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airTran Training

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Been at AirTran for over 7 months. Loving it.

None of the stuff that "xray-no-vision" complains about. All the Capts I have flown with have been very professional and good folks to work with.
Also have not moved up the list - there have not been all these people leave as xray alleges. There have been plenty of folks added to the list below me. :))
Life here is good and will continue to get better.
Ok you got me, I am the one guy at in the history of valujet and airtran that does not like it!! Everyone else loves it! I'm the one guy with a "history". I'm Snake or whatever, Wink wink. Come out in the open, kind of like you 717? You are right though, I will not come out in the open,I will only take potshots because, well, lets see, I AM AFRAID TO and for GOOD REASON!!

Its really messed up when you can't slam your own company, kind of like not being able to slam your own country when you don't like where things are going. (comrade) Its funny, everyone I fly with says to me that the company is "oh, allright", then after a few directed questions it totally comes out that they have NOTHING positive to say at all other than "decent money". Kind of messed up when you are afraid to say anything at all without being threatened. Something everyone here is familiar with. Find somewhere else to work indeed. WE WILL GET YOU, THE POLICIES OF MANAGEMENT HAVE PROVEN THIS OVER THE YEARS.

Anyone interested in coming to Airtran would do well to look at this thread and see how these airtran pilots deal with someone that has a few things to say about the company. Basically, shut up, or else (we will get rid of you one way or the other). Professionalism is not an obstacle. Heck I bet a few people (that I am not) are even fired over this post! I have heard of people being threatened over posts on this message board (or others). Let the witch hunt begin gentlemen. If things are so great then why get so angry and defensive?
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It' not that any of us think the company is perfect, but that's different from saying it sucks, or that applicants should go anywhere else but here.

Lets face it. you're a "5 percenter". You know, the 5% at any organization that just can't be pleased. You're a miserable person so you are miserable where you are. Maybe us military guys are happy because weve been so many different places and have learned to adapt and find out how to have a good time wherever we go. You would never survive in a ready room. So save us all the complaining and go away so I can move up the list.

By the way, I turned down Jet Blue to come here. No regrets.

If you want to tell me how hosed up I am, I'll be in recurrent tomorrow and at the union luncheon.

Just call me Catfish. I'll stand up.
xrayojilp said:
Ok you got me, I am the one guy at in the history of valujet and airtran that does not like it!! Everyone else loves it! I'm the one guy with a "history". I'm Snake or whatever, Wink wink.

Its really messed up when you can't slam your own company, kind of like not being able to slam your own country when you don't like where things are going. (comrade) Its funny, everyone I fly with says to me that the company is "oh, allright", then after a few directed questions it totally comes out that they have NOTHING positive to say at all other than "decent money". Kind of messed up when you are afraid to say anything at all without being threatened. Something everyone here is familiar with. Find somewhere else to work indeed. WE WILL GET YOU.

Anyone interested in coming to Airtran would do well to look at this thread and see how these airtran pilots deal with someone that has a few things to say about the company. Basically, shut up, or else (we will get rid of you one way or the other). Professionalism is not an obstacle. Heck I bet a few people (that I am not) are even fired over this post! I have heard of people being threatened over posts on this message board (or others). Let the witch hunt begin gentlemen. I dare any of you to find another thread where a pilot group actually attacks someone based on comments about the company. If things are so great then why get so angry and defensive?
I can't speak for the others, but I am neither angry nor defensive. You are entitled to your views. I just thought we might all benefit from hearing from some of the "lots of others" that you referred to earlier who share your views on the company.

Or could it be that you truly are the only one who feels that way and the rest of us are if not completely happy, then at least not completely unhappy like you seem to be.

Anyway, anylone else out there(who works here, that excludes you crusty) want to weigh in on what a terrible compnay we have here? The way I'm reading things now, looks like about a 10-1 ratio of happy to be here versus disgruntled because he failed a checkride or two.
Nope, haven't failed a checkride (or 2 or 3, etc). That might put me in the minority at airtran but sorry try again. Might be that I have a good reason to be pissed? ? ? NAAAAAHHHHHHHHH

If does appear that I am outnumbered, I will admit. . . But lets not forget the fine fellow that started this thread huh huh huh.
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xrayojilp said:
Its really, really, really, really unprofessional there. Its a crappy place to work. New planes don't change anything. Look at the history of the place. Look at the people who went there (with many exceptions of course). It was a haven for every loser in the world for years.
Please tell me how this is an indictment of the company and not a shot at the "supposed" Airtran pilots. Of which, I am one. It was this statement that prompted my response. Of the catpains I flew with, only a very small percentage could be characterized by your statements. I would wager that the percentage is no higher than at any other airline. Of the FO's, the percentage is even smaller.

Who are the losers you speek of? Am I so lucky that I only see a small portion of them, or do your blinders limit your view to just them.
Ha-ha. Thanks for my evening laugh.

xrayojilp said:
P.S. They were asked to leave? Makes you wonder why 10-20 guys a month were asked to leave? Sounds like an "Airtran" problem to me.

10-20 newhires leaving a month? Who told you that B.S., Miss Cleo? We have an average of 4 people leaving each month, out of 1450 pilots, and those that leave are usually newhires who interviewed multiple places before they were hired here and later were offered a slot a few months later at Fedex, SWA, UPS or CAL. If I was a newhire, I would have to think pretty hard about taking that job, too, especially if it involved not commuting any more, but most of us are pretty damn happy, especially once we get our new contract. In the meantime, every time someone leaves, it sends a message to management, so I wish it was more than the lousy 3% a year we're losing right now..

Sounds like you didn't make it through training, or were let go for cause. It doesn't happen very often. Sucks to be you, but I'm glad you're not flying my family around.

I find it interesting that the xray has no posts for a year and all of a sudden comes out to slam his own company. Hmmmmm???????

Leave already, there's a line out there waiting to take your place.
xrayojilp said:
Nope, haven't failed a checkride (or 2 or 3, etc). That might put me in the minority at airtran but sorry try again. Might be that I have a good reason to be pissed? ? ? NAAAAAHHHHHHHHH

If does appear that I am outnumbered, I will admit. . . But lets not forget the fine fellow that started this thread huh huh huh.
Well that may be, but it does seem that the VAST MAJORITY of AirTran pilots if not every single one of us on this board anyway, disagree with your characterization of the company. Is it Utopia? No, far from it. But it is hardly what you have made it out to be either.

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