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600 hours and frusterated

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I'm confused. Is it suck it up and pay your dues -- you need to work long hours for no pay all in the name of experience, or is it hold the bar and don't vote for any concessions?

The painful truth of the entire matter is that a pilot will ultimately get paid what BK judge decides he should get paid. It doesn't matter what he wants, what ALPA wants, and to some extent, what management wants -- what the BK judge decides the pilot will get paid is what the pilot will get paid.
Mar your bumming me out with that sacrifice and life is hard stuff. You need to listen to buffet and smoke a doobie.
Searchin' for my lost shaker of salt

smellthejeta said:
I'm confused. Is it suck it up and pay your dues -- you need to work long hours for no pay all in the name of experience, or is it hold the bar and don't vote for any concessions?

Not all pilots are created equal.

Not all contracts are equal.

Some pilots need to just STFU, suck it up and pay their dues while others need to hold the line and stand united.

Knowing the difference is the key to distinguishing the wannabe from the professional.

Now where's my spliff mahn.
ferlo said:
7500 hours and more frustrated than you can imagine.

Get out now. AT 21 believe me, you have nothing to lose. The effort it took you to get those 600 hours seems like a lot, and in a way it is, but it pales in comparison to what you should expect by continuing to persue this "profession". Just my two cents.

If flying is what you love dont listen to this fool, he is jaded by the industry. I have only around 2200 hrs, I love what I do and make in the low 6 figures for doing it. Stick with it.
Maybe you should just quit crying you baby..too sexy for your Cessna huh?
600 hrs Please...:bawling:
If you're frustrated already go do something else and do everybody a favour.
Had the pleasure of dealing with one of you spineless cry babies a couple of weeks ago.
700 hrs and not willing to commit to anything ...'cause the airlines might be calling' .......true his very words.
And expecting me to give him a job and be thankfull that Mr Airline guy is willing to fly for us.
I'm glad these 600 hr "aviators" have it all figured out in aviation........because I just passed 5,000 hrs and I'm still learning new stuff in the cockpit! (But maybe I am just slowwwww...)

I do KNOW in this business though, that you have to be humble and willing to learn with out the attitude.

Good luck,
Go to a regional as fast as you can. You will be logging MEL turbine SIC at the rate of 50-100 hours per month. In one year you will have enough resume fluff to give you a lot more options. It is part of what they call paying your dues. If you want to be a pilot you can make it. If you want the college degree to become a whatever, get out of flying go to school full time, develop a skill that has a market and work in cube for the rest of your life. I strongly believe that $100K is a very achievable wage for anyone in aviation degreed or not. Only on a pilot board would $100K per year be scoffed at as whore wages and lowering the bar in the pilot profession, of course you should not introduce reality to this board it only brings on screams and bashing.

I was thinking the same thing.........2,200 hrs and 6 figures doesn't add up!

Where do I apply for that job?


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