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"Walk of Shame"

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Hey there's a certain somebody at PDT that took a shiat in the cockpit, no joke. so no more pissing and moaning!

Are you refering to the BGM based Penn 1900 CA from years ago who is still there or is this a pure PDT guy your talking about? pre or post merger?
If the Captain does something that bothers you, then tell him so. If he doesn't care, then go to Pro Standards and let them handle it. What's wrong with this new batch of pilots entering the regionals that thinks it's entirely ok to rat their fellow pilots out to management? Management has no place in solving disputes between pilots. We need to handle that ourselves. Don't be a rat!!!

ditto - not only does this go for FO to CA it goes for CA to FO, FO to FO, CA to CA, FA to CA/FO or whatever type of worker/co-worker combo you can come up with.
FO justs need to STFU and do his job. Seriously, this guy must be wanting to be in management. He would last less than 2 minutes on my flight deck. I am previous ASA and the guys that were there when I was there are good guys (and gals). This is what ASA gets for hiring a$$holes to fill seats. Good Luck.

I'm sure the FO would be happy to be relieved of duty after only two minutes with you.
"Sensitive New Age Pilots" have no place in this business.

Neither do macho "smarter than the book" pilots who would willingly give themselves a compounded emergency by shutting down a perfectly good engine before making an emergency landing...
PCL_128 said:
If the Captain does something that bothers you, then tell him so. If he doesn't care, then go to Pro Standards and let them handle it.

Flying off profile is one thing....whipping it out and taking a piss IN YOUR OFFICE when there is a perfectly good lavatory at your disposal and after concerns have been voiced is another thing entirely.

Cockpits are filthy enough as it is without adding urine (or worse) to the mix...not to mention common FREAKING sense and courtesy to your colleagues.
Write them up? Are you serious, you are a POS.
When I have to go in flight, I know it would take MANY of those little 8 oz bottles.

Yeah I would need one of those 32 ouncce gatoraide bottle. You know...need a big hole ;)

Oh yeah, and write them up? Stop being such a puss** and man up will ya. Is that what you did in the locker room when you played sports? Run to coach and tell on everyone that was walking around showing their wee wees? Oh that's right, you didnt play sport. Sorry, dont know what I was thinking. :beer:
In another thread I mentioned a Capt. using the forward baggage compartment to squirt into a bottle. The only thing that was nasty, was him throwing the bottles into the garbage bag which was hanging on my arm rest. Never thought about turning a guy in for that. Geez.

Beides, this guy retired a year or so ago anyways.

You talking about Gerald?

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