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Strike Vote Called For at NetJets

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h25b said:
Nice going guys .:rolleyes: Noone will give a $h*t and pretty sure ALPA won't recognize this either.

I think the MEC consulted with ALPA before doing this. Since both the Teamsters and ALPA are both AFL-CIO unions, you might want to rethink that stand.
Grizz said:
I think the MEC consulted with ALPA before doing this. Since both the Teamsters and ALPA are both AFL-CIO unions, you might want to rethink that stand.

O.K. ... :rolleyes: I guess nothing from ANY union would suprise me these days ...

Like I said, hope you get a great contract ...
The airline example that I hear used to make the case is the one where America West took their planes to Australia (I believe it is) and flew the px of the striking airline there.

Fozzy, I didn't post it with anything other than a true desire to offer information that is badly needed during this difficult time. One cannot make an informed decision without having the most accurate and up-to-date answers to their questions. When you have your ear close to the ground, it seems only right to warn others if you sense a stampede is on the way. Realize that I am NOT saying that I know a strike is on the way. NONE OF US know what the NMB will decide. Just the fact that it IS a possibility, forces those involved to make decisions as to what their response will be. I firmly believe that a heads up to what the results will be for pilots flying struck work, allows THOSE WHO WANT IT the best opportunity of working out a plan of action. THOSE WHO DON'T CARE can feel free to ignore the advanced notice. In other words, hold your fire. I'm just the messenger!
I hear you. Just giving you a little encouragement for the heat you will still have to take. Though it does make for fun reading while stuck in the hotel.:)

We need for someone (higher up) in the union to post announcements like these, not just the paraphrased message. That way, in matters that concern people other than the pilots, they will get the straight poop. You know what I am saying?!?
h25b said:
O.K. ... :rolleyes: I guess nothing from ANY union would suprise me these days ...

Like I said, hope you get a great contract ...
If you really "hope" we get a great contract, then why would you be so upset at this info? Are most of your trips comprised of NJA sell-offs? If so, you need to be concerned with your future. History can teach you a valuable lesson. Ask any former Swift Aviation pilot what happened when NJA finally took delivery of enough Citation X's to cover all of their trips. What do you think will happen to your little charter operation when NJA doesn't need you anymore? Please spare us your empty threats of never getting a job anywhere else.
Fozzy said:
I hear you. Just giving you a little encouragement for the heat you will still have to take. Though it does make for fun reading while stuck in the hotel.:)

We need for someone (higher up) in the union to post announcements like these, not just the paraphrased message. That way, in matters that concern people other than the pilots, they will get the straight poop. You know what I am saying?!?

Thanks for the encouragement, Fozzy! At least I have that going for me..:) All kidding aside, it means a lot. As to the relief from the hotel boredom--I'm happy to oblige...lol

I understand what you're saying, but don't hold your breath. The unprofessional tone, often "heard" here, makes that a slim chance. I do think that the clarification was pretty timely, though.
I am not looking for someone from the MEC to make an announcement. Just for someone in the know to post the info, no questions asked. I don't feel it is my place to go "cut and paste" that info in the public. That is all I am saying.
Obviously, we're of the same opinion, which is why I didn't cut and paste the info, either. It seems to me that perhaps this issue comes under the SPC heading. Those guys are very busy these days, of course. My husband seemed to feel that our posts are getting the word out, sufficiently. I guess we weren't considering the chance that posts meant to inform those affected would be questioned. I guess it's yet another "wait and see" situation for the NJ folks.

For what it's worth, my husband doesn't think it will happen....sorry. NJW
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Woah. I won't consider any Charter pilot flying a NJ trip a scab. They don't work for us they don't have a dog in this fight. I will not put my friends job at jeopardy period. They don't have the choice to pick and choose trips. If they said no i'm not flying that trip they (charter pilots) could get fired. period.

How's that going to help the charter pilot getting fired. Now if a pilot flys a QS tail number during a strike thats a scab.

It's just my opinion.

Edited: from an email i missed from the union. Thanks fozzy
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