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Airtran MEC voted no

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What are you suppose to think when you look at the list and realize from it how your future brothers really feel towards you. You guys keep saying it on here that we have to earn something over there or prove ourselves to you.

I think we have already done it by out competing SWA in common markets.

Man I did not know how I was going to walk around there for the next 20 years especially if you guys downsized with protections that would go bye-bye from it.

Like I said before and reitrated on here the money is nice, but after about 75k to 100k other things are considered too.

We have friends calling us from other airlines that we would be crazy to take this deal and a laughing stock for years to come. Maybe they just want it to be hard for all of us, but from AAI perspective and even many of the yes votes this was so bad it was insulting.

I guess we shall see, all I hope is once this is done that we can coexist. Maybe in 5 years all of us will be trying to figure out how to keep chinese pilots from flying in the States for cents on the dollar.
Now you guys are exausting me after today and I understand you are upset this did not proceed further. I would be too.

Any angst you see here from SWA pilots is not because the deal is not proceeding further. What you are seeing is incredulity that after all the wheel greasing, after all the procrastination, indecision, and melodrama from alpa, after all the theatrics and leaks and disorganization we've witnessed, your mec still has the nerve (stupidity? naïveté?) to vote this deal down.

Trust me, you've made the day of many SWA pilots. Do I think we will do better in arbitration? Maybe, maybe not. But we do not fear that option. Like chase said, at the end of the day, I'm still a SWA pilot, making ridiculous coinage. I do hope your union didn't screw the pooch for you all, but I don't hope that to the neglect of our rightful seniority to the newcomers.
The arbitrator will decide what is fair, primarily because your union couldn't offer something remotely reasonable.


OYS The offer was worked out between the AAI MC and SWAPA. It wasn't just a SWAPA offer as you would like to paint it. The Airtran MC must have thought it was fair or they wouldn't have signed off on it. The problem is that arbitrators ideas of fair and equitable don't seem to jive what most non lawyer types consider reasonable. The MEC wasn't voting on wether they thought the offer was fair they were voting on wether they thought they could get MORE in arbitration.
Congratulations it's a huge day for you. You were right and the rest of us were wrong. I will most likely spend the rest of my career as an F/O which will cost me $500,000 in lost income. Bet that makes you really happy.
Any angst you see here from SWA pilots is not because the deal is not proceeding further. What you are seeing is incredulity that after all the wheel greasing, after all the procrastination, indecision, and melodrama from alpa, after all the theatrics and leaks and disorganization we've witnessed, your mec still has the nerve (stupidity? naïveté?) to vote this deal down.

Trust me, you've made the day of many SWA pilots. Do I think we will do better in arbitration? Maybe, maybe not. But we do not fear that option. Like chase said, at the end of the day, I'm still a SWA pilot, making ridiculous coinage. I do hope your union didn't screw the pooch for you all, but I don't hope that to the neglect of our rightful seniority to the newcomers.

Most thought it was a bad deal, and they didn't like it. Get over it. 60% of their pilots go to the bottom 20% of the list? That doesn't sound acceptable, they weren't in BK like the Frontier pilots. GK wanted this deal, and the offer from SWAPA was weak. And, seniority is everything in this business.

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Maybe in 5 years all of us will be trying to figure out how to keep chinese pilots from flying in the States for cents on the dollar.


I worry about that.



Average salery for same job:

US worker $40K
EURO worker $35K
Mexican worker $8k

Chinese worker $3k

Poverty level in China..... 50%
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The MEC wasn't voting on wether they thought the offer was fair they were voting on wether they thought they could get MORE in arbitration..

Wrong! Many pilots stood up and demonstrated at the meeting why this agreement was not fair. MC members agreed out loud that the list "Sucks" but when combined with protections and restrictions is "the best they could negotiate as a merger committee." Not because they thought it was fair.
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Originally Posted by GhettoBeechjet
The MEC wasn't voting on wether they thought the offer was fair they were voting on wether they thought they could get MORE in arbitration..

Excuse me. I did not know you were a mind reader. Why are you a pilot then? More money in mind reading.

Did you talk to any AAI LECs even?

Ah the demonization and propaganda begins.

Wrong! Many pilots stood up and demonstrated at the meeting why this agreement was not fair. MC members agreed out loud the the list "Sucks" but when combined with protections and restrictions is "the best they could negotiate as a merger committee."

FAIR has nothing to do with it when we are locked in a system that has a high probabilty of adding to your already huge financial gains and a $500,000 loss to me. Bottom line you win big I lose because I made a poor decision to go to work for the most financially stable company in the industry with enough retirements to ensure I would get to the left seat.

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