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Will SWA and AT truly merge?

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This really is pointless.

SWAPA isn't going to kick anyone to the curb/preferential interview or whatever and ATNALPA knows they aren't going to have the same seniority at SWA that they have at Airtran.

Why not have some reasonable expectations, let the process work and welcome our new coworkers? A "fair and equitable" solution is one that lets everyone move on and get to kicking butt!

You guys are going to LUV it here!


But this site is for the 10%ers... Most of us are right online with you
Someone finally gets that this is a purchase of assets. Not a merging of companies. SWA has the right to decide what to do with these assets. And the culture at SWA has been and always will be a major concern for leadership.

Apparently the SWA training department has the ability to train 700 new pilots a year. You do the math.

Just being real about this transaction. And so should the pilots of both Airtran and Southwest.

Bond/McCaskill. But hey, your reality doesn't have to reflect reality if you don't want it to! It's your world baby! We're just passing through...:laugh:
Not so Woody. Your confusing separate issues. I wont get into the details, you'll learn on your on.

Dude, you are absolutely and irrevocably wrong on this. If what you are proposing is the case, what would prevent SWAPA from proposing a side letter that states that we get to staple the AAI guys to our list? The fact is, the "snapshot" took place on Sep 27th and neither party can make substantial changes to the rules of engagement after that date. Period. End of story. Keep talking, cause that will just cement your ignorance as to this process/situation. How's about you head on back to the Delta threads and butt the f- out of this, since it doesn't concern you, and your presence here is only a misguided attempt to assuage your own ego. Thanks for your input though, it has been less than informative.


PS PCL128, I doubt if there is a "merger agreement" between SWA and AAI since this is an acquisition not a merger. As to the CBA's that are "in effect", I highly doubt if the "date of corporate closing" has anything to do with it, since if that were the case, then SWAPA could implement any BS that we wanted prior to that. September 27th is the date, hope you guys were prepared then; if not, so solly, cholly.
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This really is pointless.

SWAPA isn't going to kick anyone to the curb/preferential interview or whatever and ATNALPA knows they aren't going to have the same seniority at SWA that they have at Airtran.

Why not have some reasonable expectations, let the process work and welcome our new coworkers? A "fair and equitable" solution is one that lets everyone move on and get to kicking butt!

You guys are going to LUV it here!

Nice try to inject some sanity into this conversation, but I'm afraid these guys are having too much fun bickering to listen.
Congratulations, you know far less than you realize and now we all know it.:rolleyes:

FDJ2 please quit your job and become "Master know it all" consultant. Your infinite knowledge is to valuable to be wasted as a pilot. I will print you up some cards.

If AAI CBA was binding then why is SWA negotiating a aquisition agreement with SWAPA? Hell just go to Atlanta and have AAI pilots tell us whats gonna happen. Save everybody the trouble. SWAPA's 24 month max fence clause is whats controling as so far as time Airtran can be operated seperatley. And that clock starts as soon as purchase is complete and SWA SWAPA have a aqusition agreement.
As I recall, the temporary holding company DAL formed for this purpose was called "Newco".

Well, you recall incorrectly. NEWCO was NWA's name during Section 6 negotiations for what ultimately became Compass Airlines. It had nothing to do with Delta.
From what I'm reading, MENSA has some competition......
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Bond/McCaskill. But hey, your reality doesn't have to reflect reality if you don't want it to! It's your world baby!
Bond/McCaskill has to do only with seniority integration. It does not require airlines to merge their seniority lists if operated separately.

The reality is this. If the SWA leadership discovers that the employees of Airtran will damage the culture at SWA, they will take measures to prevent that from happening.

This came from the McCaskill web site:

"This provision would make it harder for one airline or union to add the employees of another airline or union to the bottom of the seniority list."


This is the reality. Call it mine if you will but should be for all parties involved.
Honest question.....

IF A/M and B/M REQUIRE two lists to be merged........... how come USAir and Cactus are still seperate ops?

Aren't they not only seperate ops but seperate contracts and payscales too?


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