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You guys have me scared

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Dude, I hope you’re thinking about your wife and kid.

Personally, I don't think he REALLY, truely comprehends the absolute misery he's getting ready to put his family through! Some just have to learn the hard way I guess. I hope he has a good back up plan.

This PFT outfit he's invested 80 grand in has taken him to the cleaners with all sorts of "pie in the sky" marketing fantasies. Reality is a whole different ball game and "it" will soon set in as he's in for a rude awakening.
xlr857 said:
This is what Im talking about the negativity on this board sucks, that is why I wont return here. The mystery school is Pan Am and I believe the mystery company with an order for 10 pilots per month is AIRNET. Thank You for all who had real responses and a plan of attack for me to take. Im going to be a great pilot regardless of the airline status. I have an inside contact with Corporate Jets out of Scottsdale. I am best friends with the owners son who is currently attending Embry Riddel. So see you all the real pilots in the skies and for all the complaining whiners have fun on furlough.

Why go to Pan Am if you have connections? Why go to Pan Am just to possibly get a job at Airnet? Nothing wrong with Airnet but spending the ridiculous sum of money at PanAm for that just isn't worth it. If things turn around in a year or two after you get your ratings and some time AirNet will hire you off of the street. A little over a year ago they would take you with 500 hours off of the street. I meet so many people that start at Pan Am and then leave. Don't believe what they promise. Sure they have nice new planes but you can find that elsewhere. I don't think the training at PanAm is better than any place else. By the way who cares if you get an interview? That doesn't mean they have to hire you. TransStates used to have a good scam going years ago where you could pay extra money for sim prep. The day you took the prep you were a great pilot. The next day during the interview you sucked.

If I was to go to any school at zero time I would go to All ATP's. Yes you have to do lots of studying on your own and it is fast paced but you got tons of multi-engine time and an opportunity to instruct there afterwards. You don't have to pay additional money for that "priviledge" either like PanAm. You ever think how much money it takes to produce all of the fancy marketing material that PanAm has?

You better be careful about what you say and slamming other pilots. That attitude will carry off of this board when people really know who you are and you will get no where. This industry is all about connections. Some folks might have 2500 hours and can't get a job while a person with 800 can. It is all who you know.

At a minimum I recommend getting your private license at a place like Sawyer or any other school in the valley that is convenient. You might learn a few things first before thinking you are some **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** smart and cool for going to PanAm flying around in a goofey uniform. If I really had 80k I buy my own plane and train in it. I have seen people get there private license in an Apache, for example, and then keep moving through their ratings.

- AZPilot
Go to the local FBO, find an instructor and get your ratings one by one.

You can do it for a fraction of the cost. There aint no hurry in this market.

You can go buy your own small twin and get most of your rating for 80K, give or take

What ever you decide, good luck, there is no better job than to fly.
Mesa has a superb program. I have nothing but praise for how they have this set up. At a fraction of the price of a Pan Am program.. Just wish I could do it all over again

3 5 0 :D
Posted by somebody:

"...We got another one. Hook, line, and sinker! Its a sales pitch. You bought it...."

Nah, we bought it. I vote with the Sheriff, this reeks of bait , more bait, and nothing but the bait. Back away clean.

big dog1 said:
Check out Mesa air pilot development
Originally posted by 350Driver
Mesa has a superb program. I have nothing but praise for how they have this set up. At a fraction of the price of a Pan Am program.. Just wish I could do it all over again
I instructed there nine years ago. It is legit and if you mind your Ps and Qs, you can get a chance. Absent the Freedom Air factor, a possible downside these days is the question of when you'd get the chance. Programs such as MAPD and Comair are great when hiring is great. When hiring is not great, you might find yourself stuck.

MAPD is not cheap, but is certainly less expensive than Pan Am, as described above. You also get a two-year degree from an accredited college to boot, meaning that you can transfer a significant number of credits, if not all of them, to a four-year college.

Research my other posts on the subject.
No Flames from here, just some advice from an attorney:

If a school makes you a promise then test it out by asking them make it to you in writting. If they refuse, they are blowing smoke where the sun does not shine. For the cash you are talking about, a contract should be made. If your willing to spend 80K you can aford 1K in attorney fees for a contract. I have a feeling that any attorney honest attorney will tell you the school's promise has too many loop-holes to be binding or enforcable. Good luck in whatever you do. Do not get bogged down with what you percieve as "negativity". Nearly every post has something you can learn from. Whether you use it is up to you - even if this is flame bait.


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