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US Airways Contract Projections

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The east loves to brag about the lovely piece of cheese, but would rather ignore the large metal spring that is about to snap down on the unsuspecting. I think folks need to be aware of the risks. USAPA is the group that famously said "we don't need a Plan B". We'll see.

And the scumbags are the east who have already held 92% of the pilot group hostage to their unreasonable demands. Thanks for the reminder.
To all of the prospective new hires: i have not flown with anybody that is as big of an assbag as this guy ^^^
yes a seniority number at US is not worth the seniority number at any of the regionals which someone might be working at now.
According to your beloved USAPA, a seniority number at US isn't worth a seniority number at US. There are 1800 pilots at US whose seniority apparently means nothing to those with the numbers to deny a vote.

So, what is your point?
To all of the prospective new hires: i have not flown with anybody that is...
I've never flown with an east infection. Perhaps I never will.

Apparently, you don't understand the issues behind this un-civil war so you resort to names. Educate yourself and you'll look at your co-workers in a whole new (and more honest) light.

For 30 years I was proud of my profession and enjoyed the esprit de corps of my fellow aviators. Now I feel like Clark Griswold after Cousin Eddie has moved in permanently.
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I know both sides of the civil war, and i agree with the AWA group. But listening to your rants has done nothing but make yourself look like an ass bag.

No one should listen to Crzipilot or Bringupthebird.

Regional airlines currently present more hazard to furloughing than any Major Airline... especially US Airways.

Updated numbers for March 2013

Total Pilots: 3489

Pilots Scheduled for Mandatory Retirement on the East:

2013 - 138
2014 - 198
2015 - 183
2016 - 227
2017 - 241
Total - 987

PHL A320 Capt - #2203 (Jul 87)
PHL 737 Capt - #2085 (Apr 87)
PHL E190 Capt - #3160 (Sep 04)
PHL 767 F/O - #3266 (Feb 08)
PHL A330 F/O - #2847 (Jan 99)

DCA A320 Capt - #2356 (Jan 88)

CLT A320 Capt - #2118 (Apr 87)
CLT 737 Capt - #2433 (Apr 88)
CLT 767 F/O - #3188 (Sep 04)
CLT A330 F/O - #2464 (May 88)
You beat me to it! I've added the hire dates applicable to those numbers above, for the illumination of those outside our walls.

For the interest of our new hires (and those desiring to join us) ... folks hired in October 2012 will be PRIMARY LINEHOLDERS on the E190 when this bid is staffed. 2011 hires are easily holding lines on the E190, and are within striking distance of lines on the A320 in DCA. 2011 hires are only about 100 numbers away from 757/767 FO in PHL, and 200 numbers away from the same position in CLT.

There were 133 unfilled positions on this bid, representing every base and fleet on the East except the 757/767 and 330. There are 66 open A320 spots (26 CLT, 26 PHL, 14 DCA), 36 open E190 spots (PHL only, of course), and even 31 open 737 slots (25 CLT, 6 PHL).

These retirement numbers are from airlinepilotforums.com & originally cited from airlinepilotcentral.com — not fully accurate.

Delta Retirements

Total Delta Pilots: 11,822

2013 - 50 or 0.042%
2014 - 101 or 1.27%
2015 - 158 or 2.61%
2016 - 208 or 4.37%
2017 - 260 or 6.57%
2018 - 386 or 9.83%
2019 - 464 or 13.75%
2020 - 528 or 18.21%
2021 - 710 or 24.21%
2022 - 756 or 30.61%
2023 - 693 or 36.47%
2024 - 665 or 42.10%
2025 - 532 or 46.60%

United's numbers

Total pilots: 12,505

2013 - 399 or 3.19%
2014 - 419 or 6.54%
2015 - 382 or 9.60%
2016 - 371 or 12.56%
2017 - 431 or 16.01%
2018 - 413 or 19.31%
2019 - 424 or 22.70%
2020 - 427 or 26.12%
2021 - 509 or 30.19%
2022 - 470 or 33.95%
2023 - 552 or 38.36%
2024 - 491 or 42.29%
2025 - 600 or 47.09%

Alaska's numbers:

Total pilots: 1435

2013 - 18 or 1.25%
2014 - 31 or 3.41%
2015 - 36 or 5.92%
2016 - 47 or 9.20%
2017 - 46 or 12.40%
2018 - 43 or 15.40%
2019 - 49 or 18.82%
2020 - 55 or 22.65%
2021 - 57 or 26.62%
2022 - 56 or 30.52%
2023 - 50 or 34.01%
2024 - 60 or 38.19%
2025 - 57 or 42.16%

US Airways combined US + AWA numbers:

Total Pilots: 5065

US Air
2013 - 184 or 3.63%
2014 - 243 or 8.43%
2015 - 227 or 12.91%
2016 - 269 or 18.22%
2017 - 295 or 24.05%
2018 - 308 or 30.13%
2019 - 329 or 36.62%
2020 - 306 or 42.67%
2021 - 312 or 48.83%
2022 - 263 or 54.02%
2023 - 299 or 59.92%
2024 - 239 or 64.64%
2025 - 229 or 69.16%

American's numbers:

Total Pilots: 8481

2013 - 85 or 1.00%
2014 - 103 or 2.22%
2015 - 130 or 3.75%
2016 - 167 or 5.72%
2017 - 255 or 8.73%
2018 - 331 or 12.63%
2019 - 442 or 17.84%
2020 - 545 or 24.27%
2021 - 601 or 31.35%
2022 - 666 or 39.21%
2023 - 710 or 47.58%
2024 - 725 or 56.13%
2025 - 731 or 64.74%
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No one should listen to Crzipilot or Bringupthebird.

Regional airlines currently present more hazard to furloughing than any Major Airline... especially US Airways.
If you are junior at a regional, then sure, what have you got to lose. Or if you are bouncing around the pattern in a 172, then the risk is pretty minimal. Leaving a senior position at any regional until the USAPA debacle has been concluded (through merger or implosion) would be foolish.

Oh, and FBW, in the intererst of full disclosure, what number of the retirements are CA vs F/Os and others on LTD, etc. who don't yield a CA vacancy?
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I agree!

But your presentation, pessimism and jadedness makes us all cringe when you post ... you do more harm to your own cause than you do good

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