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Strike Vote Called For at NetJets

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FracCapt said:
Then why carry this out in a public forum? If posts by non NJ pilots and their wives are so meaningless....why not take it to the ASAP board?

Because you're trying to rally support for your cause. That's why. Some people, like NJW, are not helping your cause.

Because the short term goals of the NJ pilots are for their pay and QOL. The long term goal is have the whole industry(fractional) to be under a union, preferably their union. This info is coming from the horses mouth. If the pilots win, I agree that this is going to be good for the entire industry, because nothing galvinizes people more then an underdog winning. To say that non-NJ pilots opinions are meaningless, well, thats just stupid.
Naturally, you are entitled to your own opinion, FracCapt. However, looking at my PMs from this and the ASAP board, shows that you are definitely in the minority when it comes to your judgment of me.

There are other NJ Wives out there that are following the labor dispute closely. Some of them even read this board, but do not post here because they don't care to be attacked for their views.
netjetwife said:
However, looking at my PMs from this and the ASAP board, shows that you are definitely in the minority when it comes to your judgment of me.

" I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and doggone it, people like me...." -Stuart Smalley (a.k.a netjetwife)

Stuart Smalley (a.k.a. netjetwife) is a caring nurturer, a member of several twelve-step programs, but NOT a licensed therapist. :D
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How are you guys gonna feel towards the Charter Pilots that are having to fly while y'all are striking. I am not looking forward to the increased work load. Hope you guys get what you ask for.

Please don't "shoot the messenger!"

The timing of your question is good, as far as getting the latest information to come from the leadership of the NJ pilots. Just today, a clarification was made to settle the issue of mixed messages coming from the pilot group. The problem is that the discussion...probably in response to a question like yours....took on momentum before the IBT had given Local 1108 an official policy position. The first posts (from a few weeks ago?) on the subject were the right answer. As hard as it is to hear ( it isn't easy to post, either), if charter pilots fly NJ owners/px in a trip ARRANGED BY NJA then they are considered to be flying struck work, and will be viewed as Scabs. This will apply to ANY pilot flying a NJ transaction during the strike. The ONLY EXCEPTION is for those cases in which the OWNER has made personal/separate arrangements not involving NJA.

I don't know of any NJ pilot that WANTS a strike. Being WILLING, to stand up to the company's intimidation, is another matter. It is seen as a necessary evil in winning fair wages--one that it is widely hoped would be very short IF it were to happen. Duderino, could you explain the difficult situation--"between a rock and a hard place"--that you will be in if your employer chooses to take the extra work? Perhaps discuss it with the Chief Pilot?

There are risks for ALL of the pilots involved. However, the current pay scale for many pilots is so bad/unfair as to make the risk of striking and/or supporting a strike, a calculated risk that is worth taking. Likewise, securing fair wages for 2000+ pilots will surely change the pay environment for pilots across the industry. Doesn't it also follow, that the best way to ensure the strike is short-lived and successful is for it to receive maximum participation? After all, there IS a reason for the expression "safety in numbers".

Recognizing that these are tough times for ALL involved,
I have been wondering how long it would take for that info to make it here. I just did not want to be the one to post it.

And it was just getting quiet.
wife, does this mean the flights flown by UAL, NWA and DAL that EAL booked on other airlines to move customers back in 1989, where flown by scabs?
netjetwife said:
The timing of your question is good, as far as getting the latest information to come from the leadership of the NJ pilots. Just today, a clarification was made to settle the issue of mixed messages coming from the pilot group. The problem is that the discussion...probably in response to a question like yours....took on momentum before the IBT had given Local 1108 an official policy position. The first posts (from a few weeks ago?) on the subject were the right answer. As hard as it is to hear ( it isn't easy to post, either), if charter pilots fly NJ owners/px in a trip ARRANGED BY NJA then they are considered to be flying struck work, and will be viewed as Scabs. This will apply to ANY pilot flying a NJ transaction during the strike. The ONLY EXCEPTION is for those cases in which the OWNER has made personal/separate arrangements not involving NJA.

I don't know of any NJ pilot that WANTS a strike. Being WILLING, to stand up to the company's intimidation, is another matter. It is seen as a necessary evil in winning fair wages--one that it is widely hoped would be very short IF it were to happen. Duderino, could you explain the difficult situation--"between a rock and a hard place"--that you will be in if your employer chooses to take the extra work? Perhaps discuss it with the Chief Pilot?

There are risks for ALL of the pilots involved. However, the current pay scale for many pilots is so bad/unfair as to make the risk of striking and/or supporting a strike, a calculated risk that is worth taking. Likewise, securing fair wages for 2000+ pilots will surely change the pay environment for pilots across the industry. Doesn't it also follow, that the best way to ensure the strike is short-lived and successful is for it to receive maximum participation? After all, there IS a reason for the expression "safety in numbers".

Recognizing that these are tough times for ALL involved,

Nice move... This will go over great ... Perhaps the dumbest decision made by any aviation union to date (which speaks volumes!!!) ... Nice going guys .:rolleyes: Noone will give a $h*t and pretty sure ALPA won't recognize this either. So congrats, you've just alienated yourselves from most every pilot outside NetJets. Hope you get a good contract because if this is for real this cuts both ways and you can forget about working anwhere else.

Grizz said:
I've not seen the "scab-list" threat on here from any credible source. I know most of the NetJets pilots screen names on here. I know ALL screen names of the leadership that gets on here. Not one of them has ever mentioned anything about putting 135 guys on any list. I'm on the weekly leadership calls with the union. It's never been brought up there either. Some nameless, faceless rant on this board doesn't count. You getting your panties in a wad over it was exactly what that poster wanted to happen. Ever think it might have been a company stooge trying to make us look bad? Get over it - it isn't an issue. We don't have any plans to go after 135 guys doing their jobs.

Now what do have to say Grizz???
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pilotyip said:
wife, does this mean the flights flown by UAL, NWA and DAL that EAL booked on other airlines to move customers back in 1989, where flown by scabs?

Lay off the messenger, pilotyip and h25b. Netjetswife didn't decide the policy, she simply posted it here because so many people were discussing this topic. If you are upset by this decision made by the union, take it up with them. Netjetswife did NOT make the decision on what is scabbing or "struck work", she simply posted it here so there wouldn't be any debate over what may or may not be scabbing should the NetJets situation culminate in a strike.

Let's hope it doesn't come to that because there will be a lot of damage both internal and external to NetJets and its pilot workforce.
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I would not speak for ALPA. We are not to far off for them. And that came from a buddy that had quesitons and called the DALALPA MEC today. So don't speak about things you have no idea about.

I think everyone should get a beer and sit back and let things play out a bit. No need to go off the deep end. But I can not see that happening.

Guess it is time for CatPuke and NJAdispatch to join powers and bore us will all their bull$hit.

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