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Universal Seniority List?

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It's naive and plain stupid to think anyone can 'choose' the 'right' airline. You won't know until after you retire. To think a pilot has some keen foresight to choose 'wisely' is ridiculous and the crux of our problems. Everyone tries for the best option at the time, but airlines change tremendously and the pilots shouldn't have to go down with the ship, starting their career over.

Our poor pay is in part attributable to the inability to transfer among companies, like most professionals. My friend who practices law, takes a bonus and raise anytime she moves to another firm. She questions why only pilots match pay 'cuts' and why pilots tend to focus on who makes 'less' as a barometer of our success - if carrier X pays less than us, I must be doing well - said by many pilots.

The industry is in the toilet and the professionalism and skill of our pilots is exploited by the airlines and cheap tickets. Seniority is a way to retain pilots without using pay as an incentive to retain good talent, like what's required for every other company. Employee retention - nonexistent concept in airlines. There must be a better way.

Well said.

it's naive and plain stupid to think anyone can 'choose' the 'right' airline. You won't know until after you retire. To think a pilot has some keen foresight to choose 'wisely' is ridiculous and the crux of our problems. Everyone tries for the best option at the time, but airlines change tremendously and the pilots shouldn't have to go down with the ship, starting their career over.

Our poor pay is in part attributable to the inability to transfer among companies, like most professionals. My friend who practices law, takes a bonus and raise anytime she moves to another firm. She questions why only pilots match pay 'cuts' and why pilots tend to focus on who makes 'less' as a barometer of our success - if carrier x pays less than us, i must be doing well - said by many pilots.

The industry is in the toilet and the professionalism and skill of our pilots is exploited by the airlines and cheap tickets. Seniority is a way to retain pilots without using pay as an incentive to retain good talent, like what's required for every other company. Employee retention - nonexistent concept in airlines. There must be a better way.

+1 !
we at least need a minimum pay scale per aircraft type and seat. It is possible to make less than minimum wage if your duty time is near 16hrs and you are not getting paid for trip cancelation.
Thanks for highjacking another thread mr AWA pilot. I see the two red-tail career crushers are chiming in to. What a suprise

I'm free to move about the boards as I please. Sorry, USAPs can't control the message here.

Sorry if that upsets you.

First off AWA was a failing airline and would be gone without the merger.

I am so sorry to disagree with you. But USAir EAST was the FAILING airline. Now all of a sudden all the East guys are saying, it was an illusion. The company was doing fine but mngmt was fibbing about our doomed fate.

I was doing PHL redeyes during this fiasco. It was ugly and I do remember the "air" of desperation and sadness at the PHL airport. I prayed for you guys (East) to continue to operate, for I talked to a bunch of your commuters who were depressed and almost devastated with the looming shut down of USAir East.

I do not have a stake in this, the only thing I have is honest observation and nonemotional truth/remarks. Most of the EAST guys are BSing now or trying to position themselves for betterment.<---NOT FAIR AT ALL. Stop the koolaid drinking and accept your BINDING ARBITRATION.

On the other hand, AmericaWest just had started making small profits and shoring up their cash on hand to be able to purchase the East. The unfair part of this is that guys in the EAST with more seniority got stapled.

Sorry and CYA,
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The industry will never do what is needed to fix seniority issues and "I got mine."

That kind of change comes from within but I don't see it today.

A few more years of industry marination might cook enough careers to garner interest though. We'll see.
All ATPs Grandfathered until 2015. Then seniority based on your date of ATP or Military Equivalent.

Start making the companies fight for the best employees like the rest of the planet's professions. Let the interview process weed out the 10K hour banner draggers.

First off AWA was a failing airline and would be gone without the merger.

Um, yeah right. I guess you forgot the fact that Airways was 5 days from shutting the doors forever, that is, after their 2nd trip into chapter 11 bankruptcy!

So, the United and AMR furloughed pilots chose the wrong airline and Delta furloughed pilots chose the right on. They got it all figured out.
Maybe they just knew that working for a regional airline like us airways wasn't going to get them anywhere, kind of like the man you call, "wife."

I tell you why some pilots do not want DOH. Greed and sense of entitlement at the time. Just like PFT.

Says the gulfstream academy washout!

Advancement at all cost. does not matter who you step over. It's the American way and why this profession has gone downhill. All due to short term gains at the expense of others. That is why ALPA failed being A Union.
This statement all about sums up usapa!

Seniority. Drives everything in this job. Vacation, line-holder (or not), equipment, pay.A first year pilot does not get the same benefits as some one with 17 years. Why should that change? Because greed and sense of entitlement of pilots who think they deserve something fast. Just like PFT. Pilots are their own worst enemy.


Your man love's 17 years at us airways got him a nice juicy furlough! Now I know that's difficult for you to handle, him being over 20 years and only holding E190 f/o. But just think, in another 10 years, he'll almost make what a 3rd year southwest first officer makes!
But don't worry Marty, you're still my favorite doosh.
Now get back on your meds, and make that man of yours happy after he comes home from working so hard for so little!:laugh:
It's simple national seniority for pay only purposes and company seniority for all other purposes.
The only way this would ever work is if we all working for the Union and were contracted on jobs by the Union to the Airlines. It will never happen. We will see single pilot or UAV flying before this.

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