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SkyWest IAH Base, What If ?

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Sad excuse. So that started your spiral of feeling inadequate?

I'm not making excuses...Just curious, would it have been better if I was at Skywest now? I mean they didn't have PFT after all. I guess everyone should have waited for Mesaba to call back then...after all, apparantly it was the ONLY regional that was acceptable to work for....
Nope, I realized that working for a regional I would always be working for someone else's scraps (scope). It was a realization that I was working for a airline (contract feeder) that didn't control it's own destiny. I could have stayed and been number one. I'm glad I moved on.
Doesn't alter the fact that you flew a 69 seat 4 engine jet that replaced some mainline DC9 flying and now you are attacking Skywest pilots who are flying 70 seat UNITED EXPRESS flying that is allowed by United scope language....You are a hypocrite.

By the way, how many Mesaba pilots have ever flowed up to NWA/Delta? How is that CAL flow working now? Flowthroughs don't work...never have....

The CAL flowthrough was an incredible deal for XJT. Many more pilots from Express flowed UP than ever flowed back. Any other inaccuracies of yours that you need pointed out? I'll save you some time, most of the drivel you type is half truths and lies.

Go ahead and deny a United or CAL pilot a jumpseat and see how far that gets you. We will sit back and smile as your own pilots you were "protecting" crucify you for your endless idiocy.
Pretty sure mainline UAL and CAL pilots need SKW jumpseats just as bad as SKW pilots need UAL and CAL jumpseats...if not more...just saying.
Pretty sure mainline UAL and CAL pilots need SKW jumpseats just as bad as SKW pilots need UAL and CAL jumpseats...if not more...just saying.

After 10 years, CAL pilots Nonrev for free. No need to list for the Jumpseat. Anyways, according to the CAL JS committee says data shows express pilots Jumpseat more on mainline than the other way around. Which is part of the reason they changed their priority by the way.
Pretty sure mainline UAL and CAL pilots need SKW jumpseats just as bad as SKW pilots need UAL and CAL jumpseats...if not more...just saying.

Very true. Why is it that UAL and CAL pilots need the jumpseats as much if not more...? Perhaps it's because so much domestic flying has been outsourced. Well, that is changing. The UAL and CAL groups are prepared for the retaliation from Skywest pilots for trying to make this a career again for all pilots. Just remember the backlash against the Comair pilots when Delta was hiring.

This is about creating more jobs at mainline. The majority of regional guys do not want to make a career of the regionals. The few of you on here who are against insourcing are in the minority and will have to deal with the situation forced onto you. You don't have a say in the matter.
I believe very few CAL captains will deny the jumpseat. I have yet to fly with any that would do that. Now if the arbitration ruling goes against us? Well, who knows if that would change.

I remember a couple of years ago, a buddy of mine was denied the jumpseat at SWA. The reason for the denial, was our green computer screens. These screens could not clear a pilot in the actual jumpseat. The funny thing is several of my friends, SWA pilots, had just jumpseated on us days prior from Cost Rica. But this captain believed a new hire line pilot at CAL could change everything. Well just like my CAL buddy couldn't change our green screens, a line pilot at SkyWest can't stop the Houston flying. Our focus should be with management and not
some line pilot.

this was posted by our MEC, jumpseat section :


The Jumpseat Committee would like to remind you that denying use of the jumpseat for political or personal reasons is not appropriate. If you have reasons for a denial, FAR Part 121.547 states that the pilot in command has final authority on who cannot ride on his or her aircraft, but the only specified ground to exclude an otherwise authorized individual is on the basis of safety. Your Union will always respect and protect your right to do so.

Jumpseat Denials
If you’re ever been denied a jumpseat, please contact the CAL MEC Jumpseat Committee at [email protected] with your complaint and as many details as possible. Please do not contact management as this is not the proper venue to handle such complaints. Professionally excuse yourself from the situation and allow the Jumpseat Committee to handle the complaint.

You might want to read the CAL scope section again! Especially the limitations of a complimentary carrier vs express carrier. Feel free to comment once you have the knowledge!


You might want to read the CAL scope section again! Especially the limitations of a complimentary carrier vs express carrier. Feel free to comment once you have the knowledge!



You do realize that CAL has been placing it's code on 70 and 90 seat RJs for over a year now don't you? They have put the CAL code on Skywest RJs and USAirways Express RJs for a while now....This is nothing new...

I went back and read it again. This flying doesn't fall under the "Express Flying" section as that flying can only be done in 50 seat jets and turboprops. This flying clearly falls under the "Complimentary" flying just like the United flying...Better go back and read it again....

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