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600 hours and frusterated

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My $.02...

Relax. You are 21 years old and you have a whole lot of time to succeed in front of you. The folks telling you to pay your dues are correct. As a matter of fact this whole business is about paying dues, I am still paying mine in spades. First you pay your dues to become an regional FO. Then you pay more waiting for the time and seniority to upgrade. More dues are paid as a new captian trying to not screw up and get enough time to quilify for a major. It doesn't stop when you get to that major becuase now you are paying dues for more days off and better paying equipment. Come to think of it, the process doesn't really stop until you turn 60 and it is all over. It is up to you to decide if it is worth it.

I remember being in your very position not so long ago. I remember saying to all my freinds that if I could just get an airline or corporate job, I would be happy. You won't be. This job comes with all kinds of its own frustrations. Just wait until you add a wife and a couple of kids to the equation to see just how frustrating things can really be.

If you want to be in the flying biz, be patient and learn to enjoy where you are at the time you are there. Looking back, some my best times where instructing or flying little crappy airplanes in even crappier weather. Have fun. You're 21 and have a paying flying job. Lots of folks would love to have just that.

If you can't enjoy where you are while striving for the brass ring, whatever that might be to you, then do yourself a favor and get into another line of work.

Good luck.
SCT said:

I was thinking the same thing.........2,200 hrs and 6 figures doesn't add up!

Where do I apply for that job?

The right corporations will pay well, and treat you even better. If you love what you do it will show through to your potential employer and they will take care of you.

But I dont actually make 6 figures, I was exagerating a lot.
yeah that sounded like heavy pay for a low time guy like me or you (ive got about 4 thousand which isnt as much as you thought it would be when you cracked 250 durring your commercial). Just take your age and multiply by 1000, that should be your aviation income. After you figure that out, then ask your mom and dad to avoid turning your old bedroom into an office. Then finally figure out what lies you are going to need to get a chick from the bar to come home and get freaky even though you have a few "older roomates" sleeping in the house. God I cant believe how hard earned that knowledge is.....
Papps you know better than that! You don't have to go to the bar anymore! Your an airline pilot, we stay at the nicest place, make a mint, and have babes dropping to thier knees at our feet. This kid has every reason to be pissed, he has 600 hours and none of the perks. Take your 600 hours and go sh!t in your hat.
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Another whiney 21 year old, 600 hour, I want it all now, wanna be a jet pilot.

Come back at 1200 hours and ATP and maybe we can you use you.

Its interesting how everyone puts down the under thousand hour crowd for their lack of experience, but when a 600TT guy fresh from Altus KC135 school comes out and asks about a regional job or whatever the case may be, no one says a word. But of course, with their 600TT, they obviously have mounds of experience dealing with single pilot night freight in ice with no boots/radar? I guess the military ground school and flight training must be that extraordinary where you don't even need to be exposed to that sort of thing. Not trying to put down or attack the Mil. folks in any shape or form, even though it sounds that way. Its just the example that popped into my head after reading some of the replys to this thread.
Jeff775621 said:
. Can anyone give me some kind of advice? Thanks for the help.


Unforutunately you wont find places like United Airlines anymore that used to hire people with 600 TT. Stick with it, and pay your dues. It is a badge of honor to have paid your dues in this industry, a badge that so many zero time UAL pukes dont have. Dont be like them.
Guitar rocker said:
Stick with it, and pay your dues. It is a badge of honor to have paid your dues in this industry, a badge that so many zero time UAL pukes dont have. Dont be like them.

Actually, in UAL's case the term should be "pukette's"

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