Ale User
- Joined
- Jan 22, 2002
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I used to be a republican and anti-union. I blame Bush/Cheney for turning me into a Democrat and SAPA for turning me pro-union.
As part of the vast right wing conspiracy, one of the major attractions of SkyWest was the fact that they were non-union. After almost three years here and seeing for myself that this is no longer the "mom and pop that takes care of their people" airline I had researched and heard about, I've also come to see the light. I've talked with guys that have put in their twenty years, ten years, and five years. Most of them will tell you that they don't feel the same for SkyWest as they had in the past and the way the company has slowly turned on the quality of life and benefits in slow motion. I also don't feel as I did when I first came to work here. I've seen enough of the open interpretations and changes to the CPM, lack of SAPA's ability to counter the slow slide downhill, and have even experienced getting to talk with managment over an issue that is not addressed in any of the company policys and taking an ass chewing. I won't go into detail so don't ask but the crap they pulled would make you think someone upstairs doesn't know basic US law, common sense or basic courtesy. We'll see where this issue goes in a future post I've got another right wing buddy who told me years ago that a union was a necessity when your an airline pilot. I laughed at him. Now I feel I owe him an apology!
I won't put an ALPA bumpersticker on my car but I'm sure as hell going to put one of their cards in my wallet given the chance. ALPA is not going to be a magic pill that's going to make everything better but here's a chance for us to actually have someone besides SAPA represent our interest and careers that has some experience, knowledge, and resources to do the job a hell of a lot better than we have had in the past. Tell me how that's a bad thing...
BTW- I'll never vote for Hillary!