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What's the dumbest question you've been asked as a pilot?

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Two years ago I refinanced my mortgage...

Mortgage Broker (MB), asking the standard series of questions over the phone: Oh, your a pilot.

Me: Yes

MB: What airplane do you fly?

Me: Embraer 145 Regional Jet.

MB: Oh. Some people call those puddle jumpers (with a chuckle).

Me: Not people trying to earn my business, good bye (with a chuckle). #CLICK#
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Mike Oxlong said:
MB: Oh. Some people call those puddle jumpers (with a chuckle).

Me: Not people trying to earn my business, good buy (with a chuckle). #CLICK#


I'm picturing John Candy with a hatchet in his hand... Ever hear of a ritual killing? Eh heh heh heh heh... :laugh:
Q: Oh you’re a pilot, what kind of airplane do you fly?

A: I fly the CRJ-200.

Then they look at you like you have a third eye and ask:

A What???
meatwallet said:
Or maybe on the other hand (just as a finish a call on my cell phone):
dumba$$: I need to make a call
me: no

Heh... We have a captain here who doesn't have his own cell phone. Nothing wrong with that, but when he's working, after 7pm rolls around, he asks his FO if he gets free minutes after 7, and if so, could he borrow his phone!?!?!

I know pilots are cheap, but that's a new level...

:puke: (Doesn't really fit, I just think it's a funny graphic... heh)
Mike Oxlong said:
Two years ago I refinanced my mortgage...

Mortgage Broker (MB), asking the standard series of questions over the phone: Oh, your a pilot.

Me: Yes

MB: What airplane do you fly?

Me: Embraer 145 Regional Jet.

MB: Oh. Some people call those puddle jumpers (with a chuckle).

Me: Not people trying to earn my business, good buy (with a chuckle). #CLICK#

its good BYE

other than that...funny joke!
~~~^~~~ said:
5. And I hate to drag my mother into this, but for six years the question has been, "What airline do you fly for?" It took me three years to convince her I was not a Delta pilot, nor would I likely be a Delta pilot at any point in the future. She now thinks I fly for Southwest. In reality I fly for Atlantic Southeast Airlines a wholly owned subsidiary of SkyWest Airline Holdings, serving Delta Connection.

Yeah me too. It took my mom a while to figure it out. She thought I worked for SEAL (South East Air Lines). That how she would spell it. You should have heard the message she left me crying when she heard Southeast went TU. Now she knows I work for ASA but thinks we were just bought by Southwest. Here we go again...
Yeah me too. It took my mom a while to figure it out. She thought I worked for SEAL (South East Air Lines). That how she would spell it. You should have heard the message she left me crying when she heard Southeast went TU. Now she knows I work for ASA but thinks we were just bought by Southwest. Here we go again...[/quote]

To this day my grandmother (well into her 80s) is convinced that I fly for United. The closest I ever came to UAL was when I worked for ACA as United Express. It's just been easier to let her think what she wants. In her defense, the pax never know either. During the summer of 2000 (UAL contract negotiations, cancelled/delayed flights, etc) I had many people ask me why we just didn't get back to work. I tried to explain that I fly a J32 for ACA not a 747 for UAL. Usually got blank stares.

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