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SIOUX (anti-GJ rally)

  • Thread starter mnalpha
  • Start date
  • Watchers 28

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UEJ500 said:
Is this why the COMPANY was sweating to get A UNION on the property?

no, they wanted a real union on the property. who the hell would want ALPA as there union now??? look at Mesaba right now. those guys are getting screwed and ALPA hasn't done crap to protect them yet. But im sure you "know it all" people are going to blame the GJ guys for the mess that Mesabe is in now. right???
Turbosnake03 said:
no, they wanted a real union on the property. who the hell would want ALPA as there union now??? look at Mesaba right now. those guys are getting screwed and ALPA hasn't done crap to protect them yet. But im sure you "know it all" people are going to blame the GJ guys for the mess that Mesabe is in now. right???

More g0jet insanity...The company wanted a "real union on the property"???

We only blame g0jet for what g0jet is. A whipsaw alter ego airline that is a pariah in the industry. Its funny how the weapon used against alpa (GJ) blames alpa for the harm it (GJ) causes.

how many people got laid off because of GJ? none!!!

bottom line if you don't like GJ then don't go work for them...otherwise just leave it alone. What good do you think you are doing by bashing them on the internet? do you feel better about yourself at night??? Trust me no matter what you or anyone else on this website say or do GJ is not going anywhere.
redbook said:
Interesting that you loved the live and let live statement from the previous g0jet supporter. The desperation in your posts is palpable. You wish you could "move on" and "forget about it".
Sorry buddy, you are labeled permanently. We will never, ever forget. Once that g0jet label is attached to you, it sticks. For life. Maybe 100% of the pilots in the industry won't know about it, but you will always be wondering who does.

Well, OK, you believe in the Unions and anything non-union, or an outfit like ************************* is something you're quite against...right...so, tell me this...all this time you've been flying and taking instructions/directions/orders from ATC, have you ever asked Tower/Approach/Departrure/Center, etc. if the person talking to you is one of the replacements for the mass 1981 firing?

You most likely have no clue, Sir, how many of today's Controllers are replacements for those who lost their jobs due to their so-called 'values'. So-called for me and many millions of others, but of course not for you...as you, Sir, portray yourself as a righteous, stand-up, principled, honorable, etc. human being who wouldn’t budge when it comes to bending the principle. Why do pilots like YOU think that your principles are only valid when it comes to regional airlines? Or any airline like *************************, Freedom?
"My integrity, principles, honor, and values are only based on case-to-case basis." This sentence, Sir, defines you and many thousands of your fellow ‘principled’ pilots.

Would you decline an ATC instruction if you find out that the controller is the ‘replacement’ controller for the ones fired in 1981. I didn’t think so. On the other hand, I’m sure many of you would happily ‘and politely’ request to jump seat on *************************s and Freedoms if that would be the last flight taking you home.

This one word should be sufficient to all the airlines that we DO NOT need unions. I rest my case.

Union or no union, in the end you would HAVE to do what the management would WANT you to do.

Live and let live!
Fly safe!
Turbosnake03 said:

how many people got laid off because of GJ? none!!!

bottom line if you don't like GJ then don't go work for them...otherwise just leave it alone. What good do you think you are doing by bashing them on the internet? do you feel better about yourself at night??? Trust me no matter what you or anyone else on this website say or do GJ is not going anywhere.

I think you should answer your own question about sleeping better at night.

Sorry, I will never leave it alone. GJ may or may not be around, but the trans states pilots and many others throughout the industry will have a long memory.

You and the other gj pilots have been used as pawns to whipsaw the tsa pilots and as such have caused irreprable damages to our careers and families. You will not be forgiven.
FlyBunny said:
Well, OK, you believe in the Unions and anything non-union, or an outfit like ************************* is something you're quite against...right...so, tell me this...all this time you've been flying and taking instructions/directions/orders from ATC, have you ever asked Tower/Approach/Departrure/Center, etc. if the person talking to you is one of the replacements for the mass 1981 firing?

You most likely have no clue, Sir, how many of today's Controllers are replacements for those who lost their jobs due to their so-called 'values'. So-called for me and many millions of others, but of course not for you...as you, Sir, portray yourself as a righteous, stand-up, principled, honorable, etc. human being who wouldn’t budge when it comes to bending the principle. Why do pilots like YOU think that your principles are only valid when it comes to regional airlines? Or any airline like *************************, Freedom?
"My integrity, principles, honor, and values are only based on case-to-case basis." This sentence, Sir, defines you and many thousands of your fellow ‘principled’ pilots.

Would you decline an ATC instruction if you find out that the controller is the ‘replacement’ controller for the ones fired in 1981. I didn’t think so. On the other hand, I’m sure many of you would happily ‘and politely’ request to jump seat on *************************s and Freedoms if that would be the last flight taking you home.

This one word should be sufficient to all the airlines that we DO NOT need unions. I rest my case.

Union or no union, in the end you would HAVE to do what the management would WANT you to do.

Live and let live!
Fly safe!

Fly safe to you as well. But, sorry can't comply with live and let live. These posts are about airline pilots. Other issues, however interesting, are not relevant, to a very simple situation.

An alter ego whipsaw carrier, g0jet airlines, created to drive down the wages and career potential of the tsa pilots.

Feel free to discuss world peace, hunger, religion etc...I will stick to the point.
redbook said:
I think you should answer your own question about sleeping better at night.

Sorry, I will never leave it alone. GJ may or may not be around, but the trans states pilots and many others throughout the industry will have a long memory.

You and the other gj pilots have been used as pawns to whipsaw the tsa pilots and as such have caused irreprable damages to our careers and families. You will not be forgiven.

what damage did GJ cause you and your family??? you still have a job and get a paycheck right??? so what damage was done???
Turbosnake03 said:
what damage did GJ cause you and your family??? you still have a job and get a paycheck right??? so what damage was done???

stop by the crew room, and any tsa pilot will be happy to explain.

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