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Sorry...I've had it!

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Moderator Input

Gang, one word of caution. Please don't post this pilot's name or employee number, or any other identifying information other than what's already been posted on this thread.

Action is good. Identification on a public forum is bad.

Be patient, IB...I know you are upset at these senseless denials. Taking shots at NWA commuters is not the way to fix the problem, however.

So you were denied the jumpseat on the last flight out. Big deal. So what. It is the captains jumpseat and if he doesn't want you there, he doesn't have to let you ride no matter what your circumstance is. He doesn't have to give an explanation as to why he is being a jerk. I have been denied, and I have denied. Let it go. In other words, who cares?
jetflier said:
I totally agree,

NWA has its share of weenies to use the jumpseat to take out their frustrations, and probebly don't commute.

I will always welcome a JB jumpseater, as well as probebly 99% of NWA pilots.


You're absolutely right. Here at AWA the guys who deny the XYZ jumpsteaters are the ones who live in PHX and don't rely on other airlines for commuting.
Blue guys/gals...I am another who has been denied the JS out of MSP. I do not commute from there anymore for many reasons but when I was there it happened 3 times in 4 months. I feel your pain as we are just pilots trying to get to work. I went out of my way to jumpseat on Sun Country or Mesaba/Pinnacle. Sun Country has the nicest crews I have ever delt with. They do not have a lot of pilots so after a few months you get to know the guys on a first name basis and they will go above and beyond to help. Pinnacle and Mesaba are the same. (ex pinnacle so I know 90% of the guys)
Lucky Strike said:
I work for NWA...post the time, place, flight number, etc. and I'll look up the Captain's name and post it here. I find it very hard to believe that this is taking place...but there's always the exception.

NWA's policy is, if a jumpseat is denied, paperwork must be filled out, and other actions are taken. I'm not advocating taking the J/S approval away from the Captain...he just better have a good reason for denying it.

Again, give me the info, and I'll have his name posted here within 5 minutes.
The ball's in your court...provide info or drop the issue.

PLEASE, as an almost life-long commuter, I more than understand and applaud your efforts. But please do not post individual's names on the forum. Instead, PM the information back and forth and do everybody the favor and personally contact them. You'll get better results that way, peer-to-peer.

Should have asked him why Northwest in the past never matched other airline ticket price increase. Thus resulting in the other airlines to bring their ticket price back down to match NW.

with all this technology...and B6 pilots with laptops...phones that can store.(movies!) why can't we develop a database of all these offending CA's...airline non-specific...just names of denying CA's. Put them in a database and do a quick search if one of these dorks tries to get on your jumpseat! Therefore, commuters will not be impacted ONLY offending dorks! They may not commute...but one day they will have to buy a ticket to get home from somewhere! That will hurt the crusty #$%^&'s
i also think it's inappropriate to post the CA's name. obviously the guy is less than cordial to jumpseaters. why aggravate the situation and have him deny all jumpseats to all airlines?

as stated before...you were denied the jumpseat. chew and stew on it. stick it in your pocket and write it off as an experience.

btw did you specifically ask the reason for denial or assume it was because you are JetBlue? that person in the cockpit could've been check airman or FAA and he might have already had the cabin jumpseats allocated to the max allowed.

as a commuter myself, i know it sucks. it wasn't Xmas so i think you could've had a worse situation.
Chuck Yogourt said:
So you were denied the jumpseat on the last flight out. Big deal. So what. It is the captains jumpseat and if he doesn't want you there, he doesn't have to let you ride no matter what your circumstance is. He doesn't have to give an explanation as to why he is being a jerk. I have been denied, and I have denied. Let it go. In other words, who cares?

Duuude, parts a me is goin to be agreein wit da Yogourt. Sometimes like da jumpseat dude is like lookin like a slob, wearin ole flip-flops and smellin like he had too many brewskis, or aint showin da proper creds, so dude ain't going. But even if dude is a little bit of a putzknocker, I still gonna let him on, if he can jus get it under control. But no way I be usin jumpseat as a tool to be like doin udder peeps day way. Chuckie, you always gots a ride on da Tranny, just make sure you take your meds, duude.

Jet Blue dude sounds like ha aint dat type, he wuz just tryin to get to his crib, and like NWA Captain dude wuz like gonna punish him just cause the dude worked for da Blue.

See, like here's da deal. If I be like wantin to Jumpseat, I'll like show da guy all da stuff (license, med, passapuerto, etc), den like just be like really nice and like professional.

Naw Bro, I don't be sayin "Hey, dude, here I be to like be jumpseatin on your airship to get to my peeps and my brewskis, now gimmie dat good seat up in da front!"

You cant's be rude, and you gots to axs da Capt's permission and just be smart.

Jet Blue dude got whacked, and duuuude, dat suuuuuucks, but DON'T BE HATIN, and don't take it out on some udder NWA pilot, cause dude mo debinitly don't deserve it.

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