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Airtran MEC voted no

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Watch your mouth.

You don't like threats, eh? No one here is threatening you. Only trying to point out some possibilities. Of course, much of that is moot now, since neither you nor any if your fellow trannies have any say in the matter. Which is unfortunate for those of you who wanted the deal, who realized it was better than an acquired airline should ever hope for. Better than the staple that most of your guys would have taken a year ago. Refresh yourself on your own history.

Speaking of history, Lear indicated that regret is usually a waste of time. Not true, if one uses regret to learn from one's past. Too bad your mec didn't learn anything from the regret felt by frontier and muse pilots.

It is not just AAI pilots saying there is a problem here. It is a lot of piers watching this go down in the industry.

BTW, there is still "say" here in this process for both groups. Don't just sit, and let things happen around you.

I wish you guys luck too in this. I really mean that. Sincerely.
Anybody read side letter 8? :cartman:

respect is earned not given. ALPA has not really respected anything thus far. I think the respect will come, once ALPA is gone.

So the 4 guys from gulfstream that decided to change careers and become a pilot(whilst paying alot to do so) and then went and bought a type rating and now work at swa EARNED it. Okay.
not even close dude, let's don't mix apples and oranges. I am here to discuss what happened over there at Airtran. I wasn't here to talk about personal character. I don't know you, and you don't know me so don't go there. I have my views and you have yours.

Alpa has not really respected SWA or SWAPA...I never said YOU personally so don't go there.

Well your response was to my post about mutual respect which had nothing to do with union views and ALPA.

I was talking about oranges and I still am. How this became about ALPA was your response to me dude. It was always about personal mutual respect. Thanks for clearing that up, and I would delete some of this if it was not to late for that.

Now you guys are exausting me after today and I understand you are upset this did not proceed further. I would be too.
It is not just AAI pilots saying there is a problem here. It is a lot of piers watching this go down in the industry.

BTW, there is still "say" here in this process for both groups. Don't just sit, and let things happen around you.

I wish you guys luck too in this. I really mean that. Sincerely.

This after personal attacks on your future co-worker, just because we don't agree?????

You guys have been getting Sh&$ sandwiches from your MGMT for years. We all knew that, and some of us were torn as to what would happen:

A. You guys would be releived to work for a MGMT team that has never turned on their own people. Breath of fresh air for you guys, along with better QOL reguardless of where you sit in the seniority list.

B. We trust no one, SWA is Forano and we are ALPA. No matter what we get, we can do better in Arbitration.

The problem is 1700 vs. 6000 who respect their MGMT. This might get fixed in Arbitration, but it's going to leave a scar. Case and point, you already insulted my character and don't even know me. See where this is headed?
So the 4 guys from gulfstream that decided to change careers and become a pilot(whilst paying alot to do so) and then went and bought a type rating and now work at swa EARNED it. Okay.

I don't know those four guys...I am not going to size them up without knowing them. What I do know is no one is entitled to anything. In one way or another we all pay...whether it's with time or money or both. So those four guys should not be respected? I might not agree with how they got here, but they did. So yeah, they did EARN it. I am sure there are Gulfstream guys in every major carrier out there. I know a few at Delta, so what's your point.
What are you suppose to think when you look at the list and realize from it how your future brothers really feel towards you. You guys keep saying it on here that we have to earn something over there or prove ourselves to you.

I think we have already done it by out competing SWA in common markets.

Man I did not know how I was going to walk around there for the next 20 years especially if you guys downsized with protections that would go bye-bye from it.

Like I said before and reitrated on here the money is nice, but after about 75k to 100k other things are considered too.

We have friends calling us from other airlines that we would be crazy to take this deal and a laughing stock for years to come. Maybe they just want it to be hard for all of us, but from AAI perspective and even many of the yes votes this was so bad it was insulting.
Give em hell Air Tran. You guys deserve and are entitled to relative seniority at a minimum. Way to vote down the $hit $andwidh that swa tried to serve up. Best of luck guys.
I don't know those four guys...I am not going to size them up without knowing them. What I do know is no one is entitled to anything. In one way or another we all pay...whether it's with time or money or both. So those four guys should not be respected? I might not agree with how they got here, but they did. So yeah, they did EARN it. I am sure there are Gulfstream guys in every major carrier out there. I know a few at Delta, so what's your point.

Posting in anger,sorrow,confusion,regret,apathy,mental disarray,in a glass case of emotion. Thank you for your time. Disregard.

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