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Being laid off really sucks. I know, I've been there, but I endured it like many others. I did what it took to get through it like many others have had to. I had always hoped that doing whatever it took to get rehired, build my seniority, staying on the equipment that would insulate me from most of the layoff threat, and not going somewhere else/starting over would somewhat assure me not having to go through another economic crisis. I bought an expensive new car (that I really didn't need) to do my part to bolster car sales for our major customer, and now I can't afford to pay for it.

I've endured all the hardships right along with everyone else at this company, really tried to remain positive about the outlook for the future, but now I'm just really depressed about the whole situation. Somehow, it just doesn't feel "fair". I know that life is not "fair", but **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED**, it just seems like right when things are starting to look up, I kicked kicked in the teeth again.
Note to God:

Lord could you please send either my wife or I an instant fatal heart attack, so one of us can collect the life insurance and not have to worry about the economic condition of the auto or aviation industry anymore? Would really appreciate it!

Careful what you wish for.....

clansinclair said:
Note to God:

Lord could you please send either my wife or I an instant fatal heart attack, so one of us can collect the life insurance and not have to worry about the economic condition of the auto or aviation industry anymore? Would really appreciate it!


Scenario: You have the fatal heart attack and your wife collects the insurance. Pilotyip stops by to console your wife in her time of need, after all he has 3 extra days off. After working through the grief, they find they have a bunch of cash, extra time off, and what do you know, NWA has a few non-stops to Vegas. I could paint o few more lurid details, but let's just say he's not called Randy for nothing!!! Plus, you'd be on cloud nine as the events transpire observing the play-by-play as punishment for even thinking of such a thing.

So make use of your extra three days off, try to negociate a fourth day at the same base payrate and go help rebuild the Yankee Air Museum.
You don't know my wife. Trust me, Randy would rather take another 30% paycut, and have the company give it to me to prevent that scenario. However since you mentioned it, "God? I'd like to ammend my last prayer. Could you make that instant fatal heart attack for my wife please? After thinking about it, that would really solve ALL my problems!"
Another note to God:

Lord if your not going to send her the heart attack thing, please don't let her read this. I got enough problems to deal with!

Ooooh! nice post jumper!
Hey, Jeff I got in trouble in Australia by telling the girl I was Randy. She told me she was getting married and not interested.
I feel for all of you guys. I hope the pay cuts and the lay offs don't spread around YIP. This is about the slowest I've seen in years.
Are you guys still flying pax?

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