A member in good standing conducted a Book Review and an Internal Audit Committee looked at SWAPA comp time. There has been a lot of chatter about these reviews on the SWAPA forum. The 2nd VP is ultimately responsible for ensuring the membership is getting good value for the buck as far as comp time goes. A highly comped Committee Chair and Domicile rep have publicly explained their actions. SWAPA dues are relatively cheap, and the union is operating in the black...it's hard to differentiate between the valid use of comp time and abuse because the specific records are closely held by SWAPA. More transparency would help, and I expect that to be the result...
I'm would not be surprised that the Domicile Reps you speak of are from Eastern bases that have seen a lot of displacements due to base openings (and no organic growth) and the arrival of FAT that are now senior FOs at SWA...
If a rep needs "comp time," he should be bought off of his trips, not accumulate additional credit. Allowing reps to submit for additional credit is a system that is ripe for abuse. No one should be profiting from union work.