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Thanks AirTran MEC!

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Coercion is grounds for seeking the rescission or cancellation
of a contract.

It happens to be the law.

And this applies to the topic at hand how, exactly?

Are you gonna sue your rogue MEC/LEC/members/yourself when they/you screw this up for you guys by coercing you and others into a no vote that may destroy any chance of a career at SW?

My prediction, if these rumors are true and this goes to membership vote, is that the AT guys will unanimously vote this in, because, in spite of the vocal minority's musings, it's a great deal for them.

It'll be a 50%+1 vote over on the SW side, either way, probably voted down because of the harm inflicted to our group.

I sincerely hope that the rumors are all BS, and something far more fair and equitable is in the AIP.
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Hey SWA guys! I'm taking a break from all of these damn forums UNTIL we get something official from SWAPA. Please for God's sake stop debating with these knuckle heads. Does 0 good. I have a feeling that this is all gonna work out in the end. Now go outside and play...............
I agree. This is comical. Please keep it up, kwick...it's the most entertained I've been by this whole process.

BTW, you lecturing us on matters of the law is even more comical than PCL issuing condescending barbs and insults about how much he knows about labor law.

Funny, PCL disappeared like a fart in the wind after he and the rest of the ALPO MEC found out that things actually could go down the way he said they couldn't. Hmph.
I still think SWAPA should offer the Airtran guys the same deal Airtran offered ATA. Bwah hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahaha
AT voting no and SWAPA barely voting yes is the best thing that could happen to SWA junior FO's (which I'm not). I personally want this deal to work but I won't shed a tear if you guys f' this thing up. It'll be your own undoing.

The majority of us are very outrage with our three rogue lec members. And the Mec heard us loud and clear to shut them down. Most of us just want this over and to move forward with our lifes.
The “deal” is a POS and should never had made it out of the room. Now some of the MEC are doing what they were elected to do. Thirty percent loss of seniority with a false fence is unacceptable! That is a 5 year loss.

I'm curious, what would be an acceptable loss in seniority then? With all the other improvements that are being obtained you have to give a little somewhere. I've seen this question asked numerous times without one answer. Not trying to start a flame or fight but an honest question, what is an acceptable loss in seniority?

Acceptable loss of seniority?

The only fair way to merge these two lists:

1. No bump/no flush
2. All pre-10/93 SWA pilots on the list.
3. Ratio the rest.

That way all REAL seniority remains intact. Putting ANY AAI guys ahead of a pre-93 SWA hire is a windfall gain in seniority for the AAI pilots.

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