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SWA/Airtran Process Agreement??

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Wow, still preaching September 28th. The same broken record albeit tweaked a little, "do this or else", "you better behave and take what we give you", "you better watch out or we will tell Gary", "Gary has plans A-Z and 1 up to infinity if you guys don't play ball". Don't you guys get tired of saying the same thing? Some of you have seen the light and realize that this will be a great thing for everyone, others, not so much...........

Come on bro. I'm not hatin'. I think, after reading the Process Agreement, that your MEC has agreed that NO MATTER how this shakes out every one of you will be in a better place.

It's very clearly written. Come to a negotiated agreement or the **** hits the fan. You signed it. We signed it. So we all agree. Correct? You have to see it from our side. If the deal goes south we have our contract and go back to September 26th. You guys will have lost everything, including your new contract. I can see where that could come across as a "take it or else" approach but that's not my intent. I am actually very confident that both memberships will approve an agreement.

I absolutely look forward to moving beyond the SLI and getting this behind us. I'm sure you do as well.

Sorry if my post came across the wrong way. There is a fine line between arrogance and confidence. I'll try to be more concise in the future.

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If the deal goes south we have our contract and go back to September 26th. You guys will have lost everything, including your new contract.
OK, have to admit, you lost me there. That's not anywhere in the Process Agreement, our CBA, or the RLA?
Some of you have seen the light and realize that this will be a great thing for everyone, others, not so much...........

I think the problem may be that I have never heard any Southwest pilot utter that statement.
If it goes to Arbitration, it will have an implementation date, set by the Arbitrator. This was agreed to by SWA management, as well as SWAPA, ALPA, and AAI.

Arbitrator comes up with a list. Implementation date is made by SWA/SWAPA.

I think, we will come to an agreement without an Arbitrator... in my opinion.
It's very clearly written. Come to a negotiated agreement or the **** hits the fan.

Not sure what you mean by that. The process agreement states that there will be binding arbitration if a negotiated agreement isn't reached. How is that "the **** hits the fan?"

Arbitrator comes up with a list. Implementation date is made by SWA/SWAPA.

The arbitrator panel doesn't just issue a list, they also issue an implementation schedule. It's laid out clearly in the process agreement.
The company's official announcement:

Earlier today, the respective Unions representing Southwest Airlines and AirTran Airways Pilots, as well as both Companies, signed a Four-Party Process Agreement that provides for the two pilot groups to begin their seniority integration discussions prior to legal closing of the AirTran acquisition. It also outlines provisions of an implementation schedule in the event an agreement is reached on an integrated seniority list (ISL). Southwest anticipates closing on its acquisition of AirTran Airways in second quarter of 2011.

“This is yet another important step in the overall process of bringing these two great carriers together,” said Mike Van de Ven, Southwest Airlines Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. “I applaud both sides for signing this important agreement that lays the groundwork for bringing together these two hardworking Pilot groups.”

The Southwest Airlines Pilots’ Association (SWAPA) and the Air Line Pilots’ Association (ALPA) can now begin the work of integrating seniority lists in accordance with the McCaskill-Bond Act. This new Four-Party Process Agreement also creates a timeline for SWAPA and ALPA to reach an ISL agreement. If an agreement is not reached during this timeframe, the matter will be sent to arbitration and a new implementation process will have to be negotiated.
I don't know. My understanding is if this goes to arbitration, a 3 person panel creates the ISL, no later than 31 DEC 2011. Then the effective date has to be agreed upon by both sides. If both sides can't agree, the 3 person panel will decide the effective date. That date will not be earlier than SOC or both groups being represented by a single bargaining reperesentative; I'm paraphrasing Section V (g). So... to me it sounds like there is a process.
Does anyone have an actual link to the bond-mccaskill amendment- finding the exact language of it has been "hard" to google
- says the man who spent 5 minutes

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