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Two Pilot Marriages

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IFollowRoads said:
Great for you both being pilots and not having kids?

If not to procreate why get married and take a chance on having half or more of your stuff taken from you later? Plus your mothers heart is breaking over you not producing some grandkids, you heartless sunova...

Because I LOVE my wife and want to be married to her. Marriage is about two people being together, not having kids. Having kids is a whole other thing...it's called HAVING KIDS!
Rock out if you want to have kids, I think that's great if you both want them. Why does it bother you so much that we don't want kids?
We did it, sort of. Wife flies in the Navy so not too much choice in who had to sacrifice. I am doing the corporate a few days a week while the kids are in school. I miss the regular flying, but it is great to be with the family. Thee is no way we would have let someone else raise our kids full time. As someone else said, why bother having kids then? When she gets out I have the choice of going back to full time if I want to. Not too sure I want to.
Reelbigfish said:
Because I LOVE my wife and want to be married to her. Marriage is about two people being together, not having kids. Having kids is a whole other thing...it's called HAVING KIDS!
Rock out if you want to have kids, I think that's great if you both want them. Why does it bother you so much that we don't want kids?

hehe it doesnt, buddy. I was just teasin ya ;)
My wife and I are pilots and there is no way we could raise our son without my wife being at home with him. Our decision was made a bit easier since we both worked at IDE and we all know how that worked out. My wife now has a home based business that allows her to work when she wants to and she's making more money than she did flying. Bottom line - Nothing wrong with a 2 pilot marriage but I can't see raising kids with both people flying for a living.

BTW - There was a relatively recent article in Flying, AOPA, or some other magazine about a couple in a 2 pilot marriage.
satpak77 said:
nice setup. Empty kitchen. kids grow up to be substance abusers

nice nice nice

two-career household....nothing like America

Simple answer to that.....if you want a career, don't have kids.

If you want kids, give up the career.

If you want both, you have to bid opposite schedules.....it can be done.
Rez O. Lewshun said:
Here it is.... if one doesn't give up flying then why have kids? I mean whats the point. It bad enough that one parent is done on 3 or 4 or more day trips...

Two married pilots that want kids? Why what are you trying to gain and at whose expense...

IFollowRoads said:
Great for you both being pilots and not having kids?

If not to procreate why get married ...

IT'S CALLED TRUE LOVE AND IT DOES EXIST. For those of us fortunate enough to experience it, there is nothing like it.
I am in a two-pilot marraige. My child was already here when we met and got married, and we decided to try it. Two years later my husband got a job outside of aviation and I kept flying. It is definately better this way for us, but lots of people make it work. We also have grandparents very close by, which is the only way I could keep flying, even with him being home every night. There's no way around it - even a single-pilot family suffers in some way. This life we've chosed is hard in so many ways. Each individual must decide if it's worth it.
AV1ATRX said:
I am in a two-pilot marraige. My child was already here when we met and got married, and we decided to try it. Two years later my husband got a job outside of aviation and I kept flying. It is definately better this way for us, but lots of people make it work. We also have grandparents very close by, which is the only way I could keep flying, even with him being home every night. There's no way around it - even a single-pilot family suffers in some way. This life we've chosed is hard in so many ways. Each individual must decide if it's worth it.

Why do you choose to keep flying? Is the "enjoyment factor" of flying greater than the "I miss my kids" factor? Etc? Not trying to start an argument, looking for legit discussion.

You stated "this life is hard in so many ways"

What exactly makes it worth it?

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