Most of their marquee acts were herded and captured and in no risk of dying. A rescued pelican is not driving SeaWorld profits.
I think you may be missing Dan's point-- Seaworld's "marquee" acts, of which Shamu is just one, allows them the funds to do their other, more altruistic acts that people don't have any interest in watching, let alone paying to watch. Like rescuing and protecting sea animals, and raising awareness and promoting protection and stewardship of the sea itself.
In a larger sense, I think you (and some of the more left on the board) are also missing one of the points of capitalism itself-- if you legislate away (or "politically-corect" to death) Seaworld's "marquee" acts, then the company doesn't survive. And then what? All their actual important work involving sea life doesn't get done. Either that, or now the government will have to take care of it. You know, because the government has so much spare money lying around and all.