So I know that is not true.
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OK, I'm confused...

Your first quote:

Don't go to airtran if you have a choice. (ie. Any job, no matter how bad you think it is, the grass is NOT greener on the other side).
Any job? Working for a regional airline with NO work rules, barely livable pay, and terrible management is somehow better?

Smoke crack lately?

2nd quote:

The fact is, is that the only people who fit in at airtran and will stay are the one's that can, NEVER, go anywhere else. Everyone else will be disgusted and will flee with all dilegence.

And your next quote:

We lose a ridiculous number of FO's (and even captains) every month. Someday one of these stats will be myself.
Non-sequitur, sir. You can't have it both ways; you say that the ONLY people who fit in at airTran and stay are the ones who can't go anywhere else then say that you will leave someday?

Later in the thread you post that you are WAY senior to Catfish, implying you've been with the company for a couple years or more, so you've stayed while Southwest, jetBlue, CAL, etc are hiring but yet you haven't but want to?

Case in point, I directly know 3 people who have left in the last year, 2 for FedEx, one for SWA. People leave all the time for what they think is better.

Bottom line. If you have a job or if you are furloughed and don't have a nearly starving family, don't come here. Its not worth it. The vicious environment, unprofessionalism, and harassment are not acceptable in any job. (Not even aviation)
Funny, I haven't experienced ANY of that...

I'm not saying that it doesn't exist or that this is the perfect aviation job, I'm just saying that I'm on the 717 and haven't seen even a hint of that. On the contrary, scheduling and management have been nothing but helpful and professional, as have the Captains I've flown with.

Is there another airline named airTran? 'Cause I don't know what the hell you're talking about. Or maybe it takes longer than 4 or 5 months to manifest. ;)
OK, I'm confused...

Let me help you out

Your first quote:

Don't go to airtran if you have a choice. (ie. Any job, no matter how bad you think it is, the grass is NOT greener on the other side).
Any job? Working for a regional airline with NO work rules, barely livable pay, and terrible management is somehow better?

Smoke crack lately?

Were you not making more at your regional job than 35k? My point is that the only thing better at Airtran is the work rules, the mangement sucks as I'm sure you must know, even if not willing to admit.

2nd quote:

The fact is, is that the only people who fit in at airtran and will stay are the one's that can, NEVER, go anywhere else. Everyone else will be disgusted and will flee with all dilegence.
I don't fit in here, and I'm trying to flee. Someday, I'm sure you know how hard it is to get an airline job, as does everyone else in the industry.

And your next quote:

We lose a ridiculous number of FO's (and even captains) every month. Someday one of these stats will be myself.
Non-sequitur, sir. You can't have it both ways; you say that the ONLY people who fit in at airTran and stay are the ones who can't go anywhere else then say that you will leave someday?

Later in the thread you post that you are WAY senior to Catfish, implying you've been with the company for a couple years or more, so you've stayed while Southwest, jetBlue, CAL, etc are hiring but yet you haven't but want to?

I'm sure you would really rather work at Airtran than S, J, C, etc. Right. Airtran was your first choice. You don't have any other apps out.

Case in point, I directly know 3 people who have left in the last year, 2 for FedEx, one for SWA. People leave all the time for what they think is better.

Bottom line. If you have a job or if you are furloughed and don't have a nearly starving family, don't come here. Its not worth it. The vicious environment, unprofessionalism, and harassment are not acceptable in any job. (Not even aviation)
Funny, I haven't experienced ANY of that...

I'm not saying that it doesn't exist or that this is the perfect aviation job, I'm just saying that I'm on the 717 and haven't seen even a hint of that. On the contrary, Is there another airline named airTran? 'Cause I don't know what the hell you're talking about. Or maybe it takes longer than 4 or 5 months to manifest. ;)

scheduling and management have been nothing but helpful and professional, as have the Captains I've flown with.

Dude, really, no offense, but I can tell that you are really wet behind the ears at this company! I mean you have never had any problems with scheduling!!! (not to mention management, this is even more silly) ANd you've been here 4-5 months!!!! What is that 2 weeks out of training? Get ready to bend over dude!!

Besides, its too late for you, you already work here, you are screwed!!! I'm trying to help people who aren't already here make a prudent decision.

Do you really want to start over with another regional!!!!!!!!!!!! OK so the work rules are a bit better, SO, DO YOU REALLY WANT TO START ALL OVER AGAIN WITH ANOTHER REGIONAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GET AN F'ING JOB WITH SWA, FEX, UPS, OR CO OR STAY PUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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xrayojilp said:
Were you not making more at your regional job than 35k? My point is that the only thing better at Airtran is the work rules, the mangement sucks as I'm sure you must know, even if not willing to admit.

Actually, I'm making more like $40k 1st year and yes, it's about a 30% pay cut. So is everyone else's 1st year pay, including SWA, JB, FedEx, not to MENTION CAL at $25k 1st year!

I don't fit in here, and I'm trying to flee. Someday, I'm sure you know how hard it is to get an airline job, as does everyone else in the industry.

No argument there, was trying to get out of PCL from almost the very beginning, but the difference was I was at PCL out of duress, I'm here out of choice.

I'm sure you would really rather work at Airtran than S, J, C, etc. Right. Airtran was your first choice. You don't have any other apps out.

Ummm, actually. Yeah, this is my first choice. No, I don't have apps in at any of those.

Honestly, I was in training and my buddy offered me a Blue Dart. I thought about it for a week or so but turned him down. I like it here. Southwest turned me down, I don't have the urge to EVER give them another shot. Their loss, not mine.

Dude, really, no offense, but I can tell that you are really wet behind the ears at this company!
Oh, no argument there, I'm a FNG. :)

I mean you have never had any problems with scheduling!!!
Oh yeah, my first conversation with the scheduling manager was 2 contract violations. Like I said, I know it's not perfect, but daily life on reserve has been a HELL of a lot better than life on reserve at PCL. Most of the time I even get to pick my trips out of open time the night before or just sit at the crashpad if I need to. I've even traded weekends for weekdays on reserve. I NEVER could have done that at my last gig.

(not to mention management, this is even more silly) ANd you've been here 4-5 months!!!! What is that 2 weeks out of training? Get ready to bend over dude!!
LOL - you mean BOHICA? :)

Seriously, maybe I'm just new, but the 7 or 8 guys I know from previous jobs that are here haven't had your troubles either. Most of us know that things could be better, but we're just happy to be here because it's SO much better than where we came from.

My point I was trying to make is not everyone shares your opinion of this place and I just wanted to chime in with some positive experience so someone doesn't turn down a job here over Chatauqua or Regions Air or something. :D

Peace! :beer:


It must be fun to hide in anonymity and take pot shots that have no merit. I'd be willing to bet you can't do it out in the open..

But I guess you have reason to be disgruntled. Considering your history and all.....
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Now that I think about it, you sound a lot like.... and your spewing the same crap as a guy I heard about in recurrent who is currently on a "LEAVE OF ABSENCE" from Airtran. hmmm....

You should take that time off to find somewhere else to work.
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Airtran717 said:

You sound a lot like.... and your spewing the same crap as a guy I heard about in recurrent who is currently on a "LEAVE OF ABSENCE" from Airtran. hmmm....

You should take that time off to find somewhere else to work.
You talking about captain numbnuts that tried to ball it up in RDU?

Anyway, xray who are all of the guys you referred to earlier who are so unhappy with things here. Sounds like you are the only one. Anyone else out there want to second xray's thoughts on Airtran(those who work here or who did in recent memory)? Anyone......

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