Maybe the UAL group is growing tired of getting blindsided by JP. Maybe this group is willing to live with a subpar contract for 4+ years to finally get rid of the management shill, something the CAL pilots should have done years ago. By not confronting JP and his minions shows the CAL pilots approve and support his antics. Not one motion floored to recall, not one "vote of no confidence", a failed recall of his biggest supporters Barron and Cook. Maybe UAL guys ARE the trade unionists everyone thought they were, willing to take it in the back side for 4 more years to get rid of a management wannabe that holds the Master Chairman position at CAL. The UAL pilots don't control JP, the CAL pilots do. CAL wants unity now for a NO vote, where were you for the last 2 1/2 years when your MC was the speed bump in the process? Your silence was deafening. If this TA passes you're as much to blame as the YES voters!
Coward! You guys turned out to be a bunch of pussies! There's no hiding it now. Just own it!