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Skybus' "rules of the sky"

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I give them 18 months.

I wish I agreed with you but I don't. I think they are here to stay - look at Ryanair in Europe - the fastest growing airline over there - people just love to spend pennies for a ticket. In their mind it's worth to pay extra for everything else as long as the ticket is almost free.

My mom flew on Ryan from London to Berlin not too long ago and she was telling me how cheap it was - about $15 she said. When I asked her if she paid any extra for her baggage, etc, she said well yeah about $35 but the ticket was sooo cheap...and I thought my mom was smart! (well, I still do!;))
As long as pilots will continue to sell out other pilots, companies like this will continue to start up. They could have posted starting salaries of 40k/15k and they'd have no trouble finding help. We are our own worst enemies. Can we really blame skybus for this mess? NO, we need to blame the pilots taking the jobs.. Now....If after a few months they organize a union and raise the bar, so be it.. Unfortunately I doubt it..
The leisure traveling public could care less about the amenities that passenger carrying major airlines provide, which is one reason Southwest is so successful. Just give them a cheap seat and get them there in one piece. Anyone can suffer for a couple of hours on a plane to get where they want to go for little or no money.

I agree with you, mostly because the legacies have basically become LCC's without the LC. I probably ride around in the back as a paying passenger more than any of you and never cease to be amazed at how horrible the airline experience has become.

What amenities do the major airlines provide for the extra $200-1000 you will pay for your ticket?

A free bag of peanuts and, if you're one of the lucky few willing to ask and endure the FA's snarl, maybe a whole can of soda?

FF miles that are becoming more and more worthless by the day?

Snappy, unhelpful gate agents/FA's?

Bitter pilots that think the cheap passengers are responsible for their pay cuts?

Assigned seats that are more than likely in the middle anyway if you are a last minute, high fare, business traveller? But at least you got to go through that special screening process first...

Understaffing and overbooking that results in being stranded for days if there happens to be wx or mx problems with your flight?

Hot airplanes because the crew thinks not starting the APU will somehow buy them a raise?

The TSA experience...enough said.

I know many of you are as kind and professional as they come and even understand why some aren't, but I am increasingly disgusted by the whole painful experience of airline travel, no matter the brand. At least I know SWA will probably get me there on time and have reasonably happy employees.

Anyone wanting comfort, amenities, and to avoid the TSA will have to pony up millions for the private or fractional experience. If you can't afford it, you will ride the skybus, no matter the brand. My only consolation when airlining is that my job is very secure.
Your right, the only hope Legacies have for the domestic market is to return to full service, and REAL service.. with more seat pitch. I've used Delta recently to go international and it wasn't that bad... the service was good, and the seats were much better than the domestic cabins..
No flame here, but I would not underestimate the price sensitivity of the US consumer. If Skybus makes a go it (ala Ryanair's business model in Europe), it will be because they make enough revenue from tickets to just cover the cost of ACMI, and the profit margin comes from advertising and other fees.

Anyone can suffer for a couple of hours on a plane to get where they want to go for little or no money.

This is a major threat to our industry (my wife is a pilot for Delta), and if successful, every MBA from Stanford to Harvard will try to figure out how to incorporate these business practices at the majors.


All VERY good points. I hate it, but I think you are right. The average airline customer wants cheap before customer service.
Stews will make $9 an hour, and a comission on everything they sell---food, drinks etc. They won't be happy or friendly on empty flights!

Bye Bye--General Lee

Gee,they'll fit right in at Delta then when Skybus goes out of business!!

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