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SkyWest IAH Base, What If ?

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BRAVO!...You pick a fight with my fellow Skywest pilots over something they don't control, then you have picked a fight with me....


And here I thought I should be fearing Jeff Sismek and his army of corporate lawyers. I don't know Joe we might just lose this thing on some bizarre legal interpretation which defies logic so at that point you will have your cake at long last. But the bigger question I have for you after the above post is how many swirlies did you get in high school?
The IAH base will be too small in Jan. to be flown only by pilots whom have bid for the IAH base. It will be covered by SkyWest pilots from other bases for about the first 6 months of 2011. I am senior enough to bid away from this flying, but junior pilots will have a choice between flying or firing. It is the junior pilots that seem to support the CAL pilots most in their scope fight. Too bad these rogue CAL pilots will be hurting the ones who want to back them up.

It's too bad Skywest pilots turned down unionization on three separate occasions to help with that dilema.
It's too bad Skywest pilots turned down unionization on three separate occasions to help with that dilema.

That has NOTHING to do with this. I'm sick of you union chest beaters throwing it around like it does. BTW, I'm pro-union here at SKW. Always have been.
An honest questions Nevets... what would a union do to avoid this?

A point was made that pilots who didnt bid IAH may get stuck flying these trips so therefore they have the option of flying the trip or getting fired. At XJT, all those pilots can call in sick and bring a doctor's note and not fear getting fired.

That has NOTHING to do with this. I'm sick of you union chest beaters throwing it around like it does. BTW, I'm pro-union here at SKW. Always have been.

I've asked on many occasions and still havent received any response. But if this has nothing to do with Skywest voting down unionization on three separate occasions (not my words but words from a CAL MEC rep on their newsletter) then why isn't their any upheaval with the shuttle America pilots flying their 170s in EWR?

If their is another reason for the disparity then great, let us all know why.
A point was made that pilots who didnt bid IAH may get stuck flying these trips so therefore they have the option of flying the trip or getting fired. At XJT, all those pilots can call in sick and bring a doctor's note and not fear getting fired.

There are plenty of union companies that don't have such a liberal sick policy. How would those companies get around this? I understand that RSVs may be doing lots of this flying at first via TDYs. So it is likely that a RSV pilot may get TDYd back to back to back. That's lot of sick time and I think MOST companies would have a problem with that...maybe not XJT.
A point was made that pilots who didnt bid IAH may get stuck flying these trips so therefore they have the option of flying the trip or getting fired. At XJT, all those pilots can call in sick and bring a doctor's note and not fear getting fired.

I've asked on many occasions and still havent received any response. But if this has nothing to do with Skywest voting down unionization on three separate occasions (not my words but words from a CAL MEC rep on their newsletter) then why isn't their any upheaval with the shuttle America pilots flying their 170s in EWR?

If their is another reason for the disparity then great, let us all know why.

So by this logic (not yours but a CAL MEC rep), it is ok for a UNION carrier (Shuttle) to violate CAL's scope, but when a NON-UNION carrier does it, it isn't ok?

That is ALMOST like saying that it is okay to scab if you are a union member. (I say almost, because this situation does not involve scabbing by any interpretation of the definition). Am I the only one that sees a problem here?
There are plenty of union companies that don't have such a liberal sick policy. How would those companies get around this? I understand that RSVs may be doing lots of this flying at first via TDYs. So it is likely that a RSV pilot may get TDYd back to back to back. That's lot of sick time and I think MOST companies would have a problem with that...maybe not XJT.

Well, what is Skywest sick call policy? My understanding is that out of the three Inc companies, Skywest airlines has the most liberal sick call policy. Whatever it is, you can safely assume it wouldn't be worse in a union contract. And if they were still negotiating one, it would be status quo. The point being that once you are part of an NMB recognized union, you are no longer an at-will employee. By the way, at XJT one sick call can be extended up to 14 days regardless of how many trips or reserve days fall within those days regardless of how much time you have in your sick bank.

So by this logic (not yours but a CAL MEC rep), it is ok for a UNION carrier (Shuttle) to violate CAL's scope, but when a NON-UNION carrier does it, it isn't ok?

That is ALMOST like saying that it is okay to scab if you are a union member. (I say almost, because this situation does not involve scabbing by any interpretation of the definition). Am I the only one that sees a problem here?

Like I said, no one has explained to me why the difference between shuttle America and Skywest. The only difference I see is that Skywest has turned down unionization on three separate occasions. Maybe the CAL MEC are in communication with the duly certified agent of the shuttle America pilots and have come to some sort of behind the doors gentleman agreement? I dont know, just guessing.
Am I the only one that sees a problem here?

No, but you're still waiting for an answer along with all the others who have pointed out the disparity in treatment, threats, intimidation, etc., directed at Skywest pilots when compared to Republic pilots. Is there a double standard out there? Why?

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