If you are looking for fairness, the Airline Industry ain't the place.
Never has been. Never will be.
If you didn't realize the risks going into it, you should have taken a job with the Government.
I hope if you are investing for your retirement you stick to Treasuries as opposed to Equities...then again.....maybe not....nothing is for certain except taxes and Big Government.
Don't like big government? Why did guys like you beg big government for a handout? It happened to be in the form of a age change, but you wanted any handout you could get. AND you're obviously addicted to it, since you just got the big handout you wanted and you are out begging for another. You're no better thatn the worst welfare offenders.
I just turned 50. How old are you?
Lets face it. This isn't about fitness or skill or mental acuity. This is about wanting what the other guy has and playing the victim card. And if you can't have what the other guy has for whatever reason, the next step is to ridicule, mock or denigrate that individual. That's the way we do things here in America now. It's easy. Everyone gets a First Place Trophy.
Uh, you're the offender here pal. The hammer fell on the old guys and you were going to have to finish the season with no trophy [pension]. So you bawled and cried to the coach [big government] about how it was unfair someone else might get a better deal than you. You campaigned for what someone else was going to get. And now you are campaigning for it again. And btw: I call BS on just turning 50 with 25k hours. Very convenient number for a very young age.
Mocking, vilifying and denigrating your fellow pilots solely because you are upset at a federal government rule that is delaying your ability to upgrade.
Oh yes, I do see the irony, especially from you who see's himself as the "why can't we all just get along" type of guy.........
Until your ox is gored......then you revert to the meanest, nastiest, jerk around.
Yes, I DO see the irony. And I am looking forward to your 60 th birthday when you hang it up... But I bet you won't. Because guys like you are hypocrites.
Be real careful throwing around the term hypocrite.