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AirTran MEC at SWAPA

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The truth is Airtran brings nothing to the table that will benefit SWA. Nothing.

You might like to tell Gary Kelly, the SWA Board of Directors and shareholders. If what you say is true then you need to inform the SEC as well.

I hear Carnie music. :laugh:
Many people watching from the cheap seats agree that the senior AirTran bubbas will likely destroy the deal altogether by getting greedy. It's really a shame that a small minority of Trannie CAs will screw this up for both pilot groups.

Gotta appreciate how they stress to the junior pilots to not talk about it either. Hmm, wonder why?

You have got to be the most uninformed person on here, next to Cometman. Why do you even bother posting?

How are senior AirTran pilots going to get greedy, given that there are no senior pilots on the merger committee, or in ANY leadership position, and make up less than a quarter of the pilot group?

LEC Chairman - FO
LEC Vice Chair - junior CA
MEC Chair - FO
MEC Vice Chair - FO

You need more than a weather man, you need a proctologist
to help you pull your head out of there before you suffocate.
You might like to tell Gary Kelly, the SWA Board of Directors and shareholders. If what you say is true then you need to inform the SEC as well.

I hear Carnie music. :laugh:

When you have some time by yourself you should make 2 columns and list the good things you get and the good things SWA gets. See which has the biggest column. I understand why you and the other guy they call ty tries to get all of you excited but even they know the truth. However, they have to keep the guys excited. Most of the pilots realize what they are getting and they hope guys like you don't screw it up. And before you say it, I do not work for SWA. It might sound like I do but facts are facts son.
Let me help...

AT management = everything
AT Pilots = everything
SWA = something
Pilots of SWA = nothing
Lawyers = $$$ lots $$$
A quote from LH's speech to the SWAPA BPD from the Fastread:

"and the benefits are not obvious and understood to all from day one."

This is very concerning to me as the benefits should be VERY obvious to all!
The raises, schedules, benefits, QOL, more secure future, etc, are all quite obvious to me and I definetely understand this.

I don't want the egos of the MEC screwing this up for everyone.

wonder the last time the Airtran MEC flew the line for Airtran? I say give him 2 weeks out working for each, and then separate paychecks mailed to his home for both periods. Then he'll know what obvious benefits are.

Course overnights in LBB and trips not being commutable on both ends does suck.
When you have some time by yourself you should make 2 columns and list the good things you get and the good things SWA gets. See which has the biggest column. I understand why you and the other guy they call ty tries to get all of you excited but even they know the truth. However, they have to keep the guys excited. Most of the pilots realize what they are getting and they hope guys like you don't screw it up. And before you say it, I do not work for SWA. It might sound like I do but facts are facts son.

You need to read what you wrote: "The truth is Airtran brings nothing to the table that will benefit SWA. Nothing."

If SWA will not benefit then why are they paying for AAI ? Or is the problem the fact that you cannot distinguish between the abbreviations for 'SWA' and 'SWAPA' ? What part are you not getting ?

Either way. I'm getting bored and you may have to carry on this discussion with yourself.


You need to read what you wrote: "The truth is Airtran brings nothing to the table that will benefit SWA. Nothing."

If SWA will not benefit then why are they paying for AAI ? Or is the problem the fact that you cannot distinguish between the abbreviations for 'SWA' and 'SWAPA' ? What part are you not getting ?

Either way. I'm getting bored and you may have to carry on this discussion with yourself.


We were wondering which one of you (Ty or yourself) would be the first one to respond. Both of you are so easy. It really isn't even a challenge to see if we can get you to respond. I really thought Ty would be the first but you won.
Wonder if the senior dudes are gonna ruin it for the junior dudes (F9 style). When is F9s new seniority list coming out anyway?

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