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You guys have me scared

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Very competitive

> A warm body to fill the right seat...

Actually, from what I've seen recently from my interviews, they are looking for a warm body that can quickly upgrade to the left seat.

Average time to Captain is about 1 yr with Comair, Skywest and similar Regionals. They can be picky at this point in history and 1000 hours total time won't do it if most of it is not PIC.
I have a written guarantee if I place in the top 10% percent of my class I am guaranteed a job with an airline no interview nothing. If they do not place me at all within 6 mos of graduation I get a 30,000 dollar refund on my training. I forget which regional airline but there are several with standing orders for pilots from my school 10 per month.
I have a degree in business management from local CC. I just took that long to figure out i dont like sitting behind a desk
Maybe you should work on your 4 yr degree and do training at a local airport. 80K is quite a lot of money for training. I paid out only 24k. Ma and pa operations.....
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Eighty grand is a lot to be sinking into flight training. I for one wouldn't believe that guarantee. The three words I never use in reference to aviation or the airlines are guarantee, definite, or promise. So, lets say that this isn't fame bait and you really are shelling out $80,000 for flight training. Just how do you expect to pay those loans back AND provide for the wife and kid (unless of course you didn't need a loan). What is this mystery flight school you are going to that is giving you a written GUARANTEE that if you are in the top 10% of your class (how do they measure that anyway?) you DEFINITELY get an airline job with that as yet unnamed airline that has a "standing order" (brings a whole new dimension to the term "pilot factory" doesn't it?) for low time inexperienced pilots in this time of many unemployed highly experienced pilots. I'm not saying this is not true, just highly improbable.
I'm kind of in the same boat you are except I am leaving the IT industry and I already have my private pilot's license with a multi-engine rating. I'm also a little older at 32.

I looked at all of the flight schools. Most of which I determined to be nothing more than good marketing folks. I am getting the rest of my ratings at a local FBO for about $17,000. If I started from scratch it would cost about $25,000-30,000. Am I guaranteed a job when I get done? Well, the manager said that he might take me on as a "here-and-there" pilot. If you are guaranteed a job by graduating in the top 10% of your class, make sure you study your tail off and then if they don't get you a job, get all of the $80,000 back, not just part of it.

I'm not trying to be negative, I just don't want people that I could be working with to get screwed by somebody that knows how to sell something too well.

No matter what you do, don't ever let anyone steal your dream and don't quit even when evrything is stacked up against you. My dad always told me "quitters never win and winners never quit." I'd say it's true.
This is what Im talking about the negativity on this board sucks, that is why I wont return here. The mystery school is Pan Am and I believe the mystery company with an order for 10 pilots per month is AIRNET. Thank You for all who had real responses and a plan of attack for me to take. Im going to be a great pilot regardless of the airline status. I have an inside contact with Corporate Jets out of Scottsdale. I am best friends with the owners son who is currently attending Embry Riddel. So see you all the real pilots in the skies and for all the complaining whiners have fun on furlough.
You paid 80,000$ to get ratings and the promise of an interview if you "excel" at your training? Sounds like a pretty good deal to me...????

**CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED**....I should have gone into the flight school business.

What a rip-off!!!!!!

For 80K you should get your ratings AND a college degree!!!!

Best of Luck.
I apologize if I offended anyone, I really hope anyone who is currently out of work finds a job. It just pisses me off how it seems some people try to scare newbies away. We all got into this for one reason you love to fly. I dont care if im flat broke Ill be having the time of my life. You only live once. I researched Pan AM losing there 141 cert. but couldnt find anything I know they currently have it.
Negativity? I'm being realistic here. Eighty thousand dollars is a lot of money! Especially for primary flight training. You were being very ambiguous there xlr857. My point is know what you are getting into and I am not sure that you do. UPS Capt is correct that $80,000 is an insane amount to pay for training. As for Airnet, you'll be making $1,333 per month for the first 4 or 5 months since you will be flying SIC in the pistons because at 800 hours you do not yet meet the FAR part 135 requirements. After that you'll make somewhere around $24,000 a year until you upgrade to jet SIC then you'll make around $29,000 until you upgrade once again to jet captain. Now, it sounds like you have your mind made up as to your "plan of attack". I'm not trying to be "negative" here but I personally wouldn't bet 80 grand on a 90% chance that I won't have a job after spending all that money. My advice to you is to go to a local flight school and get your ratings that way, then hit your buddy up for a job with his Dad's company. Once again, you will not have the hour requirement for part 135 PIC until you hit 1200 hours but you can ride SIC and instruct until you have enough time.

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